- boundaryThe list of boundary IDs from the mesh where this object applies
C++ Type:std::vector<BoundaryName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The list of boundary IDs from the mesh where this object applies
- variableThe name of the variable that this residual object operates on
C++ Type:NonlinearVariableName
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The name of the variable that this residual object operates on
This object adds the vacuum boundary condition of the multigroup neutron diffusion equations. The weak form after applying integration by parts to the neutron diffusion term (GroupDiffusion) is:
The value of varies depending on the BC type selected using the vacuum_bc_type
parameter. The available options are:
The Marshak and Mark BCs are derived from vacuum boundary condition approximations using and transport methods, respectively. The Milne BC is derived from the exact analytical solution of the Milne problem (Placzek and Seidel, 1947) and has been proven to be accurate for a wide range of diffusive problems (Rulko et al., 1995).
Example Input File Syntax
Input Parameters
- displacementsThe displacements
C++ Type:std::vector<VariableName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The displacements
- prop_getter_suffixAn optional suffix parameter that can be appended to any attempt to retrieve/get material properties. The suffix will be prepended with a '_' character.
C++ Type:MaterialPropertyName
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:An optional suffix parameter that can be appended to any attempt to retrieve/get material properties. The suffix will be prepended with a '_' character.
- use_exp_formFalseWhether concentrations should be in an expotential/logarithmic format.
C++ Type:bool
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Whether concentrations should be in an expotential/logarithmic format.
- use_interpolated_stateFalseFor the old and older state use projected material properties interpolated at the quadrature points. To set up projection use the ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
C++ Type:bool
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:For the old and older state use projected material properties interpolated at the quadrature points. To set up projection use the ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
- vacuum_bc_typemarshakWhether to apply Marshak, Mark, or Milne vacuum boundary conditions. Defaults to Marshak.
C++ Type:MooseEnum
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Options:marshak, mark, milne
Description:Whether to apply Marshak, Mark, or Milne vacuum boundary conditions. Defaults to Marshak.
Optional Parameters
- absolute_value_vector_tagsThe tags for the vectors this residual object should fill with the absolute value of the residual contribution
C++ Type:std::vector<TagName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The tags for the vectors this residual object should fill with the absolute value of the residual contribution
- extra_matrix_tagsThe extra tags for the matrices this Kernel should fill
C++ Type:std::vector<TagName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The extra tags for the matrices this Kernel should fill
- extra_vector_tagsThe extra tags for the vectors this Kernel should fill
C++ Type:std::vector<TagName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The extra tags for the vectors this Kernel should fill
- matrix_tagssystemThe tag for the matrices this Kernel should fill
C++ Type:MultiMooseEnum
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Options:nontime, system
Description:The tag for the matrices this Kernel should fill
- vector_tagsnontimeThe tag for the vectors this Kernel should fill
C++ Type:MultiMooseEnum
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Options:nontime, time
Description:The tag for the vectors this Kernel should fill
Tagging Parameters
- control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.
C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.
- diag_save_inThe name of auxiliary variables to save this BC's diagonal jacobian contributions to. Everything about that variable must match everything about this variable (the type, what blocks it's on, etc.)
C++ Type:std::vector<AuxVariableName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The name of auxiliary variables to save this BC's diagonal jacobian contributions to. Everything about that variable must match everything about this variable (the type, what blocks it's on, etc.)
- enableTrueSet the enabled status of the MooseObject.
C++ Type:bool
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Set the enabled status of the MooseObject.
- implicitTrueDetermines whether this object is calculated using an implicit or explicit form
C++ Type:bool
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Determines whether this object is calculated using an implicit or explicit form
- save_inThe name of auxiliary variables to save this BC's residual contributions to. Everything about that variable must match everything about this variable (the type, what blocks it's on, etc.)
C++ Type:std::vector<AuxVariableName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The name of auxiliary variables to save this BC's residual contributions to. Everything about that variable must match everything about this variable (the type, what blocks it's on, etc.)
- seed0The seed for the master random number generator
C++ Type:unsigned int
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The seed for the master random number generator
- use_displaced_meshFalseWhether or not this object should use the displaced mesh for computation. Note that in the case this is true but no displacements are provided in the Mesh block the undisplaced mesh will still be used.
C++ Type:bool
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Whether or not this object should use the displaced mesh for computation. Note that in the case this is true but no displacements are provided in the Mesh block the undisplaced mesh will still be used.
Advanced Parameters
Input Files
- (problems/033117_nts_temp_pre_parsed_mat/2d_axi_function_cross_sections.i)
- (problems/022317_test_critical_neutronics_only_reactor/k-eig-922.i)
- (tests/bcs/vacuum_bc.i)
- (problems/033117_nts_temp_pre_parsed_mat/3d_eigen_function_materials.i)
- (problems/033117_nts_temp_pre_parsed_mat/auto_diff_rho_control.i)
- (problems/picard/auto_diff_rho.i)
- (problems/033117_nts_temp_pre_parsed_mat/auto_diff_rho.i)
- (problems/033117_nts_temp_pre_parsed_mat/3d_single_pin_velocity_function_moderator_heating.i)
- (problems/single_msre_channel_velocity_heat_nts/unit-cell-nts-eigenvalue.i)
- (problems/033117_nts_temp_pre_parsed_mat/2d_axi_function_cross_sections_eigen.i)
- (tutorial/eigenvalue/nts.i)
- (problems/publication_level_cases/dilute_absorber_controlled_by_peak_power_density/in.i)
- (problems/022317_test_critical_neutronics_only_reactor/k-eigen-gen-mesh-should-be-crit-one-group.i)
- (problems/publication_level_cases/transient_single_channel_blockage/3d_auto_diff_rho.i)
- (problems/publication_level_cases/LOSCA/auto_diff_rho.i)
- (problems/021417_MSRE_materials/transient-nts-cg-temp-one-channel-two-mat-scale-PJFNK.i)
- (problems/LOFA/steady/auto_diff_rho.i)
- (problems/picard/nts.i)
- (problems/022317_test_critical_neutronics_only_reactor/k-eig-one-channel-two-grp-two-mat-scale.i)
- (problems/033117_nts_temp_pre_parsed_mat/3d_single_pin_velocity_function.i)
- (problems/publication_level_cases/3d_steady_state/3d_auto_diff_rho.i)
- (tutorial/transient/transient.i)
- (problems/publication_level_cases/gamma_heating_3d_ss/3d_auto_diff_rho.i)
- (problems/022317_test_critical_neutronics_only_reactor/k-eig-gen-msh-inf-one-grp.i)
- (problems/constant_inlet_outlet_temp_no_heat_flux_at_walls/auto_diff_rho.i)
- (problems/022317_test_critical_neutronics_only_reactor/k-eigen-gen-mesh-rad-57-mc-gcs.i)
- (problems/022317_test_critical_neutronics_only_reactor/k-eig-msre-file-mesh-two-grp.i)
- (problems/publication_level_cases/transient_single_channel_blockage/3d_ss.i)
- (problems/033117_nts_temp_pre_parsed_mat/meigen.i)
- (problems/033117_nts_temp_pre_parsed_mat/auto_diff_rho_monotone_interp.i)
- (problems/060717_dimension_testing/test_case.i)
- (problems/single_msre_channel_velocity_heat_nts/nts-eigenvalue-msre-channel-dimensions.i)
- (problems/022317_test_critical_neutronics_only_reactor/k-eigen-gen-mesh-rad-73-mc-gcs.i)
- (problems/LOFA/auto_diff_rho.i)
- (problems/033117_nts_temp_pre_parsed_mat/3d_nts_only.i)
- (tests/coupled/auto_diff_rho_serpent.i)
- (problems/picard/tmp_nts.i)
- (problems/033117_nts_temp_pre_parsed_mat/3d_auto_diff_single_pin.i)
- (problems/060717_dimension_testing/one_group_nts_only.i)
- (problems/033117_nts_temp_pre_parsed_mat/3d_auto_diff_rho_restart.i)
- (tests/nts/nts_no_action.i)
- (problems/033117_nts_temp_pre_parsed_mat/3d_auto_diff_rho.i)
- (problems/022317_test_critical_neutronics_only_reactor/k-eigen-gen-mesh.i)
- (tests/coupled/auto_diff_rho.i)
- (problems/060717_dimension_testing/one_group.i)
- (problems/022317_test_critical_neutronics_only_reactor/k-eig-msre-file-mesh-two-grp-two-mat.i)
- (problems/single_msre_channel_velocity_heat_nts/unit-cell-heat-and-nts.i)
- (problems/022317_test_critical_neutronics_only_reactor/k-eig-inverted-file-mesh-two-grp-two-mat.i)
- (problems/070517_4group/eigen/eigen.i)
- (problems/022317_test_critical_neutronics_only_reactor/k-eig-1022.i)
- (problems/033117_nts_temp_pre_parsed_mat/3d_auto_diff_single_pin_adaptive.i)
- (problems/033117_nts_temp_pre_parsed_mat/3d_auto_diff_rho_direct.i)
- (problems/LOSCA/HXFailure/auto_diff_rho.i)
- (problems/021417_MSRE_materials/transient-nts-cg-temp-two-grp-scale-two-mat-inverted-file-msh.i)
- (problems/single_msre_channel_velocity_heat_nts/heat-nts-single-unit-cell.i)
- (problems/022317_test_critical_neutronics_only_reactor/k-eigen-problem.i)
- (problems/LOSCA/auto_diff_rho.i)
- (problems/033117_nts_temp_pre_parsed_mat/3d_auto_diff_single_pin_adaptive_PJFNK.i)
- (problems/single_msre_channel_velocity_heat_nts/heat-nts-single-channel-msre-dimensions.i)
- (problems/021417_MSRE_materials/transient-nts-cg-temp-one-channel-two-mat-scale-mod-heat-PJFNK.i)
- (problems/022317_test_critical_neutronics_only_reactor/transient-msre-file-mesh-two-grp-two-b1-mat.i)
- (problems/021417_MSRE_materials/transient-nts-cg-temp-two-grp-b1-two-mat.i)
- (problems/picard/nts_no_pres.i)
- (problems/021417_MSRE_materials/transient-nts-cg-temp-one-channel-two-mat-scale.i)
- (problems/033117_nts_temp_pre_parsed_mat/controlled_neutronics_only.i)
- (problems/publication_level_cases/LOSCA/HXFail/auto_diff_rho.i)
- (problems/072017_dg_temperature/auto_diff_rho.i)
- G. Placzek and W. Seidel.
Milne's Problem in Transport Theory.
Physical Review, 72(7):550–555, October 1947.
Publisher: American Physical Society.
URL: https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRev.72.550 (visited on 2024-05-31), doi:10.1103/PhysRev.72.550.[BibTeX]
@article{placzek_milnes_1947, author = "Placzek, G. and Seidel, W.", title = "Milne's {Problem} in {Transport} {Theory}", volume = "72", url = "https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRev.72.550", doi = "10.1103/PhysRev.72.550", abstract = "A modified derivation of the Wiener-Hopf solution of Milne's problem is given in a form suitable for application to problems in the theory of neutron diffusion.", number = "7", urldate = "2024-05-31", journal = "Physical Review", month = "October", year = "1947", note = "Publisher: American Physical Society", pages = "550--555", file = "APS Snapshot:C\:\\Users\\Sun Myung\\Zotero\\storage\\IJVWPMDS\\PhysRev.72.html:text/html;Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Sun Myung\\Zotero\\storage\\TVUWZQ6J\\Placzek and Seidel - 1947 - Milne's Problem in Transport Theory.pdf:application/pdf" }
- Robert P. Rulko, Djordje Tomašević, and Edward W. Larsen.
