Release notes for v0.4.0


This version of SaltProc refactors the code in preparation for supporting OpenMC.

Dependency Changes

  • Saltproc now requires the following packages

New Features

Bug Fixes

Script Changes

  • The following scripts have been renamed:

    • process_j312.shprocess_j312.bash

Python API Changes

  • New tests for previously untested functions in

    • test_check_switch_geo_trigger

    • test_store_after_repr

    • test_store_mat_data

    • test_store_run_init_info

    • test_store_run_step_info

  • The following class methods have been added/(re)moved:

    • App.check_restart()Simulation.check_restart()

    • Simulation.switch_to_next_geometryDepcodeSerpent.switch_to_next_geometry

    • Simulation.runsim_no_reproctest/integration_tests/

    • Simulation.store_run_step_info

    • Simulation.store_run_init_info

    • (new) → Depcode.switch_to_next_geometry

    • (new) → Depcode.read_depcode_info

    • (new) → Depcode.read_repcode_step_param

    • DepcodeSerpent.sss_meta_zzzDepcodeSerpent.convert_nuclide_name_serpent_to_zam

    • DepcodeSerpent.get_tra_or_decDepcodeSerpent.create_nuclide_name_map_zam_to_serpent

    • DepcodeSerpent.read_depcode_templateDepcodeSerpent.read_plaintext_file

  • Updated input file structure:

    • App.depcode_inp dictionary

      • (new) → App.depcode_inp['codename']

      • App.exec_path

      • App.template_file

      • App.neutron_popApp.depcode_inp['npop']

      • App.active_cycles

      • App.inactive_cycles

      • App.geo_fileApp.depcode_inp['geo_file_paths']

    • App.simulation_inp dictionary:

      • (new) → App.simulation['sim_name']

      • App.db_fileApp.simulation['db_name']

      • App.restart_flag

      • App.adjust_geo

    • App.reactor_inp dictionary

      • (new) → App.reactor_inp['volume']

      • (new) → App.reactor_inp['mass_flowrate']

      • App.power_levels

      • App.depl_histApp.reactor_inp['dep_step_length_cumulative']

  • The following class attributes have been added/(re)moved:

    • Depcode class:

      • template_pathtemplate_inputfile_path

      • input_pathiter_inputfile

      • geo_filegeo_files

    • Simulation class:

      • h5_filedb_path

      • (new) → restart_flag

      • (new) → adjust_geo

      • iter_matfile → (removed)

  • The signatures for the following class methods have changed to better make use of object data encapsulation:

    • Depcode.read_dep_comp

    • Depcode.write_depcode_input

    • Depcode.write_mat_file

    • DepcodeSerpent.read_depcode_template

    • DepcodeSerpent.create_nuclide_map_serpent_to_zam


The following people contributed code to this release of SaltProc:


The following people reviewed code for this release of SaltProc: