Our publications are listed below.
- Scopatz, Anthony M., and Kathryn D. Huff. 2015. Effective Computation in Physics: Field Guide to Research with Python. 1st ed. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media.
Effective Computation in Physics is a handy guide to the types of problems you run into with computational physics—such as version control, bash scripts, object orientation, large databases, and parallel machines. The authors provide detailed scientific computing motivations, clear and concise tutorials, and references to further information about each of the topics presented.This book fills the existing training gap for students and scientists who conduct physics in a world where simulations have replaced desktop experiments and sophisticated data traversing algorithms have replaced pen and paper analysis.Provides a central source that ties various pieces of computational physics togetherContains coverage of the Python programming language aimed toward physicistsHelps you properly analyze and compellingly visualize your dataIncludes chapters on hot topics like NumPy and HDF5
@book{scopatz_effective_2015, address = {Sebastopol, CA}, edition = {1}, title = {Effective computation in physics: {Field} guide to research with python}, isbn = {978-1-4919-0153-3}, shorttitle = {Effective computation in physics}, url = {}, language = {English}, publisher = {O'Reilly Media}, author = {Scopatz, Anthony M. and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = may, year = {2015} }
Book Chapters
- Gesing, Sandra, Marlon Pierce, Suresh Marru, Michael Zentner, Kathryn Huff, Shannon Bradley, Sean B. Cleveland, et al. 2023. “Science Gateways and AI/ML: How Can Gateway Concepts and Solutions Meet the Needs in Data Science?” In Critical Infrastructure - Modern Approach and New Developments. IntechOpen.
Science gateways are a crucial component of critical infrastructure as they provide the means for users to focus on their topics and methods instead of the technical details of the infrastructure. They are defined as end-to-end solutions for accessing data, software, computing services, sensors, and equipment specific to the needs of a science or engineering discipline and their goal is to hide the complexity of the underlying infrastructure. Science gateways are often called Virtual Research Environments in Europe and Virtual Labs in Australasia; we consider these two terms to be synonymous with science gateways. Over the past decade, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have found applications in many different fields in private industry, and private industry has reaped the benefits. Likewise, in the academic realm, large-scale data science applications have also learned to apply public high-performance computing resources to make use of this technology. However, academic and research science gateways have yet to fully adopt the tools of AI. There is an opportunity in the gateways space, both to increase the visibility and accessibility to AI/ML applications and to enable researchers and developers to advance the field of science gateway cyberinfrastructure itself. Harnessing AI/ML is recognized as a high priority by the science gateway community. It is, therefore, critical for the next generation of science gateways to adapt to support the AI/ML that is already transforming many scientific fields. The goal is to increase collaborations between the two fields and to ensure that gateway services are used and are valuable to the AI/ML community. This chapter presents state-of-the-art examples and areas of opportunity for the science gateways community to pursue in relation to AI/ML and some vision of where these new capabilities might impact science gateways and support scientific research.
@incollection{gesing_science_2023, title = {Science {Gateways} and {AI}/{ML}: {How} {Can} {Gateway} {Concepts} and {Solutions} {Meet} the {Needs} in {Data} {Science}?}, isbn = {978-1-83768-108-2}, shorttitle = {Science {Gateways} and {AI}/{ML}}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-05-21}, booktitle = {Critical {Infrastructure} - {Modern} {Approach} and {New} {Developments}}, publisher = {IntechOpen}, author = {Gesing, Sandra and Pierce, Marlon and Marru, Suresh and Zentner, Michael and Huff, Kathryn and Bradley, Shannon and Cleveland, Sean B. and Brandt, Steven R. and Ramnath, Rajiv and Kee, Kerk and Dahan, Maytal and Martínez, Braulio M. Villegas and Sepulveda, Wilmer Contreras and Mondragón, José J. Sánchez}, month = mar, year = {2023}, doi = {10.5772/intechopen.110144} }
- Huff, Kathryn. 2019. “Chapter One - Economics of Advanced Reactors and Fuel Cycles.” In Storage and Hybridization of Nuclear Energy, edited by Hitesh Bindra, 1st ed., 1:1–20. Cambridge, MA, United States: Science & Technology Books Elsevier, Inc.
Many dynamic factors influence nuclear reactor and fuel cycle economics. Costs drive the equation, but policies affecting electricity pricing also influence nuclear power revenues at a fundamental level. In current reactors and their associated fuel cycles, capital, operation, and maintenance costs increasingly dominate the economics of nuclear power. Advanced reactor designs and fuel cycle choices can impact these costs both positively and negatively. While fuel cycle advancements also impact fuel costs, this component has a relatively small impact on the overall cost of nuclear electricity production, particularly in comparison to capital costs. If advanced reactors can offer very high-temperature heat appropriate for industrial processing, natively couple with storage technologies, or can otherwise acheive load following behavior, then they may become more financially feasible than the current fleet.
@incollection{huff_chapter_2019, address = {Cambridge, MA, United States}, edition = {1}, title = {Chapter {One} - {Economics} of {Advanced} {Reactors} and {Fuel} {Cycles}}, volume = {1}, isbn = {978-0-12-813975-2}, url = {}, booktitle = {Storage and {Hybridization} of {Nuclear} {Energy}}, publisher = {Science \& Technology Books Elsevier, Inc.}, author = {Huff, Kathryn}, editor = {Bindra, Hitesh}, month = jan, year = {2019}, doi = {10.1016/B978-0-12-813975-2.00001-6}, keywords = {Levelized cost of electricity, Economics, Reprocessing, Waste management, Advanced nuclear fuel cycles, Advanced nuclear reactors, Conversion, Enrichment, Fuel cycles, Fuel fabrication, Milling, Mining}, pages = {1--20} }
- ———. 2017. “Case Study: Cyclus Project.” In The Practice of Reproducible Research: Case Studies and Lessons from the Data-Intensive Sciences, edited by Justin Kitzes, Fatma Imamoglu, and Daniel Turek, 1st ed. Vol. 1. University of California, Berkeley: University of California Press.
The Practice of Reproducible Research presents concrete examples of how researchers in the data-intensive sciences are working to improve the reproducibility of their research projects. In each of the thirty-one case studies in this volume, the author or team describes the workflow that they used to complete a real-world research project. Authors highlight how they utilized particular tools, ideas, and practices to support reproducibility, emphasizing the very practical how, rather than the why or what, of conducting reproducible research. Part 1 provides an accessible introduction to reproducible research, a basic reproducible research project template, and a synthesis of lessons learned from across the thirty-one case studies. Parts 2 and 3 focus on the case studies themselves. The Practice of Reproducible Research is an invaluable resource for students and researchers who wish to better understand the practice of data-intensive sciences and learn how to make their own research more reproducible.
@incollection{huff_case_2017, address = {University of California, Berkeley}, edition = {1}, title = {Case {Study}: {Cyclus} {Project}}, volume = {1}, isbn = {978-0-520-29475-2}, url = {}, booktitle = {The {Practice} of {Reproducible} {Research}: {Case} {Studies} and {Lessons} from the {Data}-{Intensive} {Sciences}}, publisher = {University of California Press}, author = {Huff, Kathryn}, editor = {Kitzes, Justin and Imamoglu, Fatma and Turek, Daniel}, year = {2017} }
- ———. 2017. “Lessons Learned.” In The Practice of Reproducible Research: Case Studies and Lessons from the Data-Intensive Sciences, edited by Justin Kitzes, Fatma Imamoglu, and Daniel Turek, 1st ed. Vol. 1. University of California, Berkeley: University of California Press.
The Practice of Reproducible Research presents concrete examples of how researchers in the data-intensive sciences are working to improve the reproducibility of their research projects. In each of the thirty-one case studies in this volume, the author or team describes the workflow that they used to complete a real-world research project. Authors highlight how they utilized particular tools, ideas, and practices to support reproducibility, emphasizing the very practical how, rather than the why or what, of conducting reproducible research. Part 1 provides an accessible introduction to reproducible research, a basic reproducible research project template, and a synthesis of lessons learned from across the thirty-one case studies. Parts 2 and 3 focus on the case studies themselves. The Practice of Reproducible Research is an invaluable resource for students and researchers who wish to better understand the practice of data-intensive sciences and learn how to make their own research more reproducible.
@incollection{huff_lessons_2017, address = {University of California, Berkeley}, edition = {1}, title = {Lessons {Learned}}, volume = {1}, isbn = {978-0-520-29475-2}, url = {}, booktitle = {The {Practice} of {Reproducible} {Research}: {Case} {Studies} and {Lessons} from the {Data}-{Intensive} {Sciences}}, publisher = {University of California Press}, author = {Huff, Kathryn}, editor = {Kitzes, Justin and Imamoglu, Fatma and Turek, Daniel}, year = {2017} }
Journal Articles
- Huff, Kathryn. 2022. “Investing in America’s Nuclear Future.” Mechanical Engineering 145 (1): 16–16.
The article focuses on the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) by the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden. Topics discussed include nuclear energy considered as source of the carbon-free electricity in the U.S., clean energy production tax credits included in the IRA, and terawatt transformation through the clean energy transition.
@article{huff_investing_2022, title = {Investing in {America}'s {Nuclear} {Future}}, volume = {145}, issn = {00256501}, url = {}, number = {1}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Mechanical Engineering}, author = {Huff, Kathryn}, month = jan, year = {2022}, note = {Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers}, keywords = {AMERICA, CLEAN energy, FAST reactors, FUEL cycle, NUCLEAR energy, NUCLEAR fission, NUCLEAR power plants, NUCLEAR reactors}, pages = {16--16} }
- Park, Sun Myung, and Madicken Munk. 2022. “Verification of Moltres for Multiphysics Simulations of Fast-Spectrum Molten Salt Reactors.” Annals of Nuclear Energy 173 (August): 109111.
Modeling strongly coupled neutronics and thermal–hydraulics in liquid-fueled MSRs requires robust and flexible multiphysics software for accurate simulations at reasonable computational costs. In this paper, we present Moltres and its neutronics and thermal–hydraulics modeling capabilities relevant to multiphysics reactor analysis. As a MOOSE-based application, Moltres provides various multiphysics coupling schemes and time-stepping methods, including fully coupled solves with implicit time-stepping. We verified Moltres’ MSR modeling capabilities against a multiphysics numerical benchmark developed for software dedicated to modeling fast-spectrum MSRs. The results show that Moltres performed comparably to participating software packages in the benchmark; the majority of the relevant quantities fell within one standard deviation of the benchmark average. Among the participating multiphysics tools in the benchmark, Moltres agrees closest to the multiphysics tool from the Delft University of Technology due to similarities in the numerical solution techniques and meshing schemes.
@article{park_verification_2022, title = {Verification of moltres for multiphysics simulations of fast-spectrum molten salt reactors}, volume = {173}, issn = {03064549}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.anucene.2022.109111}, language = {en}, urldate = {2022-04-26}, journal = {Annals of Nuclear Energy}, author = {Park, Sun Myung and Munk, Madicken}, month = aug, year = {2022}, pages = {109111} }
- Thiollière, N., X. Doligez, M. Halasz, G. Krivtchik, I. Merino, B. Mouginot, A. V. Skarbeli, et al. 2022. “Impact of Fresh Fuel Loading Management in Fuel Cycle Simulators: A Functionality Isolation Test.” Nuclear Engineering and Design 392 (June): 111748.
Fuel cycle simulator development started many years ago by several research and engineering institutions or consulting firms for a wide range of applications. To improve confidence in the results, institutions may be tempted to increase the complexity of their software even if this complexity might not be necessary. On the other hand, some simulators may be used outside their range of validity when used in very specific applications. The FIT (Functionality Isolation Test) project is an international effort devoted to improve the confidence in the data produced by fuel cycle simulation tools. The scientific goal is to determine the optimum level of detail a fuel cycle simulator needs according to the type of study and the required confidence level. The project relies on a wide variety of fuel cycle simulators with a large range of complexity levels. The FIT project consists of isolating the impact of one targeted functionality on fuel cycle simulations. The impact of the functionality is assessed using a set of simple basic exercises specifically designed for this purpose, called ”functionality isolation.” The present work focuses on the impact on simulation results of using a fuel loading model (a relation that links the stock isotopic composition with the fresh fuel fabrication according to the reactor requirements) or a fixed fraction approach (the fresh fuel fissile fraction is fixed and does not depend on the stock isotopic composition). The paper first presents the FIT project. The exercise design is described and results show that using a fuel loading model approach has an important impact on fuel cycle outputs under certain conditions that are described. This result is reinforced by the fact that all fuel cycle simulators used in this exercise provide similar conclusions.