Variational P1 Approximations of General-Geometry Multigroup Transport Problems.
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 121(3):393–404, December 1995.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis _eprint: https://doi.org/10.13182/NSE121-393.
URL: https://doi.org/10.13182/NSE121-393 (visited on 2024-05-31), doi:10.13182/NSE121-393.[BibTeX]
@article{rulko_variational_1995, author = "Rulko, Robert P. and Tomašević, Djordje and Larsen, Edward W.", title = "Variational {P1} {Approximations} of {General}-{Geometry} {Multigroup} {Transport} {Problems}", volume = "121", issn = "0029-5639", url = "https://doi.org/10.13182/NSE121-393", doi = "10.13182/NSE121-393", abstract = "A variational approximation is developed for general-geometry multigroup transport problems with arbitrary anisotropic scattering. The variational principle is based on a functional that approximates a reaction rate in a subdomain of the system. In principle, approximations that result from this functional “optimally”determine such reaction rates. The functional contains an arbitrary parameter α and requires the approximate solutions of a forward and an adjoint transport problem. If the basis functions for the forward and adjoint solutions are chosen to be linear functions of the angular variable Ω, the functional yields the familiar multigroup P1 equations for all values of α. However, the boundary conditions that result from the functional depend on α. In particular, for problems with vacuum boundaries, one obtains the conventional mixed boundary condition, but with an extrapolation distance that depends continuously on α. The choice α = 0 yields a generalization of boundary conditions derived earlier by Federighi and Pomraning for a more limited class of problems. The choice α = 1 yields a generalization of boundary conditions derived previously by Davis for mono-energetic problems. Other boundary conditions are obtained by choosing different values of α. We discuss this indeterminancy of a in conjunction with numerical experiments.", number = "3", urldate = "2024-05-31", journal = "Nuclear Science and Engineering", month = "December", year = "1995", note = "Publisher: Taylor \\& Francis \\_eprint: https://doi.org/10.13182/NSE121-393", pages = "393--404", file = "Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Sun Myung\\Zotero\\storage\\8NHDX7DM\\Rulko et al. - 1995 - Variational P1 Approximations of General-Geometry .pdf:application/pdf" }
flow_velocity = 21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
nt_scale = 1e13
ini_temp = 922
diri_temp = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
# file = '2d_lattice_structured_jac.msh'
type = Transform
transform = SCALE
vector_value = '1 1 1'
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = ${flow_velocity}
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
block = 'fuel'
# [./temp_source_mod]
# type = GammaHeatSource
# variable = temp
# gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
# block = 'moder'
# average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
# [../]
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = MsreFuelTwoGrpXSFunctionMaterial
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GraphiteTwoGrpXSFunctionMaterial
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
# petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
# petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1e-10 preonly 1e-3'
line_search = 'none'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
# dtmax = 1
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
ksp_norm = none
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'exodus console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'exodus console'
# [./average_fission_heat]
# type = AverageFissionHeat
# nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
# execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
# outputs = 'console'
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'timestep_end final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
global_temperature = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
sss2_input = false
file = 'inverted_29x29_h_133.msh'
# file = 'inverted_3x3_h_15.msh'
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# Neutronics
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'moder_bottoms moder_tops fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'moder_bottoms moder_tops fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_sides'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
block = 'moder'
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 1.5
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
# solve_type = 'PJFNK'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu'
type = SMP
full = true
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group2
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group2
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
show_var_residual_norms = true
use_exp_form = false
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = flux
group_number = 1
type = DirichletBC
variable = flux
boundary = 'left'
value = 1.002
type = VacuumConcBC
variable = flux
boundary = 'right'
vacuum_bc_type = marshak
type = MoltresJsonMaterial
base_file = 'xsdata.json'
material_key = 0
interp_type = none
num_groups = 1
num_precursor_groups = 1
type = Steady
solve_type = PJFNK
type = SideAverageValue
variable = flux
boundary = 'right'
type = Exodus
flow_velocity = 21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
nt_scale = 1e13
ini_temp = 922
diri_temp = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = false
temperature = 922
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
file = '3d_msre_29x29_136.msh'
# file = jac_test.msh
type = Transform
transform = SCALE
vector_value = '1 1 .99'
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
# Neutronics
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group2
type = MsreFuelTwoGrpXSFunctionMaterial
block = 'fuel'
type = GraphiteTwoGrpXSFunctionMaterial
block = 'moder'
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 1.5
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
# solve_type = 'PJFNK'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1e-10 preonly'
type = SMP
full = true
ksp_norm = none
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group2
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group2
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
exodus = true
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
flow_velocity = 21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
nt_scale = 1e13
ini_temp = 922
diri_temp = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
# file = 2d_split_mesh/auto_diff_rho_in.e
# file = auto_diff_rho_in.e
# nemesis = true
# parallel_type = DISTRIBUTED
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = ${flow_velocity}
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = GammaHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
block = 'fuel'
type = FissionHeatSourceTransientAux
variable = power_density
block = 'moder'
type = ModeratorHeatSourceTransientAux
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
variable = power_density
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
peak_power_density = peak_power_density
controller_gain = 1e-4
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
peak_power_density = peak_power_density
controller_gain = 0
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 6e-6
solve_type = 'PJFNK'
line_search = none
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
# dtmax = 1
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = AverageFissionHeat
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
outputs = 'csv console'
block = 'fuel'
type = ElementExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = power_density
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
outputs = 'csv console'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
exodus = true
# nemesis = true
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
# file = '2d_lattice_structured_jac.msh'
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = ${flow_velocity}
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
block = 'fuel'
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
block = 'fuel'
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
# [./temp_source_mod]
# type = GammaHeatSource
# variable = temp
# gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
# block = 'moder'
# average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
# [../]
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO'
line_search = 'none'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
# dtmax = 1
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
ksp_norm = none
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'exodus console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'exodus console'
# [./average_fission_heat]
# type = AverageFissionHeat
# nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
# execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
# outputs = 'console'
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
type = Exodus
file_base = 'auto_diff_rho'
execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
flow_velocity = 21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
nt_scale = 1e13
ini_temp = 922
diri_temp = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
# file = 2d_split_mesh/auto_diff_rho_in.e
# file = auto_diff_rho_in.e
# nemesis = true
# parallel_type = DISTRIBUTED
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = ${flow_velocity}
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = GammaHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
block = 'fuel'
type = FissionHeatSourceTransientAux
variable = power_density
block = 'moder'
type = ModeratorHeatSourceTransientAux
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
variable = power_density
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
controller_gain = 0
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
controller_gain = 0
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 6e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
# solve_type = 'PJFNK'
line_search = none
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
# petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
# petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
# dtmax = 1
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
ksp_norm = none
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = AverageFissionHeat
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
outputs = 'csv console'
block = 'fuel'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
# exodus = true
nemesis = true
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
# flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
fuel_velocity_max_inlet = 43.4
fuel_sq_rad = 33.28
nt_scale = 1e13
ini_temp = 922
diri_temp = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = true
temperature = temp
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
file = '3d_single_unit_msre_vol_fraction.msh'
# file = jac_test.msh
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_func = vel_x_func
v_func = vel_y_func
w_func = vel_z_func
constant_velocity_values = false
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = GammaHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = VelocityFunctionTemperatureAdvection
vel_x_func = vel_x_func
vel_y_func = vel_y_func
vel_z_func = vel_z_func
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms moder_sides'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = VelocityFunctionTemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
vel_x_func = vel_x_func
vel_y_func = vel_y_func
vel_z_func = vel_z_func
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '${fuel_velocity_max_inlet} * cos(pi * x / (2 * ${fuel_sq_rad})) * cos(pi * y / (2 * ${fuel_sq_rad}))'
block = 'fuel'
type = FissionHeatSourceTransientAux
variable = power_density
block = 'moder'
type = ModeratorHeatSourceTransientAux
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
variable = power_density
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'monotone_cubic'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
peak_power_density = peak_power_density
controller_gain = 1e-4
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'monotone_cubic'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
peak_power_density = peak_power_density
controller_gain = 0
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 100000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'PJFNK'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 200
line_search = none
# dtmax = 1
dtmin = 1e-5
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = AverageFissionHeat
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
outputs = 'console'
block = 'fuel'
type = ElementExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = power_density
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear timestep_begin'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
