Recommended Executioner and Preconditioning Settings

This page provides recommended Executioner and Preconditioning settings for new Moltres users who already have basic proficiency with MOOSE. The following sections provide recommendations on the solve type, automatic scaling, time integration scheme, and preconditioning settings.

Moltres, like all MOOSE-based apps, rely on PETSc for preconditioning. Refer to MOOSE's documentation here for basic information on preconditioning in MOOSE. You may also refer to the example input file here for an introduction to the Moltres input file format.

Solve Type

Previous experiences have shown that Moltres simulations usually require the NEWTON solve type with all off-diagonal Jacobian entries enabled because reactor neutronics problems are very non-linear from the strong coupling between the neutron group flux and delayed neutron precursor concentration variables. Users may use these settings by setting solve_type = NEWTON and full = true in the Executioner and Preconditioning blocks, respectively, in the input file.

Automatic Scaling

Relevant variables in a Moltres simulation include neutron group fluxes, delayed neutron precursor concentrations, temperature, and velocity components. These variables differ significantly in magnitude, especially between the neutronics and thermal-hydraulics variables. We recommend applying scaling factors to the variables so that: 1) final residual norm values are on similar orders of magnitudes to ensure that every variable is converged at the end of each step, and 2) the Jacobian is well-conditioned.

Users may manually set the scaling factor for each variable using the scaling parameter when defining the variable. Alternatively, we recommend using the automatic_scaling feature from MOOSE. This feature automatically calculates the appropriate scaling factor for each variable.

We recommend using the following parameters to set automatic scaling in the Executioner block.

automatic_scaling = true
resid_vs_jac_scaling_param = 0.2
scaling_group_variables = 'group1 group2; pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6 pre7 pre8; temp'
compute_scaling_once = false
off_diagonals_in_auto_scaling = true
  • automatic_scaling: Turns on automatic scaling.

  • resid_vs_jac_scaling_param: Determines whether the scaling factor is based on the residual or Jacobian entries; 0 corresponds to pure Jacobian scaling and 1 corresponds to pure residual scaling while all values in between correspond to hybrid scaling. The ideal value for this parameter depends heavily on the type of simulation. Most Moltres simulations run faster with this parameter at 0.1~0.3.

  • scaling_group_variables: Groups variables which share the same scaling factor. The MOOSE team recommends grouping variables derived from the same physics for stability.

  • compute_scaling_once: Whether Moltres calculates the scaling factors once at the beginning of the simulation (true) or at the beginning of every timestep (false).

  • off_diagonals_in_auto_scaling: Whether to consider off-diagonals when determining automatic scaling factors.

Time Integration Scheme

We recommend using either ImplicitEuler or BDF2 based on the first and second order backward differentiation formula time integration schemes. The BDF2 scheme is more accurate (higher-order) and has a superior convergence rate.

All multi-stage time integration schemes from MOOSE are incompatible with Moltres simulations.

To set the time integration scheme, include the following line in the Executioner block.

scheme = bdf2    # or implicit-euler for ImplicitEuler


Our discussions on preconditioning here relate to the NEWTON solve type which relies on PETSc routines to solve the system of linear equations in each Newton iteration.

Users can pick their preferred linear system solver and the associated settings in PETSc for their problem through the petsc_options_iname and petsc_options_value parameters in the Executioner block.


The most reliable "preconditioner" type for Moltres simulations is lu. lu is actually a direct solver based on LU factorization. As a direct solver, it is very accurate as long as the user provides the correct Jacobian formulations in their kernels. PETSc's default lu implementation is serial and thus, it does not scale over multiple processors. lu requires the superlu_dist parallel library to be effective over multiple processors. However, superlu_dist does not scale as well as the asm option in the next section. As such, we recommend only using superlu_dist for smaller problems (<100k DOFs).

lu on a single process:

petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu       NONZERO'

lu with superlu_dist on multiple MPI processes:

petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_mat_solver_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu       NONZERO               superlu_dist'


Direct solvers like lu do not scale well with problem size. Iterative methods are recommended for large problems. The best performing preconditioner type for large problems in Moltres is asm. asm is based on the Additive Schwarz Method (ASM) for generating preconditioners for the GMRES iterative method. Moltres simulations also require a strong subsolver like lu for solving each subdomain.

asm on multiple MPI processes:

petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -sub_pc_factor_shift_type -pc_asm_overlap -ksp_gmres_restart'
petsc_options_value = 'asm      lu           NONZERO                   1               200'

Preconditioner Recommendations

Here are the recommended preconditioner settings for the following problem sizes:

Small problems (<10k DOFs)

  • Number of MPI processes: 1-4

  • Preconditioner options: - lu on 1 process - lu with superlu_dist on multiple processes - asm on multiple processes

Medium problems (<100k DOFs)

  • Number of MPI processes: 4-16

  • Preconditioner options: - lu with superlu_dist on multiple processes - asm on multiple processes

Large problems (>100k DOFs)

  • Number of MPI processes: Up to 1 MPI process per 10k DOFs

  • Preconditioner options: - asm on multiple processes

General tips

  • lu is faster than asm for small problems.

  • l_tol = 1e-5 is the default linear tolerance value. l_tol can be raised to 1e-4 or 1e-3 for large problems without much impact on performance if the problem requires too many linear iterations (>400) on every nonlinear iteration.

  • Automatic scaling may not scale correctly on the first timestep when restarting a Moltres simulation using MOOSE's Restart functionality. Thus, the simulation may fail to converge on the first timestep.

  • When using asm, the number of linear iterations required per nonlinear iteration scales linearly with the number of subdomains (i.e. number of MPI processes). As such, increasing the number of processors beyond a certain threshold increases the solve time.