@article{thiolliere_impact_2022, title = {Impact of fresh fuel loading management in fuel cycle simulators: {A} functionality isolation test}, volume = {392}, issn = {0029-5493}, shorttitle = {Impact of fresh fuel loading management in fuel cycle simulators}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.nucengdes.2022.111748}, urldate = {2024-05-21}, journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design}, author = {Thiollière, N. and Doligez, X. and Halasz, M. and Krivtchik, G. and Merino, I. and Mouginot, B. and Skarbeli, A. V. and Hernandez-Solis, A. and Alvarez-Velarde, F. and Courtin, F. and Druenne, H. and Ernoult, M. and Huff, K. and Szieberth, M. and Vermeeren, B. and Wilson, P.}, month = jun, year = {2022}, keywords = {FIT project, Fuel Cycle Simulators, Fuel Loading Models, Pressurized Water Reactors, Sodium Fast Reactors}, pages = {111748} }
- Ashraf, O., Andrei Rykhlevskii, G. V. Tikhomirov, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2021. “Preliminary Design of Control Rods in the Single-Fluid Double-Zone Thorium Molten Salt Reactor (SD-TMSR).” Annals of Nuclear Energy 152 (March): 108035.
Recent studies on Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) showed that the excess reactivity at the beginning of the operation is large for many fueling strategies and must be compensated by a reactivity control system. The current work introduces a reliable safety system based on control rods in addition to the online feed system reactivity control in the Single-fluid Double-zone Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactor (SD-TMSR). Three different initial fissile loadings are considered: 233U, reactor-grade Pu, and transuranic (TRU) elements as a startup fuel. We applied six different absorbing materials to investigate the main operational and safety parameters in the SD-TMSR: natural B4C, enriched B4C with 90% 10B, HfB2, HfH1.62, Eu2O3, and Gd2O3. The present work focuses on control rod design, integral and differential control rod worth, shutdown margin, and shadowing effects at steady-state. We employed the SERPENT-2 Monte-Carlo code to calculate the reactivity worth and analyze the performance of the reactivity control system. We showed that 233U and reactor-grade Pu startup cores maintain adequate shutdown margin with all considered absorbers. Finally, this paper proposes a design of control rod clusters that compensate the excess reactivity of the SD-TMSR loaded with different initial fissile material.
@article{ashraf_preliminary_2021, title = {Preliminary design of control rods in the single-fluid double-zone thorium molten salt reactor ({SD}-{TMSR})}, volume = {152}, issn = {0306-4549}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.anucene.2020.108035}, language = {en}, urldate = {2021-01-05}, journal = {Annals of Nuclear Energy}, author = {Ashraf, O. and Rykhlevskii, Andrei and Tikhomirov, G. V. and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = mar, year = {2021}, keywords = {Monte Carlo, MSR, Safety, Thorium fuel cycle, Reactivity, Online reprocessing, Breeding reactor, Burnup, Monte carlo code, Control rod}, pages = {108035} }
- Chaube, Anshuman, Andrew Chapman, Akari Minami, James Stubbins, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2021. “The Role of Current and Emerging Technologies in Meeting Japan’s Mid- to Long-Term Carbon Reduction Goals.” Applied Energy 304 (December): 117669.
Using Japan as a proxy for a developed nation, we investigated the role of existing and nascent technologies in curbing carbon emissions. We simulated possible pathways to meeting 2030 and 2050 emission targets within the Japanese electricity supply sector using a single-region model in The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System (TIMES). Critically, our simulations incorporate novel technologies like hydrogen electrolysers, carbon capture, photochemical water splitting, and emerging photovoltaic cells, assess long-term impacts up to the year 2100, and include life-cycle emissions and learning curves for parameters such as investment cost, efficiency, and emission coefficients. Results indicate that a hybrid approach, using nuclear power and hydrogen from renewable energy-based electrolysis, is cost-effective and provides long-term emission reduction along with energy security. Nuclear, wind, solar, and hydrogen from renewables emerge as key emission reduction technologies, while natural gas with carbon capture plays a minor role in achieving emission reduction targets.
@article{chaube_role_2021, title = {The role of current and emerging technologies in meeting {Japan}’s mid- to long-term carbon reduction goals}, volume = {304}, issn = {0306-2619}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.117669}, language = {en}, urldate = {2021-09-02}, journal = {Applied Energy}, author = {Chaube, Anshuman and Chapman, Andrew and Minami, Akari and Stubbins, James and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = dec, year = {2021}, keywords = {Nuclear power, Energy model, Japan, Carbon capture, Hydrogen fuel cell}, pages = {117669} }
- Turkmen, Mehmet, Gwendolyn J. Y. Chee, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2021. “Machine Learning Application to Single Channel Design of Molten Salt Reactor.” Annals of Nuclear Energy 161 (October): 108409.
This study proposes a robust approach to quickly design a nuclear reactor core and explores the best performing machine learning (ML) technique for predicting feature parameters of the core. We implemented the approach into a hypothetical channel of molten salt reactors to demonstrate the applicability of the method. We prepared a Python tool, named Plankton, which couples to a reactor physics code and an optimization tool, and imports ML methods. The tool performs three consecutive phases: reactor database generation, machine learning application, and design optimization. We identified the extra trees method as the best performing estimator. With the estimator, we found nine optimum designs in total, one for each fuel-salt pair, and estimated all the performance metrics of the designs with a \textless5% prediction error compared to their actual values. U-Pu-NaCl fuel-salt gave promising results with the highest conversion ratio, the most negative feedback coefficient, and the lowest fast flux.
@article{turkmen_machine_2021, title = {Machine learning application to single channel design of molten salt reactor}, volume = {161}, issn = {0306-4549}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.anucene.2021.108409}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Annals of Nuclear Energy}, author = {Turkmen, Mehmet and Chee, Gwendolyn J. Y. and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = oct, year = {2021}, keywords = {Optimization, Molten salt reactor, Monte Carlo, Simulation, Machine learning, Channel design}, pages = {108409} }
- The YT Project, Matthew Turk, Nathan J. Goldbaum, John A. ZuHone, Cameron Hummels, Suoqing Ji, Meagan Lang, et al. 2021. “Introducing Yt 4.0: Analysis and Visualization of Volumetric Data.”
We present the current version of the yt software package. yt is an open-source, communitydeveloped platform for analysis of volumetric data, with readers for several dozen data formats, indexing systems for gridded data, adaptive mesh re nement data, unstructured mesh data, discrete and particle formats, and octree-based data, as well as the combination of these. We describe the systems implemented in yt to facilitate a “science- rst” approach to data analysis, wherein the emphasis is on the meaning and interpretation of the data as opposed to its discretization or layout.
@article{the_yt_project_introducing_2021, title = {Introducing yt 4.0: {Analysis} and {Visualization} of {Volumetric} {Data}}, shorttitle = {Introducing yt 4.0}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-06-04}, author = {{The YT Project} and Turk, Matthew and Goldbaum, Nathan J. and ZuHone, John A. and Hummels, Cameron and Ji, Suoqing and Lang, Meagan and Munk, Madicken and Smith, Britton and Kowalik, Kacper and Val-Borro, Miguel de and Coughlin, Jared W. and Cadiou, Corentin and Zingale, Michael and Orf, Leigh and Halbert, Kelton and Robert, Clément and Havlin, Christopher and Tonnesen, Stephanie and Myers, Andrew and Gurvich, Alex and Narayanan, Desika and Skillman, Samuel W. and Huebl, Axel and Biondo, Elliott and Wetzel, Andrew and Strawn, Clayton and Lindsay, Alexander and Altay, Gabriel and Lau, Erwin T. and Smith, Aaron and Kim, Ji-hoon and Schive, Hsi-Yu and S, Navaneeth and O'Shea, Brian W. and Abel, Tom and Gondhalekar, Yash and Gray, William J. and Gnedin, Nickolay Y. and Joana, Cristian and Li, Yuan and Farber, Ryan Jeffrey and Miller, Jonah M. and Ryan, Michael and Silvia, Devin W. and Jackson, Robert and Arraki, Kenz and Dutta, Alankar and Ghosh, Ritali and Xie, Shaokun and Naiman, Jill P. and Hix, Ronan and Borrow, Josh and Dong, Bili and Streicher, Ole and Mumford, Stuart and Keller, Benjamin and Thompson, Benjamin and Grete, Philipp and Wise, John H. and Tsai, Shin-Rong and Wijers, Nastasha Anna and Yourself, Add}, year = {2021}, note = {Publication Title: Manubot} }
- Chapman, Andrew, Yosuke Shigetomi, Shamal Chandra Karmaker, Bidyut Baran Saha, Kathryn Huff, Caleb Brooks, and James Stubbins. 2021. “The Cultural Dynamics of Energy: The Impact of Lived Experience, Preference and Demographics on Future Energy Policy in the United States.” Energy Research & Social Science 80 (October): 102231.
Cultural diversity is increasing in the US, which is likely to have an impact on preferences toward future energy policy. This research investigates people’s lived experience and preferences through a nationally representative survey (n = 3000) regarding the energy system, and how these relate to cultural group and other demographics. Our study highlights the influence of cultural background in the US, alongside educational achievement and income level on perceptions toward the energy system and energy policy. Through rigorous multivariate statistical evaluation of cultural groupings, income and education on energy system preferences and lived experience, we identified cultural groups that experience energy affordability differently, irrespective of income or educational achievement. For energy policy issue and factor importance, we identify a positive link with educational achievement and income, varying across cultural grouping. Overall, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islanders and American Indian and Native Alaskans had a muted response to energy policy issues and energy system factors compared to their peers. Our findings identified a need to enhance overall educational outcomes to engender more positive attitudes toward improving the environment, and the need for policy makers to be aware of cultural group preferences to enable development of energy policies which improve recognition justice outcomes.
@article{chapman_cultural_2021, title = {The cultural dynamics of energy: {The} impact of lived experience, preference and demographics on future energy policy in the {United} {States}}, volume = {80}, issn = {2214-6296}, shorttitle = {The cultural dynamics of energy}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.erss.2021.102231}, language = {en}, urldate = {2021-10-18}, journal = {Energy Research \& Social Science}, author = {Chapman, Andrew and Shigetomi, Yosuke and Chandra Karmaker, Shamal and Baran Saha, Bidyut and Huff, Kathryn and Brooks, Caleb and Stubbins, James}, month = oct, year = {2021}, keywords = {Energy justice, Energy policy, Culture, Demographics, Energy affordability, Recognition}, pages = {102231} }
- Bachmann, Amanda M., Roberto Fairhurst-Agosta, Zoë Richter, Nathan Ryan, and Madicken Munk. 2021. “Enrichment Dynamics for Advanced Reactor HALEU Support.” EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies 7: 22.
Transitioning to High Assay Low Enriched Uranium-fueled reactors will alter the material requirements of the current nuclear fuel cycle, in terms of the mass of enriched uranium and Separative Work Unit capacity. This work simulates multiple fuel cycle scenarios using Cyclus to compare how the type of the advanced reactor deployed and the energy growth demand affect the material requirements of the transition to High Assay Low Enriched Uranium-fueled reactors. Fuel cycle scenarios considered include the current fleet of Light Water Reactors in the U.S. as well as a no-growth and a 1% growth transition to either the Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation Micro Modular Reactor or the X-energy Xe-100 reactor from the current fleet of U.S. Light Water Reactors. This work explored parameters of interest including the number of advanced reactors deployed, the mass of enriched uranium sent to the reactors, and the Separative Work Unit capacity required to enrich natural uranium for the reactors. Deploying Micro Modular Reactors requires a higher average mass and Separative Work Unit capacity than deploying Xe-100 reactors, and a lower enriched uranium mass and a higher Separative Work Unity capacity than required to fuel Light Water Reactors before the transition. Fueling Xe-100 reactors requires less enriched uranium and Separative Work Unit capacity than fueling Light Water Reactors before the transition.