exodus = true
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
# This input file tests outflow boundary conditions for the incompressible NS equations.
width = 3.048
height = 1.016
length = 162.56
nt_scale = 1e13
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = false
temperature = 922
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
file = msre_squares.msh
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
# [Precursors]
# var_name_base = pre
# block = 'fuel'
# outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_top'
# u_func = vel_x_func
# v_func = vel_y_func
# w_func = vel_z_func
# constant_velocity_values = false
# nt_exp_form = false
# family = MONOMIAL
# order = CONSTANT
# # jac_test = true
# []
# Neutronics
# [./time_group1]
# type = NtTimeDerivative
# variable = group1
# group_number = 1
# [../]
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
# [./delayed_group1]
# type = DelayedNeutronSource
# variable = group1
# [../]
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# [./time_group2]
# type = NtTimeDerivative
# variable = group2
# group_number = 2
# [../]
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moderator_bottoms moderator_tops'
# boundary = 'fuel_bottom moderator_bottoms'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moderator_bottoms moderator_tops'
# boundary = 'fuel_bottom moderator_bottoms'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp rho'
prop_values = '.0553 1967 2.146e-3' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp rho'
prop_values = '.312 1760 1.86e-3' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moderator'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = SMP
full = true
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 2.0
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
# solve_type = 'PJFNK'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
perf_graph = true
exodus = true
csv = true
file_base = 'out'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '10 * sin(pi * z / ${length})'
type = FunctionIC
variable = group1
function = nt_ic
type = FunctionIC
variable = group2
function = nt_ic
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group2
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group2
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
flow_velocity = 21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
nt_scale = 1e13
ini_temp = 922
diri_temp = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = 922
sss2_input = false
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = false
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
# file = '2d_lattice_structured_jac.msh'
type = Transform
transform = SCALE
vector_value = '.369 .369 1'
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
# Neutronics
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
type = MsreFuelTwoGrpXSFunctionMaterial
block = 'fuel'
type = GraphiteTwoGrpXSFunctionMaterial
block = 'moder'
# [./fuel]
# type = GenericMoltresMaterial
# property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
# interp_type = 'spline'
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
# [./moder]
# type = GenericMoltresMaterial
# property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
# interp_type = 'spline'
# block = 'moder'
# [../]
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 1.5
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
# solve_type = 'PJFNK'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu'
type = SMP
full = true
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group2
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group2
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'timestep_end final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
temperature = 900
sss2_input = true
account_delayed = true
coord_type = RZ
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'mesh.e'
type = EigenProblem
bx_norm = bnorm
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
var_name_base = pre
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
block = 0
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_top'
velocity_type = constant
u_def = 0
v_def = 18.085
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
loop_precursors = false
transient = false
eigen = true
# Group 1 Neutronics
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
block = '0'
extra_vector_tags = 'eigen'
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
block = '0'
group_number = 1
# Group 2 Neutronics
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
block = '0'
extra_vector_tags = 'eigen'
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottom fuel_top mod_bottom mod_top right'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottom fuel_top mod_bottom mod_top right'
variable = group2
type = MoltresJsonMaterial
block = '0'
base_file = 'xsdata.json'
material_key = 'fuel'
interp_type = LINEAR
prop_names = ''
prop_values = ''
type = MoltresJsonMaterial
block = '1'
base_file = 'xsdata.json'
material_key = 'graphite'
interp_type = LINEAR
prop_names = ''
prop_values = ''
type = Eigenvalue
initial_eigenvalue = 1
solve_type = 'PJFNK'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
automatic_scaling = true
compute_scaling_once = false
resid_vs_jac_scaling_param = 0.1
line_search = none
type = VectorPostprocessorComponent
index = 0
vectorpostprocessor = k_vpp
vector_name = eigen_values_real
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
block = 0
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissHeatPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group2
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group2
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = Eigenvalues
inverse_eigenvalue = true
type = LineValueSampler
variable = 'group1 group2'
start_point = '0 0 0'
end_point = '0 150 0'
num_points = 151
sort_by = y
execute_on = FINAL
type = LineValueSampler
variable = 'group1 group2'
start_point = '0 75 0'
end_point = '69.375 75 0'
num_points = 100
sort_by = x
execute_on = FINAL
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
type = Exodus
type = CSV
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
# file = 2d_split_mesh/auto_diff_rho_in.e
# file = auto_diff_rho_in.e
# nemesis = true
# parallel_type = DISTRIBUTED
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = ${flow_velocity}
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = GammaHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
block = 'fuel'
type = FissionHeatSourceTransientAux
variable = power_density
block = 'moder'
type = ModeratorHeatSourceTransientAux
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
variable = power_density
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
peak_power_density = peak_power_density
controller_gain = 1e-4
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
peak_power_density = peak_power_density
controller_gain = 0
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 6e-6
solve_type = 'PJFNK'
line_search = none
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
# dtmax = 1
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = AverageFissionHeat
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
outputs = 'csv console'
block = 'fuel'
type = ElementExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = power_density
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
outputs = 'csv console'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
exodus = true
# nemesis = true
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
global_temperature = 922
num_groups = 1
num_precursor_groups = 8
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
type = GeneratedMesh
dim = 2
xmax = 73.86
ymax = 180
nx = 100
ny = 100
type = FEProblem
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# Neutronics
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'right top bottom'
variable = group1
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
block = 0
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/homo_critical_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
# type = NonlinearEigen
# free_power_iterations = 4
# source_abs_tol = 1e-12
# source_rel_tol = 1e-8
# output_after_power_iterations = true
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 1.0
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
# solve_type = 'PJFNK'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu'
type = SMP
full = true
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
group_fluxes = 'group1'
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
show_var_residual_norms = true
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
height=${* ${base_height} ${scale}}
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = true
temperature = temp
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
file = 3d_ss_out.e
# [./scale]
# type = Transform
# transform = SCALE
# vector_value = '1 1 ${scale}'
# [../]
scaling = 1e4
initial_from_file_var = group1
initial_from_file_timestep = LATEST
scaling = 1e4
initial_from_file_var = group2
initial_from_file_timestep = LATEST
scaling = 1e-4
initial_from_file_var = temp
initial_from_file_timestep = LATEST
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel blocked_fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = 0
w_def = ${flow_velocity}
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
init_from_file = true
kernel_block = 'fuel'
var_name_base = pre
kernel_block = 'blocked_fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'blocked_fuel_top'
u_def = 0
v_def = 0
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
create_vars = false
object_suffix = blocked
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
block = 'fuel blocked_fuel'
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
block = 'fuel blocked_fuel'
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
block = 'fuel blocked_fuel'
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel blocked_fuel'
type = GammaHeatSource
variable = temp
gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
block = 'moder'
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides blocked_fuel_top blocked_fuel_bottom'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides blocked_fuel_top blocked_fuel_bottom'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms moder_sides'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = MsreFuelTwoGrpXSFunctionMaterial
block = 'fuel blocked_fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel blocked_fuel'
type = GraphiteTwoGrpXSFunctionMaterial
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
line_search = 'none'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1e-10 preonly'
# petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
# petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 200
# dtmax = 1
dtmin = 1e-7
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 5e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000
type = SMP
full = true
ksp_norm = none
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = AverageFissionHeat
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
outputs = 'console'
block = 'fuel blocked_fuel'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
exodus = true
file_base = temp
show_var_residual_norms = true
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = 1
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e-4
initial_condition = 930
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = ${flow_velocity}
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
# [./temp_source_mod]
# type = GammaHeatSource
# variable = temp
# gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
# block = 'moder'
# average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
# [../]
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
type = PostprocessorDirichletBC
postprocessor = inlet_mean_temp
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-5
nl_abs_tol = 1e-5
solve_type = 'PJFNK'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
line_search = 'none'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
# dtmax = 1
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'exodus console'
type = SideAverageValue
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
outputs = 'exodus console'
type = Receiver
initialize_old = true
execute_on = 'timestep_begin'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
type = Exodus
file_base = 'auto_diff_rho'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = TransientMultiApp
app_type = MoltresApp
execute_on = timestep_begin
positions = '100.0 100.0 0.0'
input_files = 'sub.i'
# connect inlet and outlet to multiapp
type = MultiAppPostprocessorTransfer
multi_app = loopApp
from_postprocessor = loopEndTemp
to_postprocessor = inlet_mean_temp
direction = from_multiapp
reduction_type = maximum
type = MultiAppPostprocessorTransfer
multi_app = loopApp
from_postprocessor = coreEndTemp
to_postprocessor = coreEndTemp
direction = to_multiapp
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
# global_temperature=922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
sss2_input = false
file = 'cylinder_structured_for_msre_comp.msh'
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e1
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e1
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-3
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottom fuel_top graphite_bottom graphite_top'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottom fuel_top graphite_bottom graphite_top'
variable = group2
boundary = 'graphite_bottom fuel_bottom'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_top'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'rho k cp'
prop_values = '2.146e-3 .0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
prop_names = 'rho k cp'
prop_values = '1.843e-3 .312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
# num_steps = 1
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-5
solve_type = 'PJFNK'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-3
growth_factor = 1.025
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
perf_graph = true
csv = true
type = Exodus
show_var_residual_norms = true
# walk the reactor into steady state with an attached primary loop
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
file = '../2d_lattice_structured.msh'
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = ${flow_velocity}
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
block = 'fuel'
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
block = 'fuel'
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
# [./temp_source_mod]
# type = GammaHeatSource
# variable = temp
# gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
# block = 'moder'
# average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
# [../]
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
type = PostprocessorDirichletBC
variable = temp
postprocessor = inlet_mean_temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
# [./fuel]
# type = GenericMoltresMaterial
# property_tables_root = '/home/gav/projects/moltres/property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
# interp_type = 'spline'
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
# [./rho_fuel]
# type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
# f_name = rho
# function = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
# args = 'temp'
# derivative_order = 1
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
# # fuel cp function
# [./cp_fuel]
# type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
# f_name = cp
# function = '1967 + 1e-16 * temp'
# args = 'temp'
# derivative_order = 1
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
# # fuel k function
# [./k_fuel]
# type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
# f_name = k
# function = '0.0553 + 1e-16 * temp'
# args = 'temp'
# derivative_order = 1
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
# [./moder]
# type = GenericMoltresMaterial
# property_tables_root = '/home/gav/projects/moltres/property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
# interp_type = 'spline'
# block = 'moder'
# [../]
# [./rho_moder]
# type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
# f_name = rho
# function = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
# args = 'temp'
# derivative_order = 1
# block = 'moder'
# [../]
# # moder cp fcn
# [./cp_moder]
# type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
# f_name = cp
# function = '1760 + 1e-16 * temp'
# args = 'temp'
# derivative_order = 1
# block = 'moder'
# [../]
# # moder k fcn
# [./k_moder]
# type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
# f_name = k
# function = '.312 + 1e-16 * temp'
# args = 'temp'
# derivative_order = 1
# block = 'moder'
# [../]
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '/home/gav/projects/moltres/property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '/home/gav/projects/moltres/property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 100
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1e-10 preonly 1e-3'
line_search = 'none'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
dtmax = 100
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
ksp_norm = none
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'exodus console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'exodus console'
type = SideAverageValue
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
outputs = 'exodus console'
type = Receiver
execute_on = 'timestep_begin'
# [./average_fission_heat]
# type = AverageFissionHeat
# nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
# execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
# outputs = 'console'
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
type = Exodus
file_base = 'auto_diff_rho'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
type = TransientMultiApp
app_type = MoltresApp
execute_on = 'initial timestep_begin'
positions = '100.0 100.0 0.0'
input_files = 'sub.i'
# connect inlet and outlet to multiapp
type = MultiAppPostprocessorTransfer
multi_app = loopApp
from_postprocessor = loopEndTemp
to_postprocessor = inlet_mean_temp
direction = from_multiapp
reduction_type = average
type = MultiAppPostprocessorTransfer
multi_app = loopApp
from_postprocessor = coreEndTemp
to_postprocessor = coreEndTemp
direction = to_multiapp
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
# file = '2d_lattice_structured_jac.msh'
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
block = 'fuel'
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
block = 'fuel'
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
block = 'fuel'
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
block = 'fuel'
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
block = 'fuel'
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
block = 'fuel'
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
block = 'fuel'
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
block = 'fuel'
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
picard_max_its = 10
picard_rel_tol = 1e-7
picard_abs_tol = 1e-10
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO'
line_search = 'none'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
dt = 1e-3
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console exodus'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
exodus = true
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = TransientMultiApp
app_type = MoltresApp
positions = '0 0 0'
input_files = 'temp.i'
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
direction = from_multiapp
multi_app = 'temp_pres'
source_variable = temp
variable = temp
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
direction = from_multiapp
multi_app = 'temp_pres'
source_variable = pre1
variable = pre1
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
direction = from_multiapp
multi_app = 'temp_pres'
source_variable = pre2
variable = pre2
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
direction = from_multiapp
multi_app = 'temp_pres'
source_variable = pre3
variable = pre3
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
direction = from_multiapp
multi_app = 'temp_pres'
source_variable = pre4
variable = pre4
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
direction = from_multiapp
multi_app = 'temp_pres'
source_variable = pre5
variable = pre5
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
direction = from_multiapp
multi_app = 'temp_pres'
source_variable = pre6
variable = pre6
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
direction = to_multiapp
multi_app = 'temp_pres'
source_variable = group1
variable = group1
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
direction = to_multiapp
multi_app = 'temp_pres'
source_variable = group2
variable = group2
global_temperature = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
sss2_input = false
coord_type = RZ
file = 'cylinder_structured_for_msre_comp.msh'
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# Neutronics
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottom fuel_top graphite_bottom graphite_top'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottom fuel_top graphite_bottom graphite_top'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
block = 'moder'
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
eig_check_tol = 1e-9
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 1.5
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
# solve_type = 'PJFNK'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu'
type = SMP
full = true
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group2
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group2
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
show_var_residual_norms = true
# flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
fuel_velocity_max_inlet = 43.4
fuel_sq_rad = 33.28
nt_scale = 1e13
ini_temp = 922
diri_temp = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = true
temperature = temp
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
file = '3d_single_unit_msre_vol_fraction.msh'
# file = jac_test.msh
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_func = vel_x_func
v_func = vel_y_func
w_func = vel_z_func
constant_velocity_values = false
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
block = 'fuel'
# [./temp_source_mod]
# type = GammaHeatSource
# variable = temp
# gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
# block = 'moder'
# average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
# [../]
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = VelocityFunctionTemperatureAdvection
vel_x_func = vel_x_func
vel_y_func = vel_y_func
vel_z_func = vel_z_func
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms moder_sides'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = VelocityFunctionTemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
vel_x_func = vel_x_func
vel_y_func = vel_y_func
vel_z_func = vel_z_func
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '${fuel_velocity_max_inlet} * cos(pi * x / (2 * ${fuel_sq_rad})) * cos(pi * y / (2 * ${fuel_sq_rad}))'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'monotone_cubic'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'monotone_cubic'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 200
# dtmax = 1
dtmin = 1e-5
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
# [./average_fission_heat]
# type = AverageFissionHeat
# nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
# execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
# outputs = 'console'
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
exodus = true
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
height=${* ${base_height} ${scale}}
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = true
temperature = temp
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
file = '3d_msre_29x29_136.msh'
# file = jac_test.msh
type = Transform
transform = SCALE
vector_value = '1 1 ${scale}'
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = 0
w_def = ${flow_velocity}
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
# [./temp_source_mod]
# type = GammaHeatSource
# variable = temp
# gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
# block = 'moder'
# average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
# [../]
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms moder_sides'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = ParsedFunction
value = 'sin(pi * z / ${height}) * sin(pi * (x + ${offset}) / ${width}) * sin(pi * (y + ${offset}) / ${width})'
type = MsreFuelTwoGrpXSFunctionMaterial
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GraphiteTwoGrpXSFunctionMaterial
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
line_search = 'none'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1e-10 preonly'
# petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
# petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 200
# dtmax = 1
dtmin = 1e-7
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-6
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000
type = SMP
full = true
ksp_norm = none
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
# [./average_fission_heat]
# type = AverageFissionHeat
# nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
# execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
# outputs = 'console'
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
type = Exodus
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
type = FunctionIC
variable = group1
function = 'nt_ic_func'
type = FunctionIC
variable = group2
function = 'nt_ic_func'
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = true
account_delayed = true
coord_type = RZ
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = '../eigenvalue/mesh.e'
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1000
var_name_base = pre
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
block = 0
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_top'
velocity_type = constant
u_def = 0
v_def = 18.085
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
loop_precursors = false
transient = true
# Group 1 Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
block = '0'
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
block = '0'
group_number = 1
# Group 2 Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
block = '0'
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = INSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
variable = temp
velocity = '0 18.085 0'
block = '0'
type = MatDiffusion
variable = temp
diffusivity = 'k'
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = '0'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottom fuel_top mod_bottom mod_top right'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottom fuel_top mod_bottom mod_top right'
variable = group2
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_bottom mod_bottom right'
function = 'temp_bc_func'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_top'
velocity = '0 18.085 0'
type = FunctionIC
variable = group1
function = ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = group2
function = ic_func
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '1000 - (1000-965) * tanh(t/1)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'if(t<50, if(t<30, .4, 5), 10)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '1e5 * (-x^2+70^2) * (-y * (y-150))'
type = MoltresJsonMaterial
block = '0'
base_file = '../eigenvalue/xsdata.json'
material_key = 'fuel'
interp_type = LINEAR
prop_names = 'rho k cp'
prop_values = '2.146e-3 .0553 1967'
type = MoltresJsonMaterial
block = '1'
base_file = '../eigenvalue/xsdata.json'
material_key = 'graphite'
interp_type = LINEAR
prop_names = 'rho k cp'
prop_values = '1.86e-3 .312 1760'
type = Transient
end_time = 200
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-1
automatic_scaling = true
compute_scaling_once = false
resid_vs_jac_scaling_param = 0.1
scaling_group_variables = 'group1 group2; pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6; temp'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_mat_solver_package'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO superlu_dist'
line_search = none
dtmin = 1e-3
dtmax = 10
type = FunctionDT
function = dt_func
type = SMP
full = true
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissHeatPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
execute_on = linear
type = SideAverageValue
variable = temp
boundary = fuel_bottom
type = SideAverageValue
variable = temp
boundary = fuel_top
type = LineValueSampler
variable = 'group1 group2'
start_point = '0 0 0'
end_point = '0 150 0'
num_points = 151
sort_by = y
execute_on = FINAL
type = LineValueSampler
variable = 'group1 group2'
start_point = '0 75 0'
end_point = '69.375 75 0'
num_points = 100
sort_by = x
execute_on = FINAL
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
type = CSV
execute_on = FINAL
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
height=${* ${base_height} ${scale}}
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = true
temperature = temp
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
file = '3d_msre_29x29_136.msh'
# file = jac_test.msh
type = Transform
transform = SCALE
vector_value = '1 1 ${scale}'
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = 0
w_def = ${flow_velocity}
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = GammaHeatSource
variable = temp
gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
block = 'moder'
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms moder_sides'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = ParsedFunction
value = 'sin(pi * z / ${height}) * sin(pi * (x + ${offset}) / ${width}) * sin(pi * (y + ${offset}) / ${width})'
type = MsreFuelTwoGrpXSFunctionMaterial
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GraphiteTwoGrpXSFunctionMaterial
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
line_search = 'none'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1e-10 preonly'
# petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
# petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 200
# dtmax = 1
dtmin = 1e-7
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-6
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000
type = SMP
full = true
ksp_norm = none
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = AverageFissionHeat
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
outputs = 'console'
block = 'fuel'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
exodus = true
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
type = FunctionIC
variable = group1
function = 'nt_ic_func'
type = FunctionIC
variable = group2
function = 'nt_ic_func'
global_temperature = 922
num_groups = 1
num_precursor_groups = 8
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
type = GeneratedMesh
dim = 2
xmax = 80
ymax = 80
nx = 100
ny = 100
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# Neutronics
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
# [BCs]
# [./vacuum1]
# type = VacuumConcBC
# boundary = 'right top bottom'
# variable = group1
# [../]
# []
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
block = 0
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/inf_crit_small_'
interp_type = 'none'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
# type = NonlinearEigen
# free_power_iterations = 4
# source_abs_tol = 1e-12
# source_rel_tol = 1e-8
# output_after_power_iterations = true
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 1.5
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
# solve_type = 'PJFNK'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu'
type = SMP
full = true
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
group_fluxes = 'group1'
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
show_var_residual_norms = true
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = ${flow_velocity}
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = GammaHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms'
type = FlexiblePostprocessorDirichletBC
postprocessor = coreEndTemp
offset = -50
variable = temp
# [./temp_diri_cg]
# boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
# type = FunctionDirichletBC
# function = 'temp_bc_func'
# variable = temp
# [../]
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
block = 'fuel'
type = FissionHeatSourceTransientAux
variable = power_density
block = 'moder'
type = ModeratorHeatSourceTransientAux
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
variable = power_density
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
controller_gain = 0
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
controller_gain = 0
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 6e-6
solve_type = 'PJFNK'
line_search = none
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = AverageFissionHeat
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
outputs = 'csv console'
block = 'fuel'
type = SideAverageValue
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
outputs = 'csv console'
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
type = LineValueSampler
start_point = '0 153 0'
end_point = '72.5 153 0'
num_points = 1000
variable = temp
sort_by = 'x'
outputs = 'csv'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
exodus = true
type = CSV
execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
global_temperature = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 8
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
type = GeneratedMesh
dim = 2
xmax = 57
ymax = 198.12
nx = 100
ny = 100
type = FEProblem
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# Neutronics
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
num_groups = 2
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
num_groups = 2
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
num_groups = 2
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
num_groups = 2
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'right top bottom'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'right top bottom'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
block = 0
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/msre_homogeneous_critical_question_mark_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
# type = NonlinearEigen
# free_power_iterations = 4
# source_abs_tol = 1e-12
# source_rel_tol = 1e-8
# output_after_power_iterations = true
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 1.0
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
# solve_type = 'PJFNK'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu'
type = SMP
full = true
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group2
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
show_var_residual_norms = true
global_temperature = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 8
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
file = 'msre_22x22_correct_vol_fraction.msh'
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# Neutronics
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops fuel_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops fuel_sides'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/B1_msre_single_unit_cell_'
interp_type = 'none'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 1.5
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
# solve_type = 'PJFNK'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu'
type = SMP
full = true
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group2
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group2
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
show_var_residual_norms = true
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
height=${* ${base_height} ${scale}}
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = true
temperature = temp
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
file = msre_vol_frac_29x29_h_136.msh
type = Transform
transform = SCALE
vector_value = '1 1 ${scale}'
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e-4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel blocked_fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops blocked_fuel_top'
u_def = 0
v_def = 0
w_def = ${flow_velocity}
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
kernel_block = 'fuel blocked_fuel'
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
block = 'fuel blocked_fuel'
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
block = 'fuel blocked_fuel'
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
block = 'fuel blocked_fuel'
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel blocked_fuel'
type = GammaHeatSource
variable = temp
gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
block = 'moder'
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel blocked_fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides blocked_fuel_top blocked_fuel_bottom'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides blocked_fuel_top blocked_fuel_bottom'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms moder_sides blocked_fuel_bottom'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops blocked_fuel_top'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = MsreFuelTwoGrpXSFunctionMaterial
block = 'fuel blocked_fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel blocked_fuel'
type = GraphiteTwoGrpXSFunctionMaterial
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
line_search = 'none'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1e-10 preonly'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 200
dtmin = 1e-7
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-6
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000
type = SMP
full = true
ksp_norm = none
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = AverageFissionHeat
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
outputs = 'console'
block = 'fuel blocked_fuel'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
exodus = true
show_var_residual_norms = true
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = false
file = '3d_msre_29x29_136.msh'
# file = jac_test.msh
var_name_base = group
vacuum_boundaries = 'moder_sides fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops'
create_temperature_var = false
eigen = true
# [./group1]
# order = FIRST
# family = LAGRANGE
# initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
# [../]
# [./group2]
# order = FIRST
# family = LAGRANGE
# initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
# [../]
# [./temp]
# initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
# scaling = 1e-4
# [../]
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = 0
w_def = ${flow_velocity}
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
jac_test = true
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms moder_sides'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'moder'
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
#petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu ' #1 preonly 1e-3'
type = SMP
full = true
# [./group1_current]
# type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
# variable = group1
# outputs = 'console csv'
# [../]
# [./group1_old]
# type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
# variable = group1
# outputs = 'console csv'
# [../]
# [./multiplication]
# type = DivisionPostprocessor
# value1 = group1_current
# value2 = group1_old
# outputs = 'console csv'
# [../]
# [./temp_fuel]
# type = ElementAverageValue
# variable = temp
# block = 'fuel'
# outputs = 'csv console'
# [../]
# [./temp_moder]
# type = ElementAverageValue
# variable = temp
# block = 'moder'
# outputs = 'csv console'
# [../]
# # [./average_fission_heat]
# # type = AverageFissionHeat
# # nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
# # execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
# # outputs = 'console'
# # block = 'fuel'
# # [../]
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
# csv = true
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
flow_velocity = 21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
nt_scale = 1e13
ini_temp = 922
diri_temp = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
# file = '2d_lattice_structured_jac.msh'
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = ${flow_velocity}
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
block = 'fuel'
# [./temp_source_mod]
# type = GammaHeatSource
# variable = temp
# gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
# block = 'moder'
# average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
# [../]
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'monotone_cubic'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'monotone_cubic'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
# dtmax = 1
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
# [./average_fission_heat]
# type = AverageFissionHeat
# nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
# execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
# outputs = 'console'
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
type = Exodus
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
nt_scale = ${/ 1E0 1.6E-13}
num_groups = 1
num_precursor_groups = 1
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = false
type = GeneratedMesh
nx = 10
ny = 10
dim = 2
xmax = 2.42 # Bessel zero is 2.405
ymax = 3.149
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
# order = CONSTANT
# family = MONOMIAL
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
# [DGKernels]
# [./temp]
# type = DGConvection
# variable = temp
# velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
# [../]
# []
# [./vacuum_group1]
# type = VacuumConcBC
# boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
# variable = group1
# [../]
type = DirichletBC
value = 0
boundary = 'top right bottom'
variable = 'group1'
boundary = 'bottom right'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
# [./temp_advection_inlet]
# boundary = 'bottom'
# type = TemperatureInflowBC
# velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
# variable = temp
# inlet_conc = 1
# [../]
boundary = 'top'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/dummy_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp rho'
prop_values = '.1 1 1' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
# dtmax = 1
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
outputs = 'csv console'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
file_base = ''
