HDF5 Output File¶
This file format specification uses the pytables terminology.
- Leaves
- /inital_depcode_siminfo – (Table) - Table has the shape (1,)
Column 0: neutron_population – (int) - Number of particles
Column 1: active_cycles – (int) - Number of active cycles/batches
Column 2: inactive_cycles – (int) - Number of inactive cycles/batches
Column 3: depcode_name – (str) - Name of depletion code
Column 4: depcode_version – (str) - Depletion code version number
Column 5: title – (str) - Simulation title
Column 6: depcode_input_filename – (str) - Input filename for depletion code
Column 7: depcode_working_dir – (str) - Directory where results are stored
Column 8: xs_data_path – (str) - Path to cross section library
Column 9: OMP_threads – (int) - Number of OMP threads assigned
Column 10: MPI_Tasks – (int) - Number of MPI tasks assigned
Column 11: memory_optimization_mode – (int) - Serpent memory optimization mode
Column 12: depletion_timestep – (int) - Size of depletion timestep
- /simulation_parameters – (Table) - Table has the shape (number of timesteps,)
Column 0: beta_eff_eds – (float[][2]) - Delayed neutron fractions. The array has the shape (number of delayed groups, 2)
Column 1: breeding_ratio – (float[2]) - Breeding ratio in the fuel.
Column 2: cumulative_time_at_eds – (int) - Cumulative time at end of depletion step [days]
Column 3: delayed_neutrons_lambda – (float[][2]) - Delayed neutron precursor decay constants. The array has the shape (number of delayed groups, 2)
Column 4: fission_mass_bds – (float) - Fissile mass at beginning of depletion step [kg]
Column 5: fission_mass_eds – (float) - Fissile mass at end of depletion step [kg]
Column 6: keff_bds – (float[2]) - k_eff at beginning of depletion step
Column 7: keff_eds – (float[2]) - k_eff at end of depletion step
Column 8: memory_usage – (float) - Memory used in depletio step [MB]
Column 9: power_level – (float) - Neutron fission power [W]
Column 10: step_execution_time – (float) - Depletion step running time [minutes]
- /materials/<fuel/ctrlPois>/<before/after>_reproc/parameters – (Table) - Material parameters. Table has the shape (<1/0> + number of timesteps, 7)
Column 0: mass – (float) - Mass of material [g]
Column 1: density – (float) - Mass density of material [g/cm^3]
Column 2: volume – (float) - Volume of material [cm^3]
Column 3: temperature – (float) - Material temperature [K]
Column 4: mass_flowrate – (float) - Mass flowrate of material [g/s]
Column 5: void_fraction – (float) - Void fraction in material [%]
Column 6: burnup – (float) - Material burnup at end of depletion step [MWd/kgU]
/materials/(fuel,ctrlPois)/(before,after)_reproc/comp – (float[][]) - wt-percent composition of nuclides in the fuel or control poison. The array has the shape (<1/0> + number of timesteps, number of nuclides)
/materials/(fuel,ctrlPois)/in_out_streams/<stream name> – (float[][]) - wt-percent composition of nuclides in the material stream. The array has the shape (number of timesteps, number of nuclides in stream)