Running in Parallel

If you have installed your supported depletion code with support for shared or distributed memory parallelism (typically via OpenMP or MPI, respectively) support, then you can take advantage of that parallelism in SaltProc as well.

Shared-Memory Parallelsim

To specify the number of theads to use in shared memory parallelism, use the -s or --threads command line argument when calling SaltProc. Note that this argument currently does not affect how OpenMC uses shared-memory parallelsim, as there is no way to specify the number of threads used in depletion. The default behavior is to use all available threads. User’s should read more about this here.

Distributed-Memory Parallelism

SaltProc provides the mpi_args parameter in the input file to give users flexible access to programs like mpiexec. mpi_args is a list of strings that is appended to the subprocess call for each depletion step.

For example, if we are using mpiexec, and want to do a distributed-memory run on two nodes, then in our input file, we should have the following parameter:

"mpi_args": ["mpiexec", "-n", "2"]