
app.refill_materials(mats, extracted_mass, waste_streams, process_file)[source]

Makes up material loss in removal processes by adding fresh fuel.

  • mats (dict of str to Materialflow) – Dicitionary mapping material names to saltproc.materialflow.Materialflow objects that have already been reprocessed by reprocess_materials.

  • extracted_mass (dict of str to float) – Dictionary mapping material names to the mass in [g] of that material removed via reprocessing.

  • waste_streams (dict of str to dict) –

    Dictionary mapping material names to waste streams from reprocessing


    Material name.


    Dictionary mapping waste stream names to saltproc.materialflow.Materialflow objects representing waste streams.

  • process_file (str) – Path to the .json file describing the fuel reprocessing components.


waste_streams – Superset of the input parameter waste_streams. Dictionary has keys for feed streams that map to Materialflow objects representing those material feed streams.

Return type

dict of str to dict