Conference Abstract

The most concrete of abstracts.

Before Writing

  • Decide where this will be submitted.
  • Is the conference appropriate for this topic?
  • Is the session appropriate for this topic?
  • Consider your audience.
  • Decide the scope. Do you have enough time before the conference to get the work done?
  • Confirm the speaker. If the abstract is accepted into the conference, who will give the talk?
  • Confirm travel.
  • Confirm the authors. Give all authors ample opportunity to opt-out, read, and revise the document before submission.


The conference abstract should describe a talk that you would give.


Conferences vary in terms of formatting requirements. Follow the formatting guide provided by the conference. ANS conference abstracts should use the ANS Transactions style.

After Writing

  • Allow authors to opt-out, read, and revise before submission.
  • Submit it and wait for feedback.
  • If accepted:
    • Put the upcoming presentation on the arfc website under ‘presentation.’
    • Consider creating a Zenodo or Figshare DOI for your abstract.
    • Put the abstract in the Zotero library as a ‘presentation’ object.