type = Exodus
type = CSV
show_var_residual_norms = true
# This input file tests outflow boundary conditions for the incompressible NS equations.
width = 3.048
height = 1.016
length = 162.56
nt_scale = 1e13
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = false
temperature = 922
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
file = single_channel_msre_dimensions.msh
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
# [Precursors]
# var_name_base = pre
# block = 'fuel'
# outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_top'
# u_func = vel_x_func
# v_func = vel_y_func
# w_func = vel_z_func
# constant_velocity_values = false
# nt_exp_form = false
# family = MONOMIAL
# order = CONSTANT
# # jac_test = true
# []
# Neutronics
# [./time_group1]
# type = NtTimeDerivative
# variable = group1
# group_number = 1
# [../]
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
# [./delayed_group1]
# type = DelayedNeutronSource
# variable = group1
# [../]
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# [./time_group2]
# type = NtTimeDerivative
# variable = group2
# group_number = 2
# [../]
# [BCs]
# [./vacuum_group1]
# type = VacuumConcBC
# boundary = 'fuel_bottom fuel_top moderator_bottoms moderator_tops'
# # boundary = 'fuel_bottom moderator_bottoms'
# variable = group1
# [../]
# [./vacuum_group2]
# type = VacuumConcBC
# boundary = 'fuel_bottom fuel_top moderator_bottoms moderator_tops'
# # boundary = 'fuel_bottom moderator_bottoms'
# variable = group2
# [../]
# []
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp rho'
prop_values = '.0553 1967 2.146e-3' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp rho'
prop_values = '.312 1760 1.86e-3' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moderator'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = SMP
full = true
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 2.0
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
# solve_type = 'PJFNK'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
perf_graph = true
exodus = true
csv = true
file_base = 'out'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '10 * sin(pi * z / ${length})'
type = FunctionIC
variable = group1
function = nt_ic
type = FunctionIC
variable = group2
function = nt_ic
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group2
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group2
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
global_temperature = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 8
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
type = GeneratedMesh
dim = 2
xmax = 73.86
ymax = 198.12
nx = 100
ny = 100
type = FEProblem
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# Neutronics
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
num_groups = 2
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
num_groups = 2
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
num_groups = 2
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
num_groups = 2
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'right top bottom'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'right top bottom'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
block = 0
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/msre_homogeneous_critical_question_mark_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
# type = NonlinearEigen
# free_power_iterations = 4
# source_abs_tol = 1e-12
# source_rel_tol = 1e-8
# output_after_power_iterations = true
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 1.0
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
# solve_type = 'PJFNK'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu'
type = SMP
full = true
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group2
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
show_var_residual_norms = true
# take in steady state variable from the other core, and run a pump coastdown transient
# here, flow_velocity is only the initial flow velocity
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
tau = 5 # pump coastdown time constant
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
file = 'steady/auto_diff_rho.e'
coord_type = RZ
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
constant_velocity_values = false
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
u_func = nullFunc
v_func = coastDownFunc
w_func = nullFunc
init_from_file = true
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
scaling = 1e4
initial_from_file_var = group1
initial_from_file_timestep = LATEST [../]
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
scaling = 1e4
initial_from_file_var = group2
initial_from_file_timestep = LATEST
scaling = 1e-4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_from_file_var = temp
initial_from_file_timestep = LATEST
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
block = 'fuel'
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
block = 'fuel'
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = GammaHeatSource
variable = temp
gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
block = 'moder'
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = CtrlConservativeTemperatureAdvection
u_val = 0
v_val = ${flow_velocity} # this will be changed in ctrls block
w_val = 0
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
type = PostprocessorDirichletBC
variable = temp
postprocessor = inlet_mean_temp
# boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
# type = DirichletBC
# variable = temp
# value = 922
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = VelocityFunctionTemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
vel_x_func = nullFunc
vel_y_func = coastDownFunc
vel_z_func = nullFunc
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '0'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${flow_velocity} * exp(-t / ${tau})'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '/home/gav/projects/moltres/property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
# fuel cp function
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = cp
function = '1967 + 1e-16 * temp'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
# fuel k function
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = k
function = '0.0553 + 1e-16 * temp'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '/home/gav/projects/moltres/property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
# moder cp fcn
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = cp
function = '1760 + 1e-16 * temp'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
# moder k fcn
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = k
function = '.312 + 1e-16 * temp'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_abs_tol = 3e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type' # -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu' # NONZERO 1e-10 preonly 1e-3'
line_search = 'none'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.04
optimal_iterations = 5
type = SMP
full = true
# ksp_norm = none
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'exodus console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'exodus console'
type = SideAverageValue
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
outputs = 'exodus console'
execute_on = 'timestep_begin'
type = Receiver
execute_on = 'initial timestep_begin'
type = AverageFissionHeat
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
outputs = 'console'
block = 'fuel'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
type = Exodus
file_base = 'auto_diff_rho'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
type = RealFunctionControl
parameter = '*/*/v_val'
function = coastDownFunc
execute_on = 'initial timestep_begin'
type = TransientMultiApp
app_type = MoltresApp
execute_on = 'initial timestep_begin'
positions = '100.0 100.0 0.0'
input_files = 'sub.i'
# connect inlet and outlet to multiapp
type = MultiAppPostprocessorTransfer
multi_app = loopApp
from_postprocessor = loopEndTemp
to_postprocessor = inlet_mean_temp
direction = from_multiapp
reduction_type = maximum
type = MultiAppPostprocessorTransfer
multi_app = loopApp
from_postprocessor = coreEndTemp
to_postprocessor = coreEndTemp
direction = to_multiapp
flow_velocity = 21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
nt_scale = 1e13
ini_temp = 922
diri_temp = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = false
temperature = temp
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
file = '3d_msre_29x29_136.msh'
# file = jac_test.msh
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'moder'
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 1.5
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
type = SMP
full = true
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group2
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group2
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
exodus = true
show_var_residual_norms = true
flow_velocity = 21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
ini_temp = 922
diri_temp = 922
nt_scale = 1e13
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = true
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
coord_type = RZ
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = ${flow_velocity}
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
loop_precursors = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# Group 1 Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
block = 'fuel'
group_number = 1
# Group 2 Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
block = 'fuel'
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_converted_to_serpent/serpent_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_converted_to_serpent/serpent_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
num_steps = 80
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO'
line_search = 'none'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
steady_state_detection = true
steady_state_tolerance = 1e-10
dtmin = 1e-5
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 5
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'exodus console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'exodus console'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
type = Exodus
file_base = 'auto_diff_rho_serpent'
execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = false
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
# file = '2d_lattice_structured_jac.msh'
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
block = 'fuel'
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
# [./temp_source_mod]
# type = GammaHeatSource
# variable = temp
# gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
# block = 'moder'
# average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
# [../]
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 3e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO'
line_search = 'none'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
# dtmax = 1
# dt = 1e-3
type = PostprocessorDT
postprocessor = 'limit_k'
dt = 1e-3
type = SMP
full = true
type = LimitK
growth_factor = 1.1
cutback_factor = 0.4
k_threshold = 1.25
k_postprocessor = 'multiplication'
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'exodus console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'exodus console'
# [./average_fission_heat]
# type = AverageFissionHeat
# nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
# execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
# outputs = 'console'
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
type = Exodus
file_base = 'auto_diff_rho'
execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
# flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
fuel_velocity_max_inlet = 43.4
fuel_sq_rad = 39.94
nt_scale = 1e13
ini_temp = 922
diri_temp = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = true
temperature = temp
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
file = '3d_single_unit_msre_vol_fraction.msh'
# file = jac_test.msh
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = 0
w_def = ${flow_velocity}
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
block = 'fuel'
# [./temp_source_mod]
# type = GammaHeatSource
# variable = temp
# gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
# block = 'moder'
# average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
# [../]
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms moder_sides'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'monotone_cubic'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'monotone_cubic'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 200
# dtmax = 1
dtmin = 1e-5
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
# [./average_fission_heat]
# type = AverageFissionHeat
# nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
# execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
# outputs = 'console'
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
type = Exodus
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
num_groups = 1
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1'
temperature = 972
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = false
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_one_group_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_one_group_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 1.5
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
# solve_type = 'PJFNK'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu'
type = SMP
full = true
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
file_base = ''
type = Exodus
type = CSV
show_var_residual_norms = true
flow_velocity = 21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
nt_scale = 1e13
ini_temp = 922
diri_temp = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = true
temperature = temp
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
file = '3d_auto_diff_rho_out.e'
# file = jac_test.msh
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_from_file_var = group1
initial_from_file_timestep = LATEST
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_from_file_var = group2
initial_from_file_timestep = LATEST
scaling = 1e4
initial_from_file_var = temp
initial_from_file_timestep = LATEST
scaling = 1e-4
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = 0
w_def = ${flow_velocity}
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# jac_test = true
init_from_file = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
block = 'fuel'
# [./temp_source_mod]
# type = GammaHeatSource
# variable = temp
# gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
# block = 'moder'
# average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
# [../]
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms moder_sides'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 200
# dtmax = 1
dtmin = 1e-5
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
# [./average_fission_heat]
# type = AverageFissionHeat
# nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
# execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
# outputs = 'console'
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
type = Exodus
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = 922
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = false
type = EigenProblem
bx_norm = fiss_neutrons
file = '2d_lattice_structured_smaller.msh'
coord_type = RZ
# Neutronics
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
extra_vector_tags = 'eigen'
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
extra_vector_tags = 'eigen'
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'moder'
type = Eigenvalue
eigen_tol = 1e-6
free_power_iterations = 2
normalization = fiss_neutrons
normal_factor = 1
solve_type = 'PJFNK'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu'
type = SMP
full = true
type = VectorPostprocessorComponent
index = 0
vectorpostprocessor = k_vpp
vector_name = eigen_values_real
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
type = Eigenvalues
inverse_eigenvalue = true
contains_complete_history = true
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
type = Exodus
show_var_residual_norms = true
flow_velocity = 21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
nt_scale = 1e13
ini_temp = 922
diri_temp = 922
base_height = 136
scale = .99
height = '${fparse base_height * scale}'
width = 145
offset = 2.5
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = true
temperature = temp
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
type = FileMeshGenerator
## Default to jac_test.msh for quicker syntax check tests.
## Switch to 3D mesh for actual simulations.
# file = '3d_msre_29x29_136.msh'
file = jac_test.msh
type = TransformGenerator
input = file
transform = SCALE
vector_value = '1 1 ${scale}'
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = 0
w_def = ${flow_velocity}
nt_exp_form = false
loop_precursors = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
block = 'fuel'
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
block = 'fuel'
# [./temp_source_mod]
# type = GammaHeatSource
# variable = temp
# gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
# block = 'moder'
# average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
# [../]
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms moder_sides'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'sin(pi * z / ${height}) * sin(pi * (x + ${offset}) / ${width}) * sin(pi * (y + ${offset}) / ${width})'
type = MsreFuelTwoGrpXSFunctionMaterial
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GraphiteTwoGrpXSFunctionMaterial
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
line_search = 'none'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1e-10 preonly'
# petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
# petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 200
# dtmax = 1
dtmin = 1e-7
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-6
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000
type = SMP
full = true
ksp_norm = none
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
# [./average_fission_heat]
# type = AverageFissionHeat
# nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
# execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
# outputs = 'console'
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
type = Exodus
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
type = FunctionIC
variable = group1
function = 'nt_ic_func'
type = FunctionIC
variable = group2
function = 'nt_ic_func'
global_temperature = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 8
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
type = GeneratedMesh
dim = 2
xmax = 73.86
ymax = 198.12
nx = 100
ny = 100
type = FEProblem
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# Neutronics
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
num_groups = 2
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
num_groups = 2
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
num_groups = 2
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
num_groups = 2
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'right top bottom'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'right top bottom'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
block = 0
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/msre_homogeneous_critical_question_mark_b1_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
# type = NonlinearEigen
# free_power_iterations = 4
# source_abs_tol = 1e-12
# source_rel_tol = 1e-8
# output_after_power_iterations = true
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 1.0
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
# solve_type = 'PJFNK'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu'
type = SMP
full = true
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group2
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
show_var_residual_norms = true
flow_velocity = 21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
ini_temp = 922
diri_temp = 922
nt_scale = 1e13
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
coord_type = RZ
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = ${flow_velocity}
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
loop_precursors = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# Group 1 Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
block = 'fuel'
group_number = 1
# Group 2 Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
block = 'fuel'
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
num_steps = 80
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO'
line_search = 'none'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
steady_state_detection = true
steady_state_tolerance = 1e-10
dtmin = 1e-5
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 5
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'exodus console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'exodus console'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
type = Exodus
file_base = 'auto_diff_rho'
execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
num_groups = 1
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
# coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-6
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = ${flow_velocity}
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
scaling = 1
# jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
# [./temp_source_mod]
# type = GammaHeatSource
# variable = temp
# gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
# block = 'moder'
# average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
# [../]
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
# [./temp_diffusion_outlet]
# boundary = 'fuel_tops'
# type = DiffusiveFluxBC
# diffusivity = 'k'
# variable = temp
# [../]
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_one_group_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_one_group_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-5
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
# dtmax = 1
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
# [./average_fission_heat]
# type = AverageFissionHeat
# nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
# execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
# outputs = 'console'
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
file_base = ''
type = Exodus
type = CSV
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
global_temperature = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 8
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
sss2_input = true
file = 'msre_26x26.msh'
# file = 'msre_cuboid_3x3.msh'
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# Neutronics
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops fuel_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops fuel_sides'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/B1_msre_single_unit_cell_fuel_'
interp_type = 'none'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/B1_msre_single_unit_cell_moder_'
interp_type = 'none'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
block = 'moder'
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 1.5
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
# solve_type = 'PJFNK'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu'
type = SMP
full = true
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group2
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group2
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
show_var_residual_norms = true
# This input file tests outflow boundary conditions for the incompressible NS equations.
width = 3.048
height = 1.016
length = 162.56
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = false
temperature = temp
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
file = msre_squares.msh
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e2
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e2
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
scaling = 1e-4
# initial_condition = 900
# [./vel_x]
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
# [./vel_y]
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
# [./vel_z]
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
# [./p]
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
# [Precursors]
# var_name_base = pre
# block = 'fuel'
# outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_top'
# u_func = vel_x_func
# v_func = vel_y_func
# w_func = vel_z_func
# constant_velocity_values = false
# nt_exp_form = false
# family = MONOMIAL
# order = CONSTANT
# # jac_test = true
# []
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
# [./delayed_group1]
# type = DelayedNeutronSource
# variable = group1
# [../]
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
# [./temp_fuel_transport]
# type = INSTemperature
# u = vel_x
# v = vel_y
# w = vel_z
# variable = temp
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 0 21.73'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
# block = 'moderator'
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = GammaHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'moderator'
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
block = 'fuel'
type = FissionHeatSourceTransientAux
variable = power_density
block = 'moderator'
type = ModeratorHeatSourceTransientAux
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
variable = power_density
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms'
variable = temp
value = 900
type = DirichletBC
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 0 21.73'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moderator_bottoms moderator_tops'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moderator_bottoms moderator_tops'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'linear'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp rho'
prop_values = '.0553 1967 2.146e-3' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
peak_power_density = peak_power_density
controller_gain = 1e-2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'linear'
prop_names = 'k cp rho'
prop_values = '.312 1760 1.86e-3' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moderator'
peak_power_density = peak_power_density
controller_gain = 0
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = SMP
full = true
ksp_norm = 'none'
# [Executioner]
# # type = Steady
# type = Transient
# dt = 1
# num_steps = 1
# petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
# petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
# # line_search = none
# nl_rel_tol = 1e-8
# nl_max_its = 50
# l_max_its = 300
# []
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'PJFNK'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
# petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
# petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
# line_search = 'none'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 200
# dtmax = 1
dtmin = 1e-5
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-5
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000
perf_graph = true
exodus = true
csv = true
file_base = 'out'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '10 * sin(pi * z / ${length})'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '900 + 100 / ${length} * z'
type = FunctionIC
variable = temp
function = temp_ic
type = FunctionIC
variable = group1
function = nt_ic
type = FunctionIC
variable = group2
function = nt_ic
# [MultiApps]
# [./sub]
# type = FullSolveMultiApp
# app_type = MoltresApp
# positions = '0 0 0'
# input_files = solution_aux_exodus.i
# execute_on = 'initial'
# [../]
# []
# [Transfers]
# [./vel_x]
# type = MultiAppNearestNodeTransfer
# direction = from_multiapp
# multi_app = sub
# source_variable = vel_x
# variable = vel_x
# execute_on = 'initial'
# [../]
# [./vel_y]
# type = MultiAppNearestNodeTransfer
# direction = from_multiapp
# multi_app = sub
# source_variable = vel_y
# variable = vel_y
# execute_on = 'initial'
# [../]
# [./vel_z]
# type = MultiAppNearestNodeTransfer
# direction = from_multiapp
# multi_app = sub
# source_variable = vel_z
# variable = vel_z
# execute_on = 'initial'
# [../]
# [./p]
# type = MultiAppNearestNodeTransfer
# direction = from_multiapp
# multi_app = sub
# source_variable = p
# variable = p
# execute_on = 'initial'
# [../]
# []
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
# outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
# outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moderator'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = AverageFissionHeat
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
outputs = 'console'
block = 'fuel'
type = ElementExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = power_density
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear timestep_begin'
global_temperature = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
sss2_input = false
# file = 'inverted_29x29_h_143.msh'
file = 'inverted_3x3_h_15.msh'
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# Neutronics
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'moder_bottoms moder_tops fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'moder_bottoms moder_tops fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_sides'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
block = 'moder'
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 1.5
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
# solve_type = 'PJFNK'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu'
type = SMP
full = true
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group2
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group2
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
show_var_residual_norms = true
temp = 922
num_groups = 4
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2 group3 group4'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = false
temperature = 922
temp = 922
flow_velocity = 21.7
file = '../../033117_nts_temp_pre_parsed_mat/3d_msre_29x29_136.msh'
var_name_base = group
vacuum_boundaries = 'moder_sides fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops'
create_temperature_var = false
eigen = true
# [./group1]
# [../]
# [./group2]
# [../]
# [./group3]
# [../]
# [./group4]
# [../]
# #[./temp]
# # initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
# # scaling = 1e-4
# #[../]
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = 0
w_def = ${flow_velocity}
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
jac_test = true
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group2
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group3
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group4
# boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms moder_sides'
# type = FunctionDirichletBC
# function = 'temp_bc_func'
# variable = temp
# boundary = 'fuel_tops'
# type = TemperatureOutflowBC
# variable = temp
# velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root ='../../../../tutorial/step01_groupConstants/MSREProperties/msre_gentry_4gfuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../../../tutorial/step01_groupConstants/MSREProperties/msre_gentry_4gmoder_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'moder'
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 1.5
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
type = SMP
full = true
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group2
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group2
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
exodus = true
show_var_residual_norms = true
global_temperature = 1022
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
sss2_input = false
file = 'inverted_29x29_h_133.msh'
# file = 'inverted_3x3_h_15.msh'
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# Neutronics
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'moder_bottoms moder_tops fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'moder_bottoms moder_tops fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_sides'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
block = 'moder'
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 1.5
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
# solve_type = 'PJFNK'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu'
type = SMP
full = true
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group2
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group2
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
show_var_residual_norms = true
flow_velocity = 21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
nt_scale = 1e13
ini_temp = 922
diri_temp = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = true
temperature = temp
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
file = '3d_single_unit_msre_vol_fraction.msh'
# uniform_refine = 1
# file = jac_test.msh
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = 0
w_def = ${flow_velocity}
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
block = 'fuel'
# [./temp_source_mod]
# type = GammaHeatSource
# variable = temp
# gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
# block = 'moder'
# average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
# [../]
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms moder_sides'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'monotone_cubic'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'monotone_cubic'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 100000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 200
# dtmax = 1
dtmin = 1e-5
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000
type = SMP
full = true
# off_diag_row = 'temp pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6 temp pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
# off_diag_column = 'group1 group1 group1 group1 group1 group1 group1 group2 group2 group2 group2 group2 group2 group2'
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
# [./average_fission_heat]
# type = AverageFissionHeat
# nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
# execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
# outputs = 'console'
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
type = Exodus
file_base = ''
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
# [Adaptivity]
# marker = errorfrac_temp
# max_h_level = 1
# [./Indicators]
# [./error_temp]
# type = GradientJumpIndicator
# variable = temp
# outputs = none
# [../]
# [../]
# [./Markers]
# [./errorfrac_temp]
# type = ErrorFractionMarker
# refine = 0.8
# coarsen = 0.1
# indicator = error_temp
# outputs = none
# [../]
# [../]
# []
flow_velocity = 21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
nt_scale = 1e13
ini_temp = 922
diri_temp = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = true
temperature = temp
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
# file = '3d_msre_29x29_136.msh'
file = split_mesh/3d_auto_diff_rho_in.e
nemesis = true
skip_partioning = true
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = 0
w_def = ${flow_velocity}
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
block = 'fuel'
# [./temp_source_mod]
# type = GammaHeatSource
# variable = temp
# gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
# block = 'moder'
# average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
# [../]
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms moder_sides'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
# petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
# petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1e-10 preonly 1e-3'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 200
# dtmax = 1
dtmin = 1e-5
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000
type = SMP
full = true
ksp_norm = none
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
# [./average_fission_heat]
# type = AverageFissionHeat
# nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
# execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
# outputs = 'console'
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
exodus = true
nemesis = true
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
file = '../auto_diff_rho.e'
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_from_file_var = group1
initial_from_file_timestep = LATEST
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
scaling = 1e4
initial_from_file_var = group2
initial_from_file_timestep = LATEST
scaling = 1e-4
initial_from_file_var = temp
initial_from_file_timestep = LATEST
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = ${flow_velocity}
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
init_from_file = true
loop_precursors = true
multi_app = loopApp
is_loopapp = false
inlet_boundaries = 'fuel_bottoms'
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
block = 'fuel'
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
# [./temp_source_mod]
# type = GammaHeatSource
# variable = temp
# gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
# block = 'moder'
# average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
# [../]
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
type = PostprocessorDirichletBC
postprocessor = inlet_mean_temp
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-5
solve_type = 'PJFNK'
petsc_options = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
line_search = 'none'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
# dtmax = 1
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'exodus console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'exodus console'
type = SideAverageValue
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
outputs = 'exodus console'
# [./average_fission_heat]
# type = AverageFissionHeat
# nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
# execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
# outputs = 'console'
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
type = Receiver
initialize_old = true
execute_on = 'timestep_begin'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
type = Exodus
file_base = 'auto_diff_rho'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = TransientMultiApp
app_type = MoltresApp
execute_on = timestep_begin
positions = '100.0 100.0 0.0'
input_files = 'sub.i'
# connect inlet and outlet to multiapp
type = MultiAppPostprocessorTransfer
multi_app = loopApp
from_postprocessor = loopEndTemp
to_postprocessor = inlet_mean_temp
direction = from_multiapp
reduction_type = maximum
type = MultiAppPostprocessorTransfer
multi_app = loopApp
from_postprocessor = coreEndTemp
to_postprocessor = coreEndTemp
direction = to_multiapp
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
# global_temperature=922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
sss2_input = false
file = 'inverted_29x29_h_133.msh'
# file = 'inverted_3x3_h_15.msh'
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e1
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e1
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-3
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'moder_bottoms moder_tops fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'moder_bottoms moder_tops fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_sides'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms moder_sides'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'rho k cp'
prop_values = '2.146e-3 .0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
prop_names = 'rho k cp'
prop_values = '1.843e-3 .312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