@article{bachmann_enrichment_2021, title = {Enrichment dynamics for advanced reactor {HALEU} support}, volume = {7}, copyright = {© A. M. Bachmann et al., Published by EDP Sciences, 2021}, issn = {2491-9292}, url = {}, doi = {10.1051/epjn/2021021}, language = {en}, urldate = {2021-12-02}, journal = {EPJ Nuclear Sciences \& Technologies}, author = {Bachmann, Amanda M. and Fairhurst-Agosta, Roberto and Richter, Zoë and Ryan, Nathan and Munk, Madicken}, year = {2021}, note = {Publisher: EDP Sciences}, pages = {22} }
- Ashraf, O., Andrei Rykhlevskii, G.V. Tikhomirov, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2020. “Whole Core Analysis of the Single-Fluid Double-Zone Thorium Molten Salt Reactor (SD-TMSR).” Annals of Nuclear Energy 137 (March): 107–15.
The SD-TMSR (2,250 MWth) is a Single-fluid Double-zone Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactor. The active core of the SD-TMSR is divided into the inner zone (486 fuel tubes) and the outer zone (522 fuel tubes) to improve the Th-U3 breeding performance. This work adopted the SERPENT-2 Monte Carlo code to analyze the whole core model of the SD-TMSR. Built-in SERPENT-2 capabilities simulated online reprocessing and refueling and calculated the multiplication factor and Breeding Ratio (BR). We found that the molten salt Temperature Coefficient of Reactivity (αT) was negative for initial and equilibrium states. This study investigated the variation of the multiplication factor, BR, and build-up of important nuclides in the core as a function of burnup. Under online reprocessing and refueling, we studied the variation of the reactivity during 60 years of reactor operation. Additionally, the neutron spectrum shift during the reactor operation was calculated. Finally, these simulations determined the appropriate 232Th and 233U feed rates for maintaining criticality and enabled analysis of the overall SD-TMSR fuel cycle performance.
@article{ashraf_whole_2020, title = {Whole core analysis of the single-fluid double-zone thorium molten salt reactor ({SD}-{TMSR})}, volume = {137}, issn = {0306-4549}, url = {}, doi = {}, language = {en}, journal = {Annals of Nuclear Energy}, author = {Ashraf, O. and Rykhlevskii, Andrei and Tikhomirov, G.V. and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = mar, year = {2020}, keywords = {MSR, Thorium fuel cycle, Online reprocessing, Breeding reactor, Burnup, Monte carlo code}, pages = {107--115} }
- Kamuda, Mark, Jifu Zhao, and Kathryn Huff. 2020. “A Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Automated Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications XVII, 954 (February): 161385.
Pattern recognition algorithms such as artificial neural networks (NNs) and convolution neural networks (CNNs) are prime candidates to perform automated gamma-ray spectroscopy. The way these models train and operate mimic how trained spectroscopists identify spectra. These models have shown promise in identifying gamma-ray spectra with large calibration drift and unknown background radiation fields. In this work, two algorithms for mixtures of radioisotopes based on NN and CNN are presented and evaluated.
@article{kamuda_comparison_2020, series = {Symposium on {Radiation} {Measurements} and {Applications} {XVII}}, title = {A comparison of machine learning methods for automated gamma-ray spectroscopy}, volume = {954}, issn = {0168-9002}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.nima.2018.10.063}, language = {en}, urldate = {2020-01-28}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}, author = {Kamuda, Mark and Zhao, Jifu and Huff, Kathryn}, month = feb, year = {2020}, keywords = {Neural networks, Gamma-ray spectroscopy, Automated isotope identification}, pages = {161385} }
- Miernicki, Elizabeth A., Alexander L. Heald, Kathryn D. Huff, Caleb S. Brooks, and Andrew J. Margenot. 2020. “Nuclear Waste Heat Use in Agriculture: History and Opportunities in the United States.” Journal of Cleaner Production 267 (September): 121918.
Nuclear power plants (NPPs) produce a large amount of waste heat (WH) that has generally been perceived and regulated as an environmental liability. Given the abundance of WH from NPPs and the ubiquity of generally low-grade heat requirements of agricultural operations, from production to post-harvest, there is remarkable potential to harness NPP WH for agricultural uses with mutual economic advantages to NPPs and agricultural sectors. Taking advantage of this WH resource may improve the financial outlook of both the partnered power plants and agricultural businesses by providing an additional revenue stream, decreased heating costs, and a reduced carbon footprint. This review summarizes and interprets the historical discourse and research on agricultural applications of NPP WH in the U.S., and synthesizes technical constraints, unknowns, and opportunities for realizing the benefits of WH derived from the nuclear energy sector for agricultural value chains. Previous applications of WH in the agricultural industry demonstrate that this is a viable option to the benefit of the parties involved under the right conditions, but relatively little has been done to further this technology in the U.S. in recent years or explore novel applications. A revival of interest in this technology may be warranted given the current outlook for NPPs in the U.S. and a general interest in reducing the environmental impact of agriculture.
@article{miernicki_nuclear_2020, title = {Nuclear waste heat use in agriculture: {History} and opportunities in the {United} {States}}, volume = {267}, issn = {0959-6526}, shorttitle = {Nuclear waste heat use in agriculture}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121918}, language = {en}, urldate = {2020-06-03}, journal = {Journal of Cleaner Production}, author = {Miernicki, Elizabeth A. and Heald, Alexander L. and Huff, Kathryn D. and Brooks, Caleb S. and Margenot, Andrew J.}, month = sep, year = {2020}, pages = {121918} }
- Ashraf, O., Andrei Rykhlevskii, G. V. Tikhomirov, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2020. “Strategies for Thorium Fuel Cycle Transition in the SD-TMSR.” Annals of Nuclear Energy 148 (December): 107656.
Liquid-fueled Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) systems represent advances in safety, economics, and sustainability. The MSR has been designed to operate with a Th/233U fuel cycle with 233U used as startup fissile material. Since 233U does not exist in nature, we must examine other available fissile materials to start up these reactor concepts. This work investigates the fuel cycle and neutronics performance of the Single-fluid Double-zone Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactor (SD-TMSR) with different fissile material loadings at startup: High Assay Low Enriched Uranium (HALEU) (19.79%), Pu mixed with HALEU (19.79%), reactor-grade Pu (a mixture of Pu isotopes chemically extracted from Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) with 33 GWd/tHM burnup), transuranic elements (TRU) from Light Water Reactor (LWR) SNF, and 233U. The MSR burnup routine provided by SERPENT-2 is used to simulate the online reprocessing and refueling in the SD-TMSR. The effective multiplication factor, fuel salt composition evolution, and net production of 233U are studied in the present work. Additionally, the neutron spectrum shift during the reactor operation is calculated. The results show that the continuous flow of reactor-grade Pu helps transition to the thorium fuel cycle within a relatively short time (≈4.5 years) compared to 26 years for 233U startup fuel. Finally, using TRU as the initial fuel materials offers the possibility of operating the SD-TMSR for an extended period of time (≈40 years) without any external feed of 233U.
@article{ashraf_strategies_2020, title = {Strategies for thorium fuel cycle transition in the {SD}-{TMSR}}, volume = {148}, issn = {0306-4549}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.anucene.2020.107656}, language = {en}, urldate = {2020-08-07}, journal = {Annals of Nuclear Energy}, author = {Ashraf, O. and Rykhlevskii, Andrei and Tikhomirov, G. V. and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = dec, year = {2020}, keywords = {MSR, Thorium fuel cycle, Online reprocessing, Breeding reactor, Burnup, Monte carlo code, Burner, Transuranic}, pages = {107656} }
- Chaube, Anshuman, Andrew Chapman, Yosuke Shigetomi, Kathryn Huff, and James Stubbins. 2020. “The Role of Hydrogen in Achieving Long Term Japanese Energy System Goals.” Energies 13 (17): 4539.
This research qualitatively reviews literature regarding energy system modeling in Japan specific to the future hydrogen economy, leveraging quantitative model outcomes to establish the potential future deployment of hydrogen in Japan. The analysis focuses on the four key sectors of storage, supplementing the gas grid, power generation, and transportation, detailing the potential range of hydrogen technologies which are expected to penetrate Japanese energy markets up to 2050 and beyond. Alongside key model outcomes, the appropriate policy settings, governance and market mechanisms are described which underpin the potential hydrogen economy future for Japan. We find that transportation, gas grid supplementation, and storage end-uses may emerge in significant quantities due to policies which encourage ambitious implementation targets, investment in technologies and research and development, and the emergence of a future carbon pricing regime. On the other hand, for Japan which will initially be dependent on imported hydrogen, the cost of imports appears critical to the emergence of broad hydrogen usage, particularly in the power generation sector. Further, the consideration of demographics in Japan, recognizing the aging, shrinking population and peoples’ energy use preferences will likely be instrumental in realizing a smooth transition toward a hydrogen economy.
@article{chaube_role_2020, title = {The {Role} of {Hydrogen} in {Achieving} {Long} {Term} {Japanese} {Energy} {System} {Goals}}, volume = {13}, copyright = {}, url = {}, doi = {10.3390/en13174539}, language = {en}, number = {17}, urldate = {2020-09-02}, journal = {Energies}, author = {Chaube, Anshuman and Chapman, Andrew and Shigetomi, Yosuke and Huff, Kathryn and Stubbins, James}, month = sep, year = {2020}, note = {Number: 17 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}, keywords = {sustainability, Japan, energy model, fuel cell, hydrogen economy}, pages = {4539} }
- Chee, Gwendolyn J., Roberto E. Fairhurst Agosta, Jin Whan Bae, Robert R. Flanagan, Anthony M. Scopatz, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2020. “Demand-Driven Deployment Capabilities in Cyclus, a Fuel Cycle Simulator.” Nuclear Technology 0 (0): 1–22.
The present U.S. nuclear fuel cycle faces challenges that hinder the expansion of nuclear energy technology. The U.S. Department of Energy identified four nuclear fuel cycle options that make nuclear energy technology more desirable. Successfully analyzing the transitions from the current fuel cycle to these promising fuel cycles requires a nuclear fuel cycle simulator that can predictively and automatically deploy fuel cycle facilities to meet user-defined power demand. This work introduces and demonstrates the demand-driven deployment capabilities in Cyclus, an open-source nuclear fuel cycle simulator framework. User-controlled capabilities such as time-series forecasting algorithms, supply buffers, and facility preferences were introduced to give users tools to minimize power undersupply in a transition scenario simulation. The demand-driven deployment capabilities are referred to as d3ploy. We demonstrate the capability of d3ploy to predict future commodities’ supply and demand, and automatically deploy fuel cycle facilities to meet the predicted demand in four transition scenarios. Using d3ploy to set up transition scenarios saves the user simulation setup time compared to previous efforts that required a user to manually calculate and use trial and error to set up the deployment scheme for the supporting fuel cycle facilities.
@article{chee_demand-driven_2020, title = {Demand-{Driven} {Deployment} {Capabilities} in {Cyclus}, a {Fuel} {Cycle} {Simulator}}, volume = {0}, issn = {0029-5450}, url = {}, doi = {10.1080/00295450.2020.1753444}, number = {0}, urldate = {2020-08-07}, journal = {Nuclear Technology}, author = {Chee, Gwendolyn J. and Agosta, Roberto E. Fairhurst and Bae, Jin Whan and Flanagan, Robert R. and Scopatz, Anthony M. and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = jul, year = {2020}, keywords = {nuclear fuel cycle, Nuclear engineering, automated deployment, nuclear fuel cycle simulator, time-series forecasting}, pages = {1--22} }
- Bae, Jin Whan, Andrei Rykhlevskii, Gwendolyn Chee, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2020. “Deep Learning Approach to Nuclear Fuel Transmutation in a Fuel Cycle Simulator.” Annals of Nuclear Energy 139 (May): 107230.
We trained a neural network model to predict Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Used Nuclear Fuel (UNF) composition given initial enrichment and burnup. This quick, flexible, medium-fidelity method to estimate depleted PWR fuel assembly compositions is used to model scenarios in which the PWR fuel burnup and enrichment vary over time. The Used Nuclear Fuel Storage, Transportation & Disposal Analysis Resource and Data System (UNF-ST&DARDS) Unified Database (UDB) provided a ground truth on which the model trained. We validated the model by comparing the U.S. UNF inventory profile predicted by the model with the UDB UNF inventory profile. The neural network yields less than 1% error for UNF inventory decay heat and activity and less than 2% error for major isotopic inventory. The neural network model takes 0.27 s for 100 predictions, compared to 118 s for 100 Oak Ridge Isotope GENeration (ORIGEN) calculations. We also implemented this model into Cyclus, an agent-based Nuclear Fuel Cycle (NFC) simulator, to perform rapid, medium-fidelity PWR depletion calculations. This model also allows discharge of batches with assemblies of varying burnup. Since the original private data cannot be retrieved from the model, this trained model can provide open-source depletion capabilities to NFC simulators. We show that training an artificial neural network with a dataset from a complex fuel depletion model can provide rapid, medium-fidelity depletion capabilities to large-scale fuel cycle simulations.
@article{bae_deep_2020, title = {Deep learning approach to nuclear fuel transmutation in a fuel cycle simulator}, volume = {139}, issn = {0306-4549}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.anucene.2019.107230}, language = {en}, urldate = {2020-01-07}, journal = {Annals of Nuclear Energy}, author = {Bae, Jin Whan and Rykhlevskii, Andrei and Chee, Gwendolyn and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = may, year = {2020}, keywords = {Python, Molten salt reactor, Reactor physics, Depletion, Multiphysics, nuclear engineering, agent based modeling, Finite elements, Hydrologic contaminant transport, MOOSE, Nuclear fuel cycle, Object orientation, Parallel computing, repository, Simulation, Systems analysis, Molten salt breeder reactor, Online reprocessing, Salt treatment, Spent nuclear fuel, Machine learning, Artificial neural network}, pages = {107230} }
- Rykhlevskii, Andrei, Jin Whan Bae, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2019. “Modeling and Simulation of Online Reprocessing in the Thorium-Fueled Molten Salt Breeder Reactor.” Annals of Nuclear Energy 128 (June): 366–79.
In the search for new ways to generate carbon-free, reliable base-load power, interest in advanced nuclear energy technologies, particularly Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs), has resurged with multiple new companies pursuing MSR commercialization. To further develop these MSR concepts, researchers need simulation tools for analyzing liquid-fueled MSR depletion and fuel processing. However, most contemporary nuclear reactor physics software is unable to perform high-fidelity full-core depletion calculations for a reactor design with online reprocessing. This paper introduces a Python package, SaltProc, which couples with the Monte Carlo code, SERPENT2 to simulate MSR online reprocessing by modeling the changing isotopic composition of MSR fuel salt. This work demonstrates SaltProc capabilities for a full-core, high-fidelity model of the commercial Molten Salt Breeder Reactor (MSBR) concept and verifies these results to results in the literature from independent, lower-fidelity analyses.
@article{rykhlevskii_modeling_2019, title = {Modeling and simulation of online reprocessing in the thorium-fueled molten salt breeder reactor}, volume = {128}, issn = {0306-4549}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.anucene.2019.01.030}, urldate = {2019-01-25}, journal = {Annals of Nuclear Energy}, author = {Rykhlevskii, Andrei and Bae, Jin Whan and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = jun, year = {2019}, keywords = {Python, Molten salt reactor, Reactor physics, Depletion, Multiphysics, nuclear engineering, agent based modeling, Finite elements, Hydrologic contaminant transport, MOOSE, Nuclear fuel cycle, Object orientation, Parallel computing, repository, Simulation, Systems analysis, Molten salt breeder reactor, Online reprocessing, Salt treatment}, pages = {366--379} }
- Bae, Jin Whan, Joshua L. Peterson-Droogh, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2019. “Standardized Verification of the Cyclus Fuel Cycle Simulator.” Annals of Nuclear Energy 128 (June): 288–91.
Many nuclear fuel cycle simulators can analyze transitions from once-through to advanced nuclear fuel cycles. Verification studies compare various fuel cycle analysis tools to test agreement and identify sources of difference. A recent verification study, Feng et al. (2016) established transition scenario test case specifications and accordingly evaluated national laboratory nuclear fuel cycle simulators, DYMOND, VISION, ORION, and MARKAL. This work verifies the performance of Cyclus, the agent-based, open-source fuel cycle simulator, using the test case specifications in Feng et. al. In this work, Cyclus demonstrates agreement with the results from the previous verification study. Minor differences reflect intentional, detailed material tracking in the Cycamore reactor module. These results extend the example results in Feng et al. to further enable future verification of additional nuclear fuel cycle simulation tools.
@article{bae_standardized_2019, title = {Standardized verification of the {Cyclus} fuel cycle simulator}, volume = {128}, issn = {0306-4549}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.anucene.2019.01.014}, urldate = {2019-01-25}, journal = {Annals of Nuclear Energy}, author = {Bae, Jin Whan and Peterson-Droogh, Joshua L. and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = jun, year = {2019}, keywords = {Reactor physics, Multiphysics, nuclear engineering, agent based modeling, Finite elements, Hydrologic contaminant transport, MOOSE, Nuclear fuel cycle, Object orientation, Parallel computing, repository, Simulation, Systems analysis, Verification, C}, pages = {288--291} }
- Bae, Jin Whan, Clifford E. Singer, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2019. “Synergistic Spent Nuclear Fuel Dynamics within the European Union.” Progress in Nuclear Energy 114 (July): 1–12.
The French 2012–2015 Commission Nationale d’Evaluation Reports emphasize preparation for a transition from Light Water Reactors (LWRs) to Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors (SFRs). We used the Cyclus nuclear fuel cycle simulator to explore the feasibility of enabling a French transition to an SFR fleet by using Used Nuclear Fuel (UNF) from other European Union (EU) nations. A Cyclus simulation captured nuclear power deployment in the EU from 1970 to 2160. In this simulation, France begins its planned transition to SFRs as existing LWRs are decommissioned. These SFRs are fueled with UNF accumulated by other EU nations and reprocessed in France. The impact of reactor lifetime extensions and SFR breeding ratios on time-to-transition were investigated with additional simulations. These simulations demonstrate that France can avoid deployment of additional LWRs by accepting UNF from other EU nations, that lifetime extensions delay time-to-transition, and improved breeding ratios are not particularly impactful.
@article{bae_synergistic_2019, title = {Synergistic spent nuclear fuel dynamics within the {European} {Union}}, volume = {114}, issn = {0149-1970}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.pnucene.2019.02.001}, urldate = {2019-04-15}, journal = {Progress in Nuclear Energy}, author = {Bae, Jin Whan and Singer, Clifford E. and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = jul, year = {2019}, keywords = {Reactor physics, Multiphysics, nuclear engineering, agent based modeling, Finite elements, Hydrologic contaminant transport, MOOSE, Nuclear fuel cycle, Object orientation, Parallel computing, repository, Simulation, Systems analysis, Transition, Agent-based, European union, Spent nuclear fuel}, pages = {1--12} }
- Lindsay, Alexander, and Kathryn Huff. 2018. “Moltres: Finite Element Based Simulation of Molten Salt Reactors.” The Journal of Open Source Software 3 (21): 1–2.
Moltres is a physics application for multiphysics modeling of fluid-fueled molten salt reactors (MSRs) (Lindsay et al. 2018). It couples equations for neutron diffusion, thermal hydraulics, and delayed neutron precursor transport. Neutron diffusion and precursor transport equations are set-up using an action system that allows the user to use an arbitrary number of neutron energy and precursor groups respectively with minimal input changes. Moltres sits on top of the Multi-physics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment (Gaston et al. 2015) and hence uses the finite element method to discretize the governing partial differential equations. In general the resulting system of non-linear algebraic equations is linearized using the Newton-Raphson method and then solved using the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (Balay et al. 2017). Assembly of the Jacobian and residual, and the linear solve are parallelized using MPI which allows Moltres to be run in massively parallel environments. Runs on the Blue Waters supercomputer at Illinois have utilized up to 608 cores. Moltres and MOOSE allow use of different basis functions for different system variables. Because of the purely diffusive nature of the neutron diffusion equations, neutron fluxes are typically discretized using continuous first-degree Lagrange polynomials and the degrees of freedom are associated with mesh nodes. The temperature variable may also be discretized with a continuous Lagrange basis, or a discontinuous basis of arbitrary degree monomials may be employed depending on the relative balance of heat convection to conduction. The purely hyperbolic precursor transport is currently discretized using constant monomials, which is equivalent to a first-order finite volume discretization. Moltres supports both segregated (through Picard iteration) and monolithic solutions of the equation system. However, due to the feedback between the power spectrum and temperature dependence of macroscopic cross-sections, monolithic solves have demonstrated superior robustness with segregated techniques often unable to converge to a solution. This result emphasizes the importance of a fully coupled multi-physics framework like the one that Moltres and MOOSE provide and suggests that iteratively coupling codes devoted to single physics (Kópházi, Lathouwers, and Kloosterman 2009) may result in limited flexibility.
@article{lindsay_moltres_2018, title = {Moltres: finite element based simulation of molten salt reactors}, volume = {3}, shorttitle = {Moltres}, doi = {10.21105/joss.00298}, number = {21}, urldate = {2018-01-08}, journal = {The Journal of Open Source Software}, author = {Lindsay, Alexander and Huff, Kathryn}, month = jan, year = {2018}, pages = {1--2} }
- Smith, Arfon M., Kyle E. Niemeyer, Daniel S. Katz, Lorena A. Barba, George Githinji, Melissa Gymrek, Kathryn D. Huff, et al. 2018. “Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS): Design and First-Year Review.” PeerJ Computer Science 4 (February): e147.
This article describes the motivation, design, and progress of the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS). JOSS is a free and open-access journal that publishes articles describing research software. It has the dual goals of improving the quality of the software submitted and providing a mechanism for research software developers to receive credit. While designed to work within the current merit system of science, JOSS addresses the dearth of rewards for key contributions to science made in the form of software. JOSS publishes articles that encapsulate scholarship contained in the software itself, and its rigorous peer review targets the software components: functionality, documentation, tests, continuous integration, and the license. A JOSS article contains an abstract describing the purpose and functionality of the software, references, and a link to the software archive. The article is the entry point of a JOSS submission, which encompasses the full set of software artifacts. Submission and review proceed in the open, on GitHub. Editors, reviewers, and authors work collaboratively and openly. Unlike other journals, JOSS does not reject articles requiring major revision; while not yet accepted, articles remain visible and under review until the authors make adequate changes (or withdraw, if unable to meet requirements). Once an article is accepted, JOSS gives it a digital object identifier (DOI), deposits its metadata in Crossref, and the article can begin collecting citations on indexers like Google Scholar and other services. Authors retain copyright of their JOSS article, releasing it under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. In its first year, starting in May 2016, JOSS published 111 articles, with more than 40 additional articles under review. JOSS is a sponsored project of the nonprofit organization NumFOCUS and is an affiliate of the Open Source Initiative (OSI).
@article{smith_journal_2018, title = {Journal of {Open} {Source} {Software} ({JOSS}): design and first-year review}, volume = {4}, issn = {2376-5992}, shorttitle = {Journal of {Open} {Source} {Software} ({JOSS})}, url = {}, doi = {10.7717/peerj-cs.147}, language = {en}, urldate = {2018-02-19}, journal = {PeerJ Computer Science}, author = {Smith, Arfon M. and Niemeyer, Kyle E. and Katz, Daniel S. and Barba, Lorena A. and Githinji, George and Gymrek, Melissa and Huff, Kathryn D. and Madan, Christopher R. and Mayes, Abigail Cabunoc and Moerman, Kevin M. and Prins, Pjotr and Ram, Karthik and Rokem, Ariel and Teal, Tracy K. and Guimera, Roman Valls and Vanderplas, Jacob T.}, month = feb, year = {2018}, pages = {e147} }
- Lindsay, Alexander, Gavin Ridley, Andrei Rykhlevskii, and Kathryn Huff. 2018. “Introduction to Moltres: An Application for Simulation of Molten Salt Reactors.” Annals of Nuclear Energy 114 (April): 530–40.
Moltres is a new physics application for modeling coupled physics in fluid-fuelled, molten salt reactors. This paper describes its neutronics model, thermal hydraulics model, and their coupling in the MOOSE framework. Neutron and precursor equations are implemented using an action system that allows use of an arbitrary number of groups with no change in the input card. Results for many-channel configurations in 2D-axisymmetric and 3D coordinates are presented and compared against other coupled models as well as the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment.
@article{lindsay_introduction_2018, title = {Introduction to {Moltres}: {An} application for simulation of {Molten} {Salt} {Reactors}}, volume = {114}, issn = {0306-4549}, shorttitle = {Introduction to {Moltres}}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.anucene.2017.12.025}, language = {en}, urldate = {2018-01-08}, journal = {Annals of Nuclear Energy}, author = {Lindsay, Alexander and Ridley, Gavin and Rykhlevskii, Andrei and Huff, Kathryn}, month = apr, year = {2018}, keywords = {Reactor physics, Multiphysics, nuclear engineering, agent based modeling, Finite elements, Hydrologic contaminant transport, MOOSE, Nuclear fuel cycle, Object orientation, Parallel computing, repository, Simulation, Systems analysis}, pages = {530--540}, annote = {2d prescribed} }
- Huff, Kathryn. 2017. “Rapid Methods for Radionuclide Contaminant Transport in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Simulation.” Advances in Engineering Software 114 (December): 268–81.
Nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear waste disposal decisions are technologically coupled. However, current nuclear fuel cycle simulators lack dynamic repository performance analysis due to the computational burden of high-fidelity hydrolgic contaminant transport models. The Cyder disposal environment and repository module was developed to fill this gap. It implements medium-fidelity hydrologic radionuclide transport models to support assessment appropriate for fuel cycle simulation in the Cyclus fuel cycle simulator. Rapid modeling of hundreds of discrete waste packages in a geologic environment is enabled within this module by a suite of four closed form models for advective, dispersive, coupled, and idealized contaminant transport: a Degradation Rate model, a Mixed Cell model, a Lumped Parameter model, and a 1-D Permeable Porous Medium model. A summary of the Cyder module, its timestepping algorithm, and the mathematical models implemented within it are presented. Additionally, parametric demonstrations simulations performed with Cyder are presented and shown to demonstrate functional agreement with parametric simulations conducted in a standalone hydrologic transport model, the Clay Generic Disposal System Model developed by the Used Fuel Disposition Campaign Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy.
@article{huff_rapid_2017, title = {Rapid methods for radionuclide contaminant transport in nuclear fuel cycle simulation}, volume = {114}, issn = {0965-9978}, doi = {10.1016/j.advengsoft.2017.07.006}, urldate = {2019-03-03}, journal = {Advances in Engineering Software}, author = {Huff, Kathryn}, month = dec, year = {2017}, keywords = {nuclear engineering, agent based modeling, Hydrologic contaminant transport, Nuclear fuel cycle, Object orientation, repository, Simulation, Systems analysis, Nuclear Fuel Cycle, simulation, Repository}, pages = {268--281}, annote = {Discussion of what models are used for radionuclide contaminant transport and essentially how the code works. It also discusses the significance of repository modeling. Significance - Nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear waste disposal decisions are technologically coupled through the characteristics of spent fuel which vary among fuel cycles and impact repository design and performance - Dynamic integration of generic disposal model with fuel cycle systems analysis framework is necessary to illuminate performance distinctions of candidate repository host media, designs, and engineering components in the context of fuel cycle options - Most current tools treat waste disposal phase of fuel cycle analysis statically in post processing by reporting values such as mass, volumes, radiotoxicity, or heat production of accumulated SNF and high level waste. They fail to address the dynamic impact of the waste streams on the performance of the geologic disposal system. Cyder - Cyder provides medium fidelity models to conduct repository performance analysis on efficient timescales appropriate for fuel cycle analyses} }
- Allen, Alice, Cecilia Aragon, Christoph Becker, Jeffrey Carver, Andrei Chis, Benoit Combemale, Mike Croucher, et al. 2017. “Engineering Academic Software (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 16252).” Edited by Alice Allen et al. Dagstuhl Manifestos 6 (1): 1–20.
Software is often a critical component of scientific research. It can be a component of the academic research methods used to produce research results, or it may itself be an academic research result. Software, however, has rarely been considered to be a citable artifact in its own right. With the advent of open-source software, artifact evaluation committees of conferences, and journals that include source code and running systems as part of the published artifacts, we foresee that software will increasingly be recognized as part of the academic process. The quality and sustainability of this software must be accounted for, both a priori and a posteriori. The Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop on “Engineering Academic Software” has examined the strengths, weaknesses, risks, and opportunities of academic software engineering. A key outcome of the workshop is this Dagstuhl Manifesto, serving as a roadmap towards future professional software engineering for software-based research instruments and other software produced and used in an academic context. The manifesto is expressed in terms of a series of actionable “pledges” that users and developers of academic research software can take as concrete steps towards improving the environment in which that software is produced.
@article{allen_engineering_2017, title = {Engineering {Academic} {Software} ({Dagstuhl} {Perspectives} {Workshop} 16252)}, volume = {6}, issn = {2193-2433}, url = {}, doi = {10.4230/DagMan.6.1.1}, number = {1}, journal = {Dagstuhl Manifestos}, author = {Allen, Alice and Aragon, Cecilia and Becker, Christoph and Carver, Jeffrey and Chis, Andrei and Combemale, Benoit and Croucher, Mike and Crowston, Kevin and Garijo, Daniel and Gehani, Ashish and Goble, Carole and Haines, Robert and Hirschfeld, Robert and Howison, James and Huff, Kathryn and Jay, Caroline and Katz, Daniel S. and Kirchner, Claude and Kuksenok, Katie and Lämmel, Ralf and Nierstrasz, Oscar and Turk, Matt and Nieuwpoort, Rob van and Vaughn, Matthew and Vinju, Jurgen J.}, editor = {al, Alice Allen et}, year = {2017}, keywords = {Academic software, Research software, Software citation, Software sustainability}, pages = {1--20}, annote = {Keywords: Academic software, Research software, Software citation, Software sustainability} }
- Andreades, Charalampos, Anselmo T. Cisneros, Jae Keun Choi, Alexandre YK Chong, Massimiliano Fratoni, Sea Hong, Lakshana R. Huddar, et al. 2016. “Design Summary of the Mark-I Pebble-Bed, Fluoride Salt–Cooled, High-Temperature Reactor Commercial Power Plant.” Nuclear Technology 195 (3): 222–38.
The University of California, Berkeley (UCB), has developed a preconceptual design for a commercial pebble-bed (PB), fluoride salt–cooled, high-temperature reactor (FHR) (PB-FHR). The baseline design for this Mark-I PB-FHR (Mk1) plant is a 236-MW(thermal) reactor. The Mk1 uses a fluoride salt coolant with solid, coated-particle pebble fuel. The Mk1 design differs from earlier FHR designs because it uses a nuclear air-Brayton combined cycle designed to produce 100 MW(electric) of base-load electricity using a modified General Electric 7FB gas turbine. For peak electricity generation, the Mk1 has the ability to boost power output up to 242 MW(electric) using natural gas co-firing. The Mk1 uses direct heating of the power conversion fluid (air) with the primary coolant salt rather than using an intermediate coolant loop. By combining results from computational neutronics, thermal hydraulics, and pebble dynamics, UCB has developed a detailed design of the annular core and other key functional features. Both an active normal shutdown cooling system and a passive, natural-circulation-driven emergency decay heat removal system are included. Computational models of the FHR-validated using experimental data from the literature and from scaled thermal-hydraulic facilities-have led to a set of design criteria and system requirements for the Mk1 to operate safely and reliably. Three-dimensional, computer-aided-design models derived from the Mk1 design criteria are presented.
@article{andreades_design_2016, title = {Design {Summary} of the {Mark}-{I} {Pebble}-{Bed}, {Fluoride} {Salt}–{Cooled}, {High}-{Temperature} {Reactor} {Commercial} {Power} {Plant}}, volume = {195}, issn = {00295450}, url = {}, doi = {10.13182/NT16-2}, number = {3}, urldate = {2016-09-09}, journal = {Nuclear Technology}, author = {Andreades, Charalampos and Cisneros, Anselmo T. and Choi, Jae Keun and Chong, Alexandre YK and Fratoni, Massimiliano and Hong, Sea and Huddar, Lakshana R. and Huff, Kathryn D. and Kendrick, James and Krumwiede, David L. and Laufer, Michael and Munk, Madicken and Scarlat, Raluca O. and Wang, Xin and Zwiebaum, Nicolas and Greenspan, Ehud and Peterson, Per}, month = sep, year = {2016}, pages = {222--238} }
- Huff, Kathryn D., Matthew J. Gidden, Robert W. Carlsen, Robert R. Flanagan, Meghan B. McGarry, Arrielle C. Opotowsky, Erich A. Schneider, Anthony M. Scopatz, and Paul P. H. Wilson. 2016. “Fundamental Concepts in the Cyclus Nuclear Fuel Cycle Simulation Framework.” Advances in Engineering Software 94 (April): 46–59.
As nuclear power expands, technical, economic, political, and environmental analyses of nuclear fuel cycles by simulators increase in importance. To date, however, current tools are often fleet-based rather than discrete and restrictively licensed rather than open source. Each of these choices presents a challenge to modeling fidelity, generality, efficiency, robustness, and scientific transparency. The Cyclus nuclear fuel cycle simulator framework and its modeling ecosystem incorporate modern insights from simulation science and software architecture to solve these problems so that challenges in nuclear fuel cycle analysis can be better addressed. A summary of the Cyclus fuel cycle simulator framework and its modeling ecosystem are presented. Additionally, the implementation of each is discussed in the context of motivating challenges in nuclear fuel cycle simulation. Finally, the current capabilities of Cyclus are demonstrated for both open and closed fuel cycles.
@article{huff_fundamental_2016, title = {Fundamental concepts in the {Cyclus} nuclear fuel cycle simulation framework}, volume = {94}, issn = {0965-9978}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.advengsoft.2016.01.014}, language = {en}, urldate = {2016-02-12}, journal = {Advances in Engineering Software}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D. and Gidden, Matthew J. and Carlsen, Robert W. and Flanagan, Robert R. and McGarry, Meghan B. and Opotowsky, Arrielle C. and Schneider, Erich A. and Scopatz, Anthony M. and Wilson, Paul P. H.}, month = apr, year = {2016}, note = {arXiv: 1509.03604}, keywords = {nuclear engineering, agent based modeling, Nuclear fuel cycle, Object orientation, Simulation, Systems analysis, simulation, Computer Science - Software Engineering, Computer Science - Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science, Computer Science - Mathematical Software, Computer Science - Multiagent Systems, D.2.13, D.2.4, I.6.7, I.6.8, Finance, and Science, Computer Science - Computational Engineering, Agent based modeling, Nuclear engineering}, pages = {46--59}, annote = {arXiv: 1509.03604} }
- Wilson, Greg V., D. A. Aruliah, C. Titus Brown, Neil P. Chue Hong, Matt Davis, Richard T. Guy, Steven H. D. Haddock, et al. 2014. “Best Practices for Scientific Computing.” PLoS Biol 12 (1): e1001745.
We describe a set of best practices for scientific software development, based on research and experience, that will improve scientists’ productivity and the reliability of their software.
@article{wilson_best_2014, title = {Best {Practices} for {Scientific} {Computing}}, volume = {12}, url = {}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pbio.1001745}, number = {1}, urldate = {2014-09-08}, journal = {PLoS Biol}, author = {Wilson, Greg V. and Aruliah, D. A. and Brown, C. Titus and Chue Hong, Neil P. and Davis, Matt and Guy, Richard T. and Haddock, Steven H. D. and Huff, Kathryn D. and Mitchell, Ian M. and Plumbley, Mark D. and Waugh, Ben and White, Ethan P. and Wilson, Paul}, month = jan, year = {2014}, keywords = {science, Computer Science - Software Engineering, recommendation, Science, software, Computer Science - Mathematical Software}, pages = {e1001745} }
- Clerc, M. G., P. Cordero, J. Dunstan, Kathryn D. Huff, N. Mujica, D. Risso, and G. Varas. 2008. “Liquid-Solid-like Transition in Quasi-One-Dimensional Driven Granular Media.” Nature Physics 4 (3): 249–54.
The theory of non-ideal gases at thermodynamic equilibrium, for instance the van der Waals gas model, has played a central role in our understanding of coexisting phases, as well as the transitions between them. In contrast, the theory fails with granular matter because collisions between the grains dissipate energy, and their macroscopic size renders thermal fluctuations negligible. When a mass of grains is subjected to mechanical vibration, it can make a transition to a fluid state. In this state, granular matter exhibits patterns and instabilities that resemble those of molecular fluids. Here, we report a granular solid–liquid phase transition in a vibrating granular monolayer. Unexpectedly, the transition is mediated by waves and is triggered by a negative compressibility, as for van der Waals phase coexistence, although the system does not satisfy the hypotheses used to understand atomic systems. The dynamic behaviour that we observe—coalescence, coagulation and wave propagation—is common to a wide class of phase transitions. We have combined experimental, numerical and theoretical studies to build a theoretical framework for this transition.
@article{clerc_liquid-solid-like_2008, title = {Liquid-solid-like transition in quasi-one-dimensional driven granular media}, volume = {4}, issn = {1745-2473}, url = {}, doi = {10.1038/nphys884}, number = {3}, urldate = {2010-09-18}, journal = {Nature Physics}, author = {Clerc, M. G. and Cordero, P. and Dunstan, J. and Huff, Kathryn D. and Mujica, N. and Risso, D. and Varas, G.}, month = mar, year = {2008}, keywords = {KHuff}, pages = {249--254} }
In Progress / Submitted
Conference Proceedings
- Richter, Zoë, Eva Davidson, Steve Skutnik, and Madicken Munk. 2023. “Modeling and Simulation of Xe-100 Type Pebble-Bed Gas-Cooled Reactor with SCALE.” In , 10.
@inproceedings{richter_modeling_2023, title = {Modeling and {Simulation} of {Xe}-100 type {Pebble}-{Bed} {Gas}-{Cooled} {Reactor} with {SCALE}}, language = {eng}, author = {Richter, Zoë and Davidson, Eva and Skutnik, Steve and Munk, Madicken}, month = aug, year = {2023}, pages = {10} }
- Bachmann, Amanda M., Scott Richards, Madicken Munk, and Bo Feng. 2022. “Sensitivity Analysis of Fuel Cycle Transitions Using Cyclus-Dakota.” In Proceedings of the International High Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference. Phoenix, AZ.
@inproceedings{bachmann_sensitivity_2022, address = {Phoenix, AZ}, title = {Sensitivity analysis of fuel cycle transitions using {Cyclus}-{Dakota}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {International} {High} {Level} {Radioactive} {Waste} {Management} {Conference}}, author = {Bachmann, Amanda M. and Richards, Scott and Munk, Madicken and Feng, Bo}, month = nov, year = {2022} }
- Park, Sun Myung, and Kathryn D Huff. 2021. “Multiphysics Benchmark Results from Moltres.” In Proceedings of the 2021 ANS Virtual Annual Meeting. Reactor Analysis Methods - I. Virtual Meeting: American Nuclear Society.
@inproceedings{park_multiphysics_2021, address = {Virtual Meeting}, series = {Reactor {Analysis} {Methods} - {I}}, title = {Multiphysics {Benchmark} {Results} from {Moltres}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2021 {ANS} {Virtual} {Annual} {Meeting}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Park, Sun Myung and Huff, Kathryn D}, month = jun, year = {2021}, note = {(Submitted before May 2021)} }
- Bachmann, Amanda M., and Kathryn D. Huff. 2021. “Comparing HALEU Demand Aong Advanced Reactor Fuel Cycle Transitions.” In Proceedings of the 2021 ANS Virtual Annual Meeting, 124:134–37. Virtual Meeting.
@inproceedings{bachmann_comparing_2021, address = {Virtual Meeting}, title = {Comparing {HALEU} {Demand} {Aong} {Advanced} {Reactor} {Fuel} {Cycle} {Transitions}}, volume = {124}, url = {}, urldate = {2021-06-29}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2021 {ANS} {Virtual} {Annual} {Meeting}}, author = {Bachmann, Amanda M. and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = jun, year = {2021}, note = {(Submitted before May 2021)}, pages = {134--137} }
- Bachmann, Amanda M. 2021. “Modeling Material Requirements of the Transition to HALEU Fueled Reactors.” In Proceedings of the Technical Workshop on Fuel Cycle Simulation 2021. Virtual.
For many fuel cycle simulators, it is currently up to the user to define a deployment scheme of supporting facilities or provide an infinite inventory of commodities to ensure that there is no gap in the supply chain. To ease setting up nuclear fuel cycle simulations, Nuclear Fuel Cycle (NFC) simulators should bring demand responsive deployment decisions into the dynamics of the simulation logic. In this work, we develop demand driven deployment capabilities in Cyclus, d3ploy. User-controlled capabilities such as supply/ capacity buffers, constraint deployment, prediction algorithms, and installed capacity deployment were introduced in d3ploy to give a user the tools to minimize commodity undersupply in a simulation. We demonstrate d3ploy’s capability to automatically deploy fuel cycle facilities to meet various types of user-defined power demands: constant, linearly increasing, and sinusoidal.
@inproceedings{bachmann_modeling_2021, address = {Virtual}, title = {Modeling {Material} {Requirements} of the {Transition} to {HALEU} {Fueled} {Reactors}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Technical} {Workshop} on {Fuel} {Cycle} {Simulation} 2021}, author = {Bachmann, Amanda M.}, collaborator = {Huff, Kathryn D}, month = jun, year = {2021} }
- Bachmann, Amanda M., and Kathryn D. Huff. 2021. “Enriched Uranium Supply Requirements for the Transition to Advanced Reactors.” In Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society 2021 National Student Conference, Virtual.
Current nuclear reactors employed in the United States use Low Enriched Uranium (LEU)fuel enriched to no more than 5%. New reactor designs, such as the Ultra Safe Nuclear Cor-poration (USNC) Micro Modular Reactor (MMR)TM, will require High Assay Low EnrichedUranium (HALEU) fuel enriched between 5-20%. To meet HALEU fuel requirements, theU.S. Department of Energy is considering recovery and downblending of High Enriched Ura-nium (HEU) fuel and enriching natural uranium to the required levels [1], with each of thesemethods containing their own limitations. Recovery and downblending of HEU fuel is lim-ited by the existing physical supply of HEU as well as downblending capacity. Enrichment ofnatural uranium is limited by centrifuge capacity, in terms of Separative Work Unit (SWU).This work aims to quantify the resource requirements of the current U.S. reactor fleetand of the transition to different reactors that require HALEU fuel. Fuel cycle simulationsare completed usingCyclus, an agent-based fuel cycle simulator [2]. Transition scenariosconsidered include use of the USNC MMRTMand the X-energy Xe-100TMreactor, which bothrequire HALEU fuel. Resource requirements of interest include enriched fuel requirementsat each enrichment level, HEU required to meet HALEU demand, and natural uranium andSWU required to meet HALEU demand. These metrics will inform the material requirementsand provide insight into the best method to meet fuel requirements for these transitionscenarios
@inproceedings{bachmann_enriched_2021, address = {Virtual}, title = {Enriched {Uranium} {Supply} {Requirements} for the {Transition} to {Advanced} {Reactors}}, language = {English}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society} 2021 {National} {Student} {Conference},}, author = {Bachmann, Amanda M. and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = apr, year = {2021} }
- Fairhurst Agosta, R.E., and K.D. Huff. 2021. “Cerberus: A MOOSE-Based Application for Solving the SP3 Equations.” In , 124:540–43.
@inproceedings{fairhurst_agosta_cerberus_2021, title = {Cerberus: {A} {MOOSE}-based application for solving the {SP3} equations}, volume = {124}, shorttitle = {Cerberus}, doi = {10.13182/T124-35135}, language = {English}, author = {Fairhurst Agosta, R.E. and Huff, K.D.}, year = {2021}, note = {ISSN: 0003-018X Issue: 1}, pages = {540--543} }
- Petrovic, Bojan, Kyle Ramey, Ian Hill, E. Losa, M. Elsawi, Z. Wu, C. Lu, et al. 2021. “Preliminary Results of the NEA FHR Benchmark Phase I-A and I-B (Fuel Element 2-D Benchmark).” In Proceedings of ANS M&C 2021, 1924–33. Virtual: American Nuclear Society.
Under the auspices on OECD-NEA, a benchmark has been initiated to assess state of the art modelling and simulation capabilities for Fluoride salt-cooled High-temperature Reactors (FHRs) with TRISO fuel embedded in fuel plates (“planks”) of hexagonal fuel elements. Benchmark phases I-A and I-B involve reactor physics analysis of a representative fuel element, without and with depletion. Several configurations are considered (e.g., unrodded and rodded configuration, presence of burnable absorbers, variable enrichment). Parameters compared include multiplication factor, reactivity coefficients, flux distribution, neutron spectrum and isotopic composition change with burnup. Seven organizations from four countries are taking part in this blind-benchmark exercise, using Monte Carlo and deterministic methods. Given the complex combination of materials and geometry, the FHR benchmark is expected to be challenging, particularly for deterministic codes. As the nuclear data libraries underpinning both deterministic and Monte Carlo methods have had limited testing for FHR systems, and molten salt systems in general, the benchmark aims to provide feedback to both the nuclear data community as well as molten salt reactor designers with regards to the variance of results with different nuclear data sources. This paper reports on the current results submitted and provides comparisons and analysis. Overall, the observed agreement is satisfactory, although notable differences are identified in specific cases, suggesting need for further in-depth analysis of those cases.
@inproceedings{petrovic_preliminary_2021, address = {Virtual}, title = {Preliminary {Results} of the {NEA} {FHR} {Benchmark} {Phase} {I}-{A} and {I}-{B} ({Fuel} {Element} 2-{D} {Benchmark})}, url = {}, urldate = {2021-10-18}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {ANS} {M}\&{C} 2021}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Petrovic, Bojan and Ramey, Kyle and Hill, Ian and Losa, E. and Elsawi, M. and Wu, Z. and Lu, C. and Gonzalez, J. and Novog, D. and Chee, Gwendolyn and Huff, Kathryn D. and Margulis, M. and Read, N. and Shwegaraus, Eugene}, month = oct, year = {2021}, note = {(Submitted before May 2021)}, pages = {1924--1933} }
- Dotson, Samuel G., and Kathryn D. Huff. 2020. “Echo State Networks for Renewable Energy Forecasting.” In Proceedings of the 2020 ANS Virtual Winter Meeting. Operations and Power Division Hybrid and Integrated Energy Systems. Virtual Meeting: American Nuclear Society.
Many nuclear power plants are at risk of shutting down due to a combination of policy decisions and financial strain [1]. Accurately predicting the generation from solar and wind may help minimize profit losses for nuclear power plants. Nu- clear power competes with natural gas to fulfill the net demand after accounting for renewable energy sources. Load following gives natural gas an economic edge over nuclear power be- cause natural gas plants can follow grid demand and even shut off when renewable penetration makes the price of electricity go negative [2]. It is possible for existing nuclear plants to load follow somewhat and some French nuclear plants have been retrofitted to follow daily variations in electricity demand [3]. As penetration of solar and wind energy increases around the world, load following will depend less on electric demand pro- files and more on renewable energy profiles. This shift makes load following with current nuclear power plants intractable [4]. Renewable energy challenges the base load electricity production that nuclear provides in the United States by in- troducing grid demand variability. Advanced reactor designs, like some Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs), promise strong load following capabilities due to active 135Xe removal [5]. Unfor- tunately, the most mature MSR designs are at least a decade away from obtaining a commercial license in the United States. The climate crisis is too urgent to wait this long for nuclear power to become fully competitive with natural gas [6]. Variability has been the primary drawback for renewable energy sources like wind turbines, solar PV, and solar concen- trators, since their inception. This flaw worsens as renewable energy penetration increases [4]. Forecasting electricity pro- duction from renewable sources is therefore important for successful management of power systems [7]. Recent studies applied artificial neural networks (ANNs), specifically multi- layer perceptrons, to the task of net load forecasting [7, 8, 9]. These studies made short term forecasts of 4-6 hours but nu- clear plants need accurate forecasts further ahead to facilitate load following. This study will be the first to apply Echo State Networks (ESNs) to the task of net load prediction.
