"""Process module"""
import re
from copy import deepcopy
from math import exp
import numpy as np
from saltproc import Materialflow
[docs]class Process():
"""Represents an aribtrary processing component that extracts nuclides from
a material.
mass_flowrate : float
mass flow rate of the material flow (g/s)
capacity : float
maximum mass flow rate of the material flow which current process
can handle (g/s)
volume : float
total volume of the current facility (:math:`cm^3`)
efficiency : dict of str to float or str
element name for removal (not isotope)
removal efficency for the isotope as a weight fraction (float)
or a function eps(x,m,t,P,L) (str)
optional_parameter : float
user can define any custom parameter in the input file describing
processes and use it in efficiency function
def __init__(self, *initial_data, **kwargs):
""" Initializes the Process object.
for dictionary in initial_data:
for key in dictionary:
setattr(self, key, dictionary[key])
for key in kwargs:
setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
[docs] def calculate_removal_efficiency(self, nuc_name):
"""Calculate the value of the removal efficiency for a given nuclide
in this process.
If the efficiency is a str describing efficiency as a
function (eps(x,m,t,P,L)), then construct the function and evaluate it.
Otherwise, it is a float and can be returned.
nuc_name : str
Name of target nuclide to be removed.
efficiency : float
Extraction efficiency for the given nuclide.
eps = self.efficiency[nuc_name]
if isinstance(eps, str):
for attr, value in self.__dict__.items():
if attr in eps:
eps = eps.replace(attr, "self." + str(attr))
eps = str(eps)
efficiency = eval(eps)
return efficiency
[docs] def check_mass_conservation(self):
"""Checking that Process.outflow + Process.waste_stream is equal
Process.inflow and the total mass is being conserved. Returns `True` if
the mass conserved or `False` if its mismatched.
out_stream = self.outflow + self.waste_stream
np.testing.assert_array_equal(out_stream, self.inflow)
[docs] def process_material(self, inflow):
"""Updates :class:`Materialflow` object `inflow` by removing target
nuclides with specific efficiencies in single component of fuel
reprocessing system and returns waste stream Materialflow object.
inflow : Materialflow obj
Material flowing into the processing system component.
waste_stream : Materialflow object
Waste stream from the reprocessing system component.
thru_flow : Materialflow object
Remaining material flow that will pass through the
reprocessing system component.
waste_mass = {}
thru_mass = {}
total_waste_mass = 0.0
total_thru_mass = 0.0
if bool(self.efficiency):
process_elements = list(self.efficiency.keys())
process_nucs = [nuc for nuc in inflow.comp.keys() \
if re.match(r"([A-Z]+)([0-9]+)", nuc, re.I).groups()[0] \
in process_elements]
thru_nucs = list(set(inflow.comp.keys()).difference(set(process_nucs)))
efficiency = [self.calculate_removal_efficiency(elem) \
for elem in process_elements]
efficiency = dict(zip(process_elements, efficiency))
nuc_efficiency = {}
for nuc in process_nucs:
elem = re.match(r"([A-Z]+)([0-9]+)", nuc, re.I).groups()[0]
nuc_efficiency[nuc] = efficiency[elem]
thru_mass = np.array([inflow.get_mass(nuc) * \
(1.0 - nuc_efficiency[nuc]) \
for nuc in process_nucs])
waste_mass = np.array([inflow.get_mass(nuc) * \
nuc_efficiency[nuc] \
for nuc in process_nucs])
total_waste_mass = np.sum(waste_mass)
total_thru_mass = inflow.mass - total_waste_mass
waste_mass = dict(zip(process_nucs, waste_mass / total_waste_mass))
thru_mass_1 = np.array([inflow.get_mass(nuc) for nuc in thru_nucs])
thru_mass_1 = dict(zip(thru_nucs, thru_mass_1 / total_thru_mass))
thru_mass = dict(zip(process_nucs, thru_mass / total_thru_mass))
total_thru_mass = inflow.mass
thru_mass = inflow.comp.copy()
waste_stream = Materialflow(comp=waste_mass)
if bool(waste_mass) and np.max(list(waste_mass.values())) > 0.0:
waste_stream.volume = total_waste_mass / waste_stream.mass
waste_stream.mass = total_waste_mass
waste_stream.volume = 0.0
# preserve inflow attributes
thru_flow = deepcopy(inflow)
# initial guess
thru_flow.volume = inflow.volume - waste_stream.volume
# correction
thru_flow.volume = thru_flow.volume * \
total_thru_mass / thru_flow.get_mass()
thru_flow.mass = total_thru_mass
del thru_mass, waste_mass
return thru_flow, waste_stream