# num_steps = 1
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-5
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-3
growth_factor = 1.025
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
perf_graph = true
csv = true
type = Exodus
show_var_residual_norms = true
# This input file tests outflow boundary conditions for the incompressible NS equations.
width = 3.048
height = 1.016
length = 162.56
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = false
temperature = temp
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
file = msre_squares.msh
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
block = 'fuel'
block = 'fuel'
block = 'fuel'
block = 'fuel'
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
# [Precursors]
# var_name_base = pre
# block = 'fuel'
# outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_top'
# u_func = vel_x_func
# v_func = vel_y_func
# w_func = vel_z_func
# constant_velocity_values = false
# nt_exp_form = false
# family = MONOMIAL
# order = CONSTANT
# # jac_test = true
# []
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
# [./delayed_group1]
# type = DelayedNeutronSource
# variable = group1
# [../]
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = INSTemperature
u = vel_x
v = vel_y
w = vel_z
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
block = 'moderator'
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = GammaHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'moderator'
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
block = 'fuel'
type = FissionHeatSourceTransientAux
variable = power_density
block = 'moderator'
type = ModeratorHeatSourceTransientAux
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
variable = power_density
boundary = 'fuel_bottom'
variable = temp
value = 900
type = DirichletBC
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottom fuel_top moderator_bottoms moderator_tops'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottom fuel_top moderator_bottoms moderator_tops'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp rho'
prop_values = '.0553 1967 2.146e-3' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
peak_power_density = peak_power_density
controller_gain = 1e-4
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp rho'
prop_values = '.312 1760 1.86e-3' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moderator'
peak_power_density = peak_power_density
controller_gain = 0
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = SMP
full = true
solve_type = PJFNK
ksp_norm = none
# [Executioner]
# # type = Steady
# type = Transient
# dt = 1
# num_steps = 1
# petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
# petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
# # line_search = none
# nl_rel_tol = 1e-8
# nl_max_its = 50
# l_max_its = 300
# []
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
# petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
# petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 200
# dtmax = 1
dtmin = 1e-5
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000
perf_graph = true
exodus = true
csv = true
file_base = 'out'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '10 * sin(pi * z / ${length})'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '900 + 100 / ${length} * z'
type = FunctionIC
variable = temp
function = temp_ic
type = FunctionIC
variable = group1
function = nt_ic
type = FunctionIC
variable = group2
function = nt_ic
type = FullSolveMultiApp
app_type = MoltresApp
positions = '0 0 0'
input_files = solution_aux_exodus.i
execute_on = 'initial'
type = MultiAppNearestNodeTransfer
direction = from_multiapp
multi_app = sub
source_variable = vel_x
variable = vel_x
execute_on = 'initial'
type = MultiAppNearestNodeTransfer
direction = from_multiapp
multi_app = sub
source_variable = vel_y
variable = vel_y
execute_on = 'initial'
type = MultiAppNearestNodeTransfer
direction = from_multiapp
multi_app = sub
source_variable = vel_z
variable = vel_z
execute_on = 'initial'
type = MultiAppNearestNodeTransfer
direction = from_multiapp
multi_app = sub
source_variable = p
variable = p
execute_on = 'initial'
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moderator'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = AverageFissionHeat
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
outputs = 'console'
block = 'fuel'
type = ElementExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = power_density
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear timestep_begin'
global_temperature = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 8
use_exp_form = true
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
file = 'cylinder_rad_57.msh'
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# Neutronics
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
num_groups = 2
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
num_groups = 2
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
num_groups = 2
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
type = CoupledFissionEigenKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
num_groups = 2
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'boundaries'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'boundaries'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
block = 'reactor'
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/msre_homogeneous_critical_question_mark_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
# type = NonlinearEigen
# free_power_iterations = 4
# source_abs_tol = 1e-12
# source_rel_tol = 1e-8
# output_after_power_iterations = true
type = InversePowerMethod
max_power_iterations = 50
xdiff = 'group1diff'
bx_norm = 'bnorm'
k0 = 1.0
pfactor = 1e-2
l_max_its = 100
# solve_type = 'PJFNK'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu'
type = SMP
# full = true
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
execute_on = linear
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
execute_on = linear
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
execute_on = linear
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group1
execute_on = timestep_end
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group2
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ElementL2Diff
variable = group1
execute_on = 'linear timestep_end'
use_displaced_mesh = false
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
show_var_residual_norms = true
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
coord_type = RZ
var_name_base = group
vacuum_boundaries = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
create_temperature_var = false
scaling = 1e-4
pre_blocks = 'fuel'
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
scaling = 1e4
scaling = 1e-4
initial_condition = 930
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = ${flow_velocity}
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
loop_precursors = true
multi_app = loopApp
is_loopapp = false
inlet_boundaries = 'fuel_bottoms'
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
# [./temp_source_mod]
# type = GammaHeatSource
# variable = temp
# gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
# block = 'moder'
# average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
# [../]
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
type = PostprocessorDirichletBC
postprocessor = inlet_mean_temp
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-5
nl_abs_tol = 1e-5
solve_type = 'PJFNK'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
line_search = 'none'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
# dtmax = 1
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'exodus console'
type = SideAverageValue
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
outputs = 'exodus console'
type = Receiver
initialize_old = true
execute_on = 'timestep_begin'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
type = Exodus
file_base = 'auto_diff_rho'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = TransientMultiApp
app_type = MoltresApp
execute_on = timestep_begin
positions = '100.0 100.0 0.0'
input_files = 'sub.i'
# connect inlet and outlet to multiapp
type = MultiAppPostprocessorTransfer
multi_app = loopApp
from_postprocessor = loopEndTemp
to_postprocessor = inlet_mean_temp
direction = from_multiapp
reduction_type = maximum
type = MultiAppPostprocessorTransfer
multi_app = loopApp
from_postprocessor = coreEndTemp
to_postprocessor = coreEndTemp
direction = to_multiapp
flow_velocity = 21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
nt_scale = 1e13
ini_temp = 922
diri_temp = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = true
temperature = temp
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
file = '3d_single_unit_msre_vol_fraction.msh'
# uniform_refine = 1
# file = jac_test.msh
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = 0
w_def = ${flow_velocity}
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
block = 'fuel'
# [./temp_source_mod]
# type = GammaHeatSource
# variable = temp
# gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
# block = 'moder'
# average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
# [../]
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops moder_sides'
variable = group2
boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms moder_sides'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'monotone_cubic'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'monotone_cubic'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
property_name = rho
expression = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
coupled_variables = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'PJFNK'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 200
# dtmax = 1
dtmin = 1e-5
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000
type = SMP
full = true
# off_diag_row = 'temp pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6 temp pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