@inproceedings{dotson_echo_2020, address = {Virtual Meeting}, series = {Operations and {Power} {Division} {Hybrid} and {Integrated} {Energy} {Systems}}, title = {Echo {State} {Networks} for {Renewable} {Energy} {Forecasting}}, shorttitle = {Paper 33110}, url = {}, urldate = {2020-11-17}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2020 {ANS} {Virtual} {Winter} {Meeting}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Dotson, Samuel G. and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = nov, year = {2020} }
- Fairhurst Agosta, Roberto, Samuel Dotson, and Kathryn Huff. 2020. “Hydrogen Economy in Champaign-Urbana, IL.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society Student Conference. Raleigh, NC: American Nuclear Society.
@inproceedings{fairhurst_agosta_hydrogen_2020-1, address = {Raleigh, NC}, title = {Hydrogen {Economy} in {Champaign}-{Urbana}, {IL}}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society} {Student} {Conference}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Fairhurst Agosta, Roberto and Dotson, Samuel and Huff, Kathryn}, month = mar, year = {2020} }
- ———. 2020. “Hydrogen Economy in Champaign-Urbana, IL.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting. Vol. 122. General Topics in Decommissioning. Phoenix, AZ: American Nuclear Society.
@inproceedings{fairhurst_agosta_hydrogen_2020, address = {Phoenix, AZ}, series = {General {Topics} in {Decommissioning}}, title = {Hydrogen {Economy} in {Champaign}-{Urbana}, {IL}}, volume = {122}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society} {Annual} {Meeting}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Fairhurst Agosta, Roberto and Dotson, Samuel and Huff, Kathryn}, month = jun, year = {2020} }
- Dotson, Samuel G., and Kathryn D. Huff. 2020. “Optimal Sizing of a Micro-Reactor for Embedded Grid Systems.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, 122:682–85. Reactor Physics of Micro Reactors for Terrestrial and Space Applications—II. Phoenix, AZ: American Nuclear Society.
There has been significant work recently to develop en- ergy system concepts that incorporate a mixture of nuclear energy, variable renewable energy (VRE) and energy storage techniques. These systems are often referred to as nuclear hy- brid energy systems (NHES) and are generally robust, reliable, economically appealing, and have low to zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions [1, 2, 3, 4]. In 2015, the University of Illi- nois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) made a commitment to reach carbon neutrality by 2050 in the Illinois Climate Ac- tion Plan (iCAP) [5]. This plan identified nuclear energy as a potential contributor to this goal. In this work we use the RAVEN framework to find the optimal size for a micro-reactor that would minimize the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for the UIUC embedded grid. The greatest source economic variability is contained in the capital costs of a micro-reactor. Thus we examine both scenarios where the reactor is provided at no cost to the university and purchased at full price.
@inproceedings{dotson_optimal_2020-1, address = {Phoenix, AZ}, series = {Reactor {Physics} of {Micro} {Reactors} for {Terrestrial} and {Space} {Applications}—{II}}, title = {Optimal {Sizing} of a {Micro}-reactor for {Embedded} {Grid} {Systems}}, volume = {122}, url = {}, doi = {}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society} {Annual} {Meeting}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Dotson, Samuel G. and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = jun, year = {2020}, pages = {682--685} }
- Turkmen, Mehmet, and Kathryn D Huff. 2020. “Single Channel Design Based on Artificial Intelligence for Molten Salt Reactors.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 122:712–13. Virtual Conference. Virtual Meeting: American Nuclear Society.
Aim: To introduce an efficient, novel, robust, accelerated and reliable design recommendation approach based on machine learning methods in predicting performance metrics of any design Why: - parametric studies ignore interdependence of variables - obligation to use a reactor physics code for any neutron transport calculation - possibility to converge to a local instead of global optima - concerns on the parameters of the optimizers due to the indeterminacy of these parameters prior to evaluations
@inproceedings{turkmen_single_2020, address = {Virtual Meeting}, series = {Virtual {Conference}}, title = {Single {Channel} {Design} {Based} on {Artificial} {Intelligence} for {Molten} {Salt} {Reactors}}, volume = {122}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Turkmen, Mehmet and Huff, Kathryn D}, month = jun, year = {2020}, pages = {712--713} }
- Dotson, Samuel G., and Kathryn D. Huff. 2020. “Optimal Sizing of a Micro-Reactor for Embedded Grid Systems.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society Student Conference. Raleigh, N.C.: American Nuclear Society.
There has been significant work recently to develop en- ergy system concepts that incorporate a mixture of nuclear energy, variable renewable energy (VRE) and energy storage techniques. These systems are often referred to as nuclear hy- brid energy systems (NHES) and are generally robust, reliable, economically appealing, and have low to zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions [1, 2, 3, 4]. In 2015, the University of Illi- nois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) made a commitment to reach carbon neutrality by 2050 in the Illinois Climate Ac- tion Plan (iCAP) [5]. This plan identified nuclear energy as a potential contributor to this goal. In this work we use the RAVEN framework to find the optimal size for a micro-reactor that would minimize the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for the UIUC embedded grid. The greatest source economic variability is contained in the capital costs of a micro-reactor. Thus we examine both scenarios where the reactor is provided at no cost to the university and purchased at full price.
@inproceedings{dotson_optimal_2020, address = {Raleigh, N.C.}, title = {Optimal {Sizing} of a {Micro}-{Reactor} for {Embedded} {Grid} {Systems}}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society} {Student} {Conference}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Dotson, Samuel G. and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = mar, year = {2020} }
- Huff, Kathryn D. 2019. “Demand Driven Cycamore Archetypes FY16 NEUP Award Summary.” In Presentations in the DOE-NE Systems Analysis and Integration (SA&I) Campaign. Argonne, IL, United States.
@inproceedings{huff_demand_2019, address = {Argonne, IL, United States}, title = {Demand {Driven} {Cycamore} {Archetypes} {FY16} {NEUP} {Award} {Summary}}, booktitle = {Presentations in the {DOE}-{NE} {Systems} {Analysis} and {Integration} ({SA}\&{I}) {Campaign}}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = sep, year = {2019} }
- Chaube, Anshuman, James Stubbins, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2019. “Dynamic Transition Analysis with TIMES.” In I2CNER Annual Symposium. Fukuoka, Japan: Kyushu University.
@inproceedings{chaube_dynamic_2019-1, address = {Fukuoka, Japan}, title = {Dynamic {Transition} {Analysis} with {TIMES}}, booktitle = {{I2CNER} {Annual} {Symposium}}, publisher = {Kyushu University}, author = {Chaube, Anshuman and Stubbins, James and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = feb, year = {2019}, note = {(Presentation)} }
- Hague, Emma J., Mark Kamuda, William P. Ford, Eric T. Moore, and Johanna Turk. 2019. “A Comparison of Adaptive and Template Matching Techniques for Radio-Isotope Identification.” In Algorithms, Technologies, and Applications for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imagery XXV, 10986:1098608. International Society for Optics and Photonics.
We compare and contrast the effectiveness of a set of adaptive and non-adaptive algorithms for isotope identification based on gamma-ray spectra. One dimensional energy spectra are simulated for a variety of dwell-times and source to detector distances in order to reflect conditions typically encountered in radiological emergency response and environmental monitoring applications. We find that adaptive methods are more accurate and computationally efficient than non-adaptive in cases of operational interest.
@inproceedings{hague_comparison_2019, title = {A comparison of adaptive and template matching techniques for radio-isotope identification}, volume = {10986}, url = {}, doi = {10.1117/12.2519062}, urldate = {2019-10-30}, booktitle = {Algorithms, {Technologies}, and {Applications} for {Multispectral} and {Hyperspectral} {Imagery} {XXV}}, publisher = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, author = {Hague, Emma J. and Kamuda, Mark and Ford, William P. and Moore, Eric T. and Turk, Johanna}, month = may, year = {2019}, pages = {1098608} }
- Chee, Gwendolyn J., and Kathryn D. Huff. 2019. “Simulation of Spent Nuclear Fuel Loading into a Final Waste Repository.” In WM Symposia 2019 Proceedings. Phoenix, AZ: Roy G. Post Foundation.
@inproceedings{chee_simulation_2019, address = {Phoenix, AZ}, title = {Simulation of {Spent} {Nuclear} {Fuel} loading into a {Final} {Waste} {Repository}}, booktitle = {{WM} {Symposia} 2019 {Proceedings}}, publisher = {Roy G. Post Foundation}, author = {Chee, Gwendolyn J. and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = apr, year = {2019} }
- Chee, Gwendolyn J. 2019. “Demand Driven Deployment Capabilities in Cyclus.” In Proceedings of the Technical Workshop on Fuel Cycle Simulation 2019. Champaign, IL.
For many fuel cycle simulators, it is currently up to the user to define a deployment scheme of supporting facilities or provide an infinite inventory of commodities to ensure that there is no gap in the supply chain. To ease setting up nuclear fuel cycle simulations, Nuclear Fuel Cycle (NFC) simulators should bring demand responsive deployment decisions into the dynamics of the simulation logic. In this work, we develop demand driven deployment capabilities in Cyclus, d3ploy. User-controlled capabilities such as supply/ capacity buffers, constraint deployment, prediction algorithms, and installed capacity deployment were introduced in d3ploy to give a user the tools to minimize commodity undersupply in a simulation. We demonstrate d3ploy’s capability to automatically deploy fuel cycle facilities to meet various types of user-defined power demands: constant, linearly increasing, and sinusoidal.
@inproceedings{chee_demand_2019, address = {Champaign, IL}, title = {Demand {Driven} {Deployment} {Capabilities} in {Cyclus}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Technical} {Workshop} on {Fuel} {Cycle} {Simulation} 2019}, author = {Chee, Gwendolyn J.}, collaborator = {Flanagan, Robert R. and Huff, Kathryn D}, month = jun, year = {2019} }
- Betzler, Benjamin R., Andrei Rykhlevskii, Andrew Worrall, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2019. “Impacts of Fast-Spectrum Molten Salt Reactor Characteristics on Fuel Cycle Performance.” In Proceedings of GLOBAL International Fuel Cycle Conference. Seattle, WA, United States: American Nuclear Society.
@inproceedings{betzler_impacts_2019, address = {Seattle, WA, United States}, title = {Impacts of {Fast}-{Spectrum} {Molten} {Salt} {Reactor} {Characteristics} on {Fuel} {Cycle} {Performance}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {GLOBAL} {International} {Fuel} {Cycle} {Conference}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Betzler, Benjamin R. and Rykhlevskii, Andrei and Worrall, Andrew and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = sep, year = {2019} }
- Park, Sun Myung, Andrei Rykhlevskii, and Kathryn Huff. 2019. “Safety Analysis of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor Fuel Composition Using Moltres.” In Proceedings of GLOBAL International Fuel Cycle Conference. Seattle, WA, United States: American Nuclear Society.
The Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) has garnered much interest for its inherent safety and sustainbility features. The MSFR can adopt a closed thorium fuel cycle for sustainable operation through the breeding of 233 U from 232 Th. The fuel composition changes significantly over the course of its lifespan. In this study, we investigated the steady state and transient behavior of the MSFR using Moltres, a coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics code developed within the Multiphysics Object Oriented Simulation Environment (MOOSE) framework. Three different fuel compositions, start-up, early-life, and equilibrium, were examined for potentially dangerous core temperature excursions during a unprotected loss of heat sink (ULOHS) accident. The six-group and total neutron flux distributions showed good agreement with SERPENT and published MSFR results, while the temperature distribution and total power showed discrepancies which can be attributed toknown sources of error. For the transient behavior under the ULOHS scenario, while the transition time towards the new steady state core temperature is also in good agreement with existing MSFR simulations by Fiorina et al., Moltres under-estimated the temperature rise by a factor of ten, due to the same sources of error affecting the steady state results. While an MSFR loaded with start-up fuel composition operates at a higher temperature than with the other two fuel compositions, all three cases were shown to be inherently safe due to thestrong negative temperature feedback.
@inproceedings{park_safety_2019, address = {Seattle, WA, United States}, title = {Safety {Analysis} of the {Molten} {Salt} {Fast} {Reactor} {Fuel} {Composition} using {Moltres}}, url = {}, doi = {10.31224/}, urldate = {2019-11-05}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {GLOBAL} {International} {Fuel} {Cycle} {Conference}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Park, Sun Myung and Rykhlevskii, Andrei and Huff, Kathryn}, month = sep, year = {2019} }
- Flanagan, Robert R., Jin Whan Bae, Kathryn D. Huff, Gwendolyn J. Chee, and Roberto Fairhurst. 2019. “Methods for Automated Fuel Cycle Facility Deployment.” In Proceedings of Global/Top Fuel 2019, 402–27. Seattle, WA, United States: American Nuclear Society.