# off_diag_column = 'group1 group1 group1 group1 group1 group1 group1 group2 group2 group2 group2 group2 group2 group2'
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
# [./average_fission_heat]
# type = AverageFissionHeat
# nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
# execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
# outputs = 'console'
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
type = Exodus
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
# [Adaptivity]
# marker = errorfrac_temp
# max_h_level = 1
# [./Indicators]
# [./error_temp]
# type = GradientJumpIndicator
# variable = temp
# outputs = none
# [../]
# [../]
# [./Markers]
# [./errorfrac_temp]
# type = ErrorFractionMarker
# refine = 0.8
# coarsen = 0.1
# indicator = error_temp
# outputs = none
# [../]
# [../]
# []
# This input file tests outflow boundary conditions for the incompressible NS equations.
width = 3.048
height = 1.016
length = 162.56
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
sss2_input = false
account_delayed = false
temperature = temp
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
file = single_channel_msre_dimensions.msh
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# initial_condition = 1
# scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
block = 'fuel'
block = 'fuel'
block = 'fuel'
block = 'fuel'
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
# [Precursors]
# var_name_base = pre
# block = 'fuel'
# outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_top'
# u_func = vel_x_func
# v_func = vel_y_func
# w_func = vel_z_func
# constant_velocity_values = false
# nt_exp_form = false
# family = MONOMIAL
# order = CONSTANT
# # jac_test = true
# []
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
# [./delayed_group1]
# type = DelayedNeutronSource
# variable = group1
# [../]
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = INSTemperature
u = vel_x
v = vel_y
w = vel_z
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
block = 'moderator'
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = GammaHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'moderator'
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
block = 'fuel'
type = FissionHeatSourceTransientAux
variable = power_density
block = 'moderator'
type = ModeratorHeatSourceTransientAux
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
variable = power_density
boundary = 'fuel_bottom'
variable = temp
value = 900
type = DirichletBC
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottom fuel_top moderator_bottoms moderator_tops'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottom fuel_top moderator_bottoms moderator_tops'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp rho'
prop_values = '.0553 1967 2.146e-3' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
peak_power_density = peak_power_density
controller_gain = 1e-4
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp rho'
prop_values = '.312 1760 1.86e-3' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moderator'
peak_power_density = peak_power_density
controller_gain = 0
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = SMP
full = true
solve_type = PJFNK
ksp_norm = none
# [Executioner]
# # type = Steady
# type = Transient
# dt = 1
# num_steps = 1
# petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
# petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
# # line_search = none
# nl_rel_tol = 1e-8
# nl_max_its = 50
# l_max_its = 300
# []
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-6
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
# petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
# petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 200
# dtmax = 1
dtmin = 1e-5
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000
perf_graph = true
exodus = true
csv = true
file_base = 'out'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '10 * sin(pi * z / ${length})'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '900 + 100 / ${length} * z'
type = FunctionIC
variable = temp
function = temp_ic
type = FunctionIC
variable = group1
function = nt_ic
type = FunctionIC
variable = group2
function = nt_ic
type = FullSolveMultiApp
app_type = MoltresApp
positions = '0 0 0'
input_files = solution_aux_exodus.i
execute_on = 'initial'
type = MultiAppNearestNodeTransfer
direction = from_multiapp
multi_app = sub
source_variable = vel_x
variable = vel_x
execute_on = 'initial'
type = MultiAppNearestNodeTransfer
direction = from_multiapp
multi_app = sub
source_variable = vel_y
variable = vel_y
execute_on = 'initial'
type = MultiAppNearestNodeTransfer
direction = from_multiapp
multi_app = sub
source_variable = vel_z
variable = vel_z
execute_on = 'initial'
type = MultiAppNearestNodeTransfer
direction = from_multiapp
multi_app = sub
source_variable = p
variable = p
execute_on = 'initial'
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moderator'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = AverageFissionHeat
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
outputs = 'console'
block = 'fuel'
type = ElementExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = power_density
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear timestep_begin'
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
# global_temperature=922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
sss2_input = false
file = 'cylinder_structured_for_msre_comp.msh'
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e1
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e1
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-3
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = GammaHeatSource
variable = temp
gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
block = 'moder'
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottom fuel_top graphite_bottom graphite_top'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottom fuel_top graphite_bottom graphite_top'
variable = group2
boundary = 'graphite_bottom fuel_bottom'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_top'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'rho k cp'
prop_values = '2.146e-3 .0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
prop_names = 'rho k cp'
prop_values = '1.843e-3 .312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
# num_steps = 1
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-5
solve_type = 'PJFNK'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-3
growth_factor = 1.025
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = AverageFissionHeat
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
execute_on = 'nonlinear'
outputs = 'console'
block = 'fuel'
perf_graph = true
csv = true
type = Exodus
show_var_residual_norms = true
global_temperature = 922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 8
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
sss2_input = true
# file = 'msre_23x23.msh'
file = 'msre_cuboid_3x3.msh'
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops fuel_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops fuel_sides'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/B1_msre_single_unit_cell_fuel_'
interp_type = 'none'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/B1_msre_single_unit_cell_moder_'
interp_type = 'none'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
num_steps = 100
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor -snes_test_display'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-3
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = group2
outputs = 'console csv'
type = NodalExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = group2
outputs = 'console csv'
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
type = CSV
show_var_residual_norms = true
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
# global_temperature=922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 8
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
sss2_input = true
file = 'msre_26x26.msh'
# file = 'msre_cuboid_3x3.msh'
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
initial_condition = ${diri_temp}
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops fuel_sides'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops fuel_sides'
variable = group2
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms moder_bottoms fuel_sides'
type = DirichletBC
variable = temp
value = ${diri_temp}
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 0 ${flow_velocity}'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/B1_msre_single_unit_cell_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'rho k cp'
prop_values = '2.146e-3 .0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/B1_msre_single_unit_cell_moder_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
prop_names = 'rho k cp'
prop_values = '1.843e-3 .312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
# num_steps = 1
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-5
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-3
growth_factor = 1.025
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
perf_graph = true
csv = true
type = Exodus
show_var_residual_norms = true
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = false
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
# file = '2d_lattice_structured_jac.msh'
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
block = 'fuel'
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
picard_max_its = 1
picard_rel_tol = 1e-6
picard_abs_tol = 1e-4
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-4
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO'
line_search = 'none'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_max_its = 10
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-3
type = PostprocessorDT
postprocessor = 'limit_k'
dt = 1e-3
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console exodus csv'
type = LimitK
growth_factor = 1.1
cutback_factor = 0.4
k_threshold = 1.1
k_postprocessor = 'multiplication'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
exodus = true
csv = true
execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = TransientMultiApp
app_type = MoltresApp
positions = '0 0 0'
input_files = 'temp_no_pres.i'
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
direction = from_multiapp
multi_app = 'temp'
source_variable = temp
variable = temp
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
direction = to_multiapp
multi_app = 'temp'
source_variable = group1
variable = group1
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
direction = to_multiapp
multi_app = 'temp'
source_variable = group2
variable = group2
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
# global_temperature=922
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
sss2_input = false
file = 'cylinder_structured_for_msre_comp.msh'
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e1
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e1
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-3
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottom fuel_top graphite_bottom graphite_top'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottom fuel_top graphite_bottom graphite_top'
variable = group2
boundary = 'graphite_bottom fuel_bottom'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
function = 'temp_bc_func'
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_top'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'rho k cp'
prop_values = '2.146e-3 .0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
temperature = ${global_temperature}
prop_names = 'rho k cp'
prop_values = '1.843e-3 .312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
# num_steps = 1
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-5
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-3
growth_factor = 1.025
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
perf_graph = true
csv = true
type = Exodus
show_var_residual_norms = true
flow_velocity = 21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
nt_scale = 1e13
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = 922
sss2_input = false
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = ${flow_velocity}
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
block = 'fuel'
type = FissionHeatSourceTransientAux
variable = power_density
block = 'moder'
type = ModeratorHeatSourceTransientAux
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
variable = power_density
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp rho'
prop_values = '.0553 1967 2.146e-3' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
peak_power_density = peak_power_density
controller_gain = 1e-5
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp rho'
prop_values = '.312 1760 1.86e-3' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
controller_gain = 0
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 6e-6
# solve_type = 'NEWTON'
solve_type = 'PJFNK'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -pc_asm_overlap -sub_ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'asm lu 1 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
line_search = none
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
# dtmax = 1
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementExtremeValue
value_type = max
variable = power_density
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear timestep_begin'
type = AverageFissionHeat
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
# execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
outputs = 'csv console'
block = 'fuel'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
csv = true
type = Exodus
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
file = '../auto_diff_rho.e'
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_from_file_var = group1
initial_from_file_timestep = LATEST
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
scaling = 1e4
initial_from_file_var = group2
initial_from_file_timestep = LATEST
scaling = 1e-4
initial_from_file_var = temp
initial_from_file_timestep = LATEST
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = ${flow_velocity}
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
init_from_file = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
# [./temp_source_mod]
# type = GammaHeatSource
# variable = temp
# gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
# block = 'moder'
# average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
# [../]
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
type = PostprocessorDirichletBC
postprocessor = inlet_mean_temp
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-5
solve_type = 'PJFNK'
petsc_options = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
line_search = 'none'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
# dtmax = 1
# dt = 1e-3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console exodus'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'exodus console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'exodus console'
type = SideAverageValue
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
outputs = 'exodus console'
# [./average_fission_heat]
# type = AverageFissionHeat
# nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
# execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
# outputs = 'console'
# block = 'fuel'
# [../]
type = Receiver
initialize_old = true
execute_on = 'timestep_begin'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
type = Exodus
file_base = 'auto_diff_rho'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = TransientMultiApp
app_type = MoltresApp
execute_on = timestep_begin
positions = '100.0 100.0 0.0'
input_files = 'sub.i'
# connect inlet and outlet to multiapp
type = MultiAppPostprocessorTransfer
multi_app = loopApp
from_postprocessor = loopEndTemp
to_postprocessor = inlet_mean_temp
direction = from_multiapp
reduction_type = maximum
type = MultiAppPostprocessorTransfer
multi_app = loopApp
from_postprocessor = coreEndTemp
to_postprocessor = coreEndTemp
direction = to_multiapp
flow_velocity=21.7 # cm/s. See MSRE-properties.ods
num_groups = 2
num_precursor_groups = 6
use_exp_form = false
group_fluxes = 'group1 group2'
temperature = temp
sss2_input = false
pre_concs = 'pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6'
account_delayed = true
gamma = .0144 # Cammi .0144
nt_scale = ${nt_scale}
file = '2d_lattice_structured.msh'
coord_type = RZ
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 1
scaling = 1e4
initial_condition = ${ini_temp}
scaling = 1e-4
order = FIRST
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
var_name_base = pre
block = 'fuel'
outlet_boundaries = 'fuel_tops'
u_def = 0
v_def = ${flow_velocity}
w_def = 0
nt_exp_form = false
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
# jac_test = true
# Neutronics
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = SigmaR
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = DelayedNeutronSource
variable = group1
type = InScatter
variable = group1
group_number = 1
type = GroupDiffusion
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = SigmaR
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = NtTimeDerivative
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = CoupledFissionKernel
variable = group2
group_number = 2
type = InScatter
variable = group2
group_number = 2
# Temperature
type = MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivative
variable = temp
type = TransientFissionHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
type = GammaHeatSource
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
type = MatDiffusion
diffusivity = 'k'
variable = temp
type = ConservativeTemperatureAdvection
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
block = 'fuel'
type = DGTemperatureAdvection
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
type = DGDiffusion
variable = temp
sigma = ${sigma_val}
epsilon = -1
diff = 'k'
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group1
type = VacuumConcBC
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms fuel_tops moder_bottoms moder_tops outer_wall'
variable = group2
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms'
type = DGDiffusionPostprocessorDirichletBC
variable = temp
sigma = ${sigma_val}
epsilon = -1
diffusivity = 'k'
postprocessor = coreEndTemp
offset = -50
boundary = 'fuel_bottoms'
type = PostprocessorTemperatureInflowBC
variable = temp
uu = 0
vv = ${flow_velocity}
ww = 0
postprocessor = coreEndTemp
offset = -50
# [./temp_diri_cg]
# boundary = 'moder_bottoms fuel_bottoms outer_wall'
# type = FunctionDirichletBC
# function = 'temp_bc_func'
# variable = temp
# [../]
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
type = TemperatureOutflowBC
variable = temp
velocity = '0 ${flow_velocity} 0'
block = 'fuel'
type = FissionHeatSourceTransientAux
variable = power_density
block = 'moder'
type = ModeratorHeatSourceTransientAux
average_fission_heat = 'average_fission_heat'
variable = power_density
type = ParsedFunction
value = '${ini_temp} - (${ini_temp} - ${diri_temp}) * tanh(t/1e-2)'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_fuel_'
interp_type = 'spline'
block = 'fuel'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.0553 1967' # Robertson MSRE technical report @ 922 K
controller_gain = 0
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '2.146e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.18e-4 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'fuel'
type = GenericMoltresMaterial
property_tables_root = '../../property_file_dir/newt_msre_mod_'
interp_type = 'spline'
prop_names = 'k cp'
prop_values = '.312 1760' # Cammi 2011 at 908 K
block = 'moder'
controller_gain = 0
type = DerivativeParsedMaterial
f_name = rho
function = '1.86e-3 * exp(-1.8 * 1.0e-5 * (temp - 922))'
args = 'temp'
derivative_order = 1
block = 'moder'
type = Transient
end_time = 10000
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 6e-6
solve_type = 'PJFNK'
line_search = none
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
nl_max_its = 30
l_max_its = 100
dtmin = 1e-5
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1e-3
cutback_factor = 0.4
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
type = SMP
full = true
type = IntegralNewVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = IntegralOldVariablePostprocessor
variable = group1
outputs = 'console csv'
type = DivisionPostprocessor
value1 = group1_current
value2 = group1_old
outputs = 'console csv'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'fuel'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temp
block = 'moder'
outputs = 'csv console'
type = AverageFissionHeat
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
outputs = 'csv console'
block = 'fuel'
type = SideAverageValue
variable = temp
boundary = 'fuel_tops'
outputs = 'csv console'
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
type = LineValueSampler
start_point = '0 153 0'
end_point = '72.5 153 0'
num_points = 1000
variable = temp
sort_by = 'x'
outputs = 'csv'
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = true
type = CSV
execute_on = 'final'
exodus = true
show_var_residual_norms = true
# [ICs]
# [./temp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = temp
# min = 922
# max = 1022
# [../]
# [./group1_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group1
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# [./group2_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = group2
# min = .5
# max = 1.5
# [../]
# []