@inproceedings{flanagan_methods_2019, address = {Seattle, WA, United States}, title = {Methods for {Automated} {Fuel} {Cycle} {Facility} {Deployment}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {Global}/{Top} {Fuel} 2019}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Flanagan, Robert R. and Bae, Jin Whan and Huff, Kathryn D. and Chee, Gwendolyn J. and Fairhurst, Roberto}, month = sep, year = {2019}, pages = {402--427} }
- Rykhlevskii, Andrei, Daniel O’Grady, Tomasz Kozlowski, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2019. “The Impact of Xenon-135 on Load Following Transatomic Power Molten Salt Reactor.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 121:1441–44. Washington, DC, United States: American Nuclear Society.
@inproceedings{rykhlevskii_impact_2019, address = {Washington, DC, United States}, title = {The {Impact} of {Xenon}-135 on {Load} {Following} {Transatomic} {Power} {Molten} {Salt} {Reactor}}, volume = {121}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Rykhlevskii, Andrei and O'Grady, Daniel and Kozlowski, Tomasz and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = nov, year = {2019}, pages = {1441--1444} }
- Chee, Gwendolyn, Jin Whan Bae, Kathryn D. Huff, Robert R. Flanagan, and Roberto Fairhurst. 2019. “Demonstration of Demand-Driven Deployment Capabilities in Cyclus.” In Proceedings of Global/Top Fuel 2019, 394–401. Seattle, WA, United States: American Nuclear Society.
@inproceedings{chee_demonstration_2019, address = {Seattle, WA, United States}, title = {Demonstration of {Demand}-{Driven} {Deployment} {Capabilities} in {Cyclus}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {Global}/{Top} {Fuel} 2019}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Chee, Gwendolyn and Bae, Jin Whan and Huff, Kathryn D. and Flanagan, Robert R. and Fairhurst, Roberto}, month = sep, year = {2019}, pages = {394--401} }
- Rykhlevskii, Andrei, Benjamin R. Betzler, Andrew Worrall, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2019. “Fuel Cycle Performance of Fast Spectrum Molten Salt Reactor Designs.” In Proceedings of Mathematics and Computation 2019, 342–53. Portland, OR: American Nuclear Society.
@inproceedings{rykhlevskii_fuel_2019-1, address = {Portland, OR}, title = {Fuel {Cycle} {Performance} of {Fast} {Spectrum} {Molten} {Salt} {Reactor} {Designs}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {Mathematics} and {Computation} 2019}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Rykhlevskii, Andrei and Betzler, Benjamin R. and Worrall, Andrew and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = aug, year = {2019}, pages = {342--353} }
- Chee, Gwendolyn, Gyutae Park, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2018. “Validation of Spent Nuclear Fuel Output by Cyclus, a Fuel Cycle Simulator Code.” In Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting 2018, 119:219–22. Orlando, FL: American Nuclear Society.
Cyclus, a nuclear fuel cycle simulator, was used to simulate the United States’ nuclear fuel cycle from 1967 through 2013. The spent nuclear spent nuclear fuel (SNF) inventory from the Cyclus simulation was compared to the SNF inventory from the Department of Energy (DOE) sponsored Used Nuclear Fuel Storage, Transportation & Disposal Analysis Resource and Data System (UNFST&DARDS) Unified Database (UDB). The UDB provides comprehensive and consistent technical data on reactor sites and SNF from the beginning of nuclear reactor operation in the United States (US) until 2013. This comparison between Cyclus and UDB establishes a realistic validation of Cyclus’ capability to produce total spent fuel mass and accurate isotopic compositions that closely match reality.
@inproceedings{chee_validation_2018, address = {Orlando, FL}, title = {Validation of {Spent} {Nuclear} {Fuel} {Output} by {Cyclus}, a {Fuel} {Cycle} {Simulator} {Code}}, volume = {119}, shorttitle = {Fuel {Cycle} {Analysis}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society} {Winter} {Meeting} 2018}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Chee, Gwendolyn and Park, Gyutae and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = nov, year = {2018}, pages = {219--222} }
- Westphal, Gregory, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2018. “Signatures and Observables in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle.” In CNEC Annual Workshop. Raleigh, N.C.: North Carolina State University.
@inproceedings{westphal_signatures_2018, address = {Raleigh, N.C.}, title = {Signatures and {Observables} in the {Nuclear} {Fuel} {Cycle}}, booktitle = {{CNEC} {Annual} {Workshop}}, publisher = {North Carolina State University}, author = {Westphal, Gregory and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = feb, year = {2018}, note = {(Poster)} }
- Kissinger, Louis. 2018. “Simulating the Spent Fuel Recipe of a Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor.” In Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society 2018 National Student Conference, Gainesville, FL, United States: American Nuclear Society.
@inproceedings{kissinger_simulating_2018, address = {Gainesville, FL, United States}, title = {Simulating the {Spent} {Fuel} {Recipe} of a {Sodium}-{Cooled} {Fast} {Reactor}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society} 2018 {National} {Student} {Conference},}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Kissinger, Louis}, month = apr, year = {2018} }
- Kamuda, Mark, Jifu Zhao, and Kathryn Huff. 2018. “A Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Automated Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy.” In Proceedings of SORMA2018. Ann Arbor, MI.
This poster outlines progress made comparing fully connected neural networks and convolution neural networks for isotope quantification in NaI gamma-ray spectra.
@inproceedings{kamuda_comparison_2018, address = {Ann Arbor, MI}, title = {A {Comparison} of {Machine} {Learning} {Methods} for {Automated} {Gamma}-{Ray} {Spectroscopy}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {SORMA2018}}, author = {Kamuda, Mark and Zhao, Jifu and Huff, Kathryn}, month = jun, year = {2018} }
- Huff, Kathryn D., Jeremy Roberts, Todd Allen, and Assel Aitkaliyeva. 2018. “Strategy Development for Junior Faculty-Panel.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 119:71. Education, Training, and Workforce Development. Orlando, FL: American Nuclear Society.
This panel discussion will address topics important to junior and tenure-track faculty members including course development strate- gies, student mentoring and development, proposal writing, and tenure package preparation among other topics. The panel will be com- posed of one senior faculty member, to moderate discussion and provide input, and three junior faculty members or recently tenured professors that will spur discussion on topics of importance to faculty members during their early academic careers. The panel will be focused on facilitating robust discussions with attendees to create a space for junior faculty members to come together as a community.
@inproceedings{huff_strategy_2018, address = {Orlando, FL}, series = {Education, {Training}, and {Workforce} {Development}}, title = {Strategy {Development} for {Junior} {Faculty}-{Panel}}, volume = {119}, url = {}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D. and Roberts, Jeremy and Allen, Todd and Aitkaliyeva, Assel}, collaborator = {Thomas, Andrew E.}, month = nov, year = {2018}, pages = {71} }
- Chaube, Anshuman, James Stubbins, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2018. “Dynamic Transition Analysis with TIMES.” In I2CNER Annual Symposium. Fukuoka, Japan: Kyushu University.
@inproceedings{chaube_dynamic_2018, address = {Fukuoka, Japan}, title = {Dynamic {Transition} {Analysis} with {TIMES}}, booktitle = {{I2CNER} {Annual} {Symposium}}, publisher = {Kyushu University}, author = {Chaube, Anshuman and Stubbins, James and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = jan, year = {2018}, note = {(Poster)} }
- Chee, Gwendolyn, Jin Whan Bae, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2018. “Numerical Experiments for Testing Demand-Driven Deployment Algorithms.” In Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society 2018 National Student Conference, Gainesville, FL, United States: American Nuclear Society.
For many fuel cycle simulators, it is currently up to the user to define a deployment scheme for each component of the fuel cycle to avoid gaps in the supply chain. This same goal could also be achieved by setting all the facility’s ca- pacities to infinity. However, this does not reflect real-world conditions [1]. To address this gap in capability of fuel cycle simulators, the Demand-Driven Cycamore Archetype project (NEUP-FY16-10512) is developing prediction algorithms to give Cyclus demand-driven deployment capabilities. This means that Cyclus will have the capability to deploy sup- porting fuel cycle facilities to meet front-end and back-end demands of the fuel cycle. The project is a collaboration between the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and the University of South Carolina. This paper will discuss the numerical experiments required to test the various prediction algorithms designed for the project. In particular, this work describes tests for the non-optimizing algorithm.
@inproceedings{chee_numerical_2018, address = {Gainesville, FL, United States}, title = {Numerical {Experiments} for testing {Demand}-{Driven} {Deployment} {Algorithms}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society} 2018 {National} {Student} {Conference},}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Chee, Gwendolyn and Bae, Jin Whan and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = apr, year = {2018} }
- Westphal, Greg, and Kathryn Huff. 2018. “PyRe: A Cyclus Pyroprocessing Facility Archetype.” In Proceedings of the 2018 Advances in Nuclear Nonproliferation Technology and Policy Conference, 73–76. Orlando, FL: American Nuclear Society.
This work assesses system parameters that influence separation efficiency and throughput of pyroprocessing facilities. We leverage these parameters to implement a customizable pyroprocessing facility archetype, PyRe, for use with the Cyclus framework. This generic facility model will allow simulations to quantify signatures and observables associated with various operational modes and material throughputs for a variety of facility designs. Such quantification can aid timely detection of material diversion. This paper describes the facility archetype design, pyroprocessing flowsheets captured by the model, and simulation capabilities it enables. To analyze data retrieved from the model, we additionally propose a class for tracking and observing signatures and observables which will be extensible for other facility archetypes in the future.
@inproceedings{westphal_pyre_2018, address = {Orlando, FL}, title = {{PyRe}: {A} {Cyclus} {Pyroprocessing} {Facility} {Archetype}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2018 {Advances} in {Nuclear} {Nonproliferation} {Technology} and {Policy} {Conference}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Westphal, Greg and Huff, Kathryn}, month = nov, year = {2018}, pages = {73--76} }
- Bae, Jin Whan, Joshua L. Peterson-Droogh, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2018. “Impact of Composition Approximation on Simulated Nuclear Fuel Cycle Metrics.” In Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting. Orlando, FL: American Nuclear Society.
@inproceedings{bae_impact_2018-1, address = {Orlando, FL}, title = {Impact of {Composition} {Approximation} on {Simulated} {Nuclear} {Fuel} {Cycle} {Metrics}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society} {Winter} {Meeting}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Bae, Jin Whan and Peterson-Droogh, Joshua L. and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = nov, year = {2018} }
- Ridley, Gavin, Alexander Lindsay, and Kathryn Huff. 2017. “An Introduction to Moltres, an MSR Multiphysics Code.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. Washington D.C.: American Nuclear Society.
@inproceedings{ridley_introduction_2017, address = {Washington D.C.}, title = {An {Introduction} to {Moltres}, an {MSR} {Multiphysics} {Code}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Ridley, Gavin and Lindsay, Alexander and Huff, Kathryn}, month = oct, year = {2017} }
- Rykhlevskii, Andrei, Alexander Lindsay, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2017. “Online Reprocessing Simulation for Thorium-Fueled Molten Salt Breeder Reactor.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 117:239–42. Molten Salt Processing-Online Processing Redox. Washington, DC, United States: American Nuclear Society.
The current paper presents a single-cell model developed using the continuous-energy Serpent 2 Monte Carlo reactor physics software. It was employed to establish a Serpent- based method for finding the equilibrium core composition and core depletion of the Molten Salt Breeder Reactor (MSBR).
@inproceedings{rykhlevskii_online_2017, address = {Washington, DC, United States}, series = {Molten {Salt} {Processing}-{Online} {Processing} {Redox}}, title = {Online reprocessing simulation for thorium-fueled molten salt breeder reactor}, volume = {117}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Rykhlevskii, Andrei and Lindsay, Alexander and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = nov, year = {2017}, pages = {239--242} }
- Bae, Jin Whan, William Roy, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2017. “Benefits of Siting a Borehole Repository at a Non-Operating Nuclear Facility.” In Proceedings of the International High Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, 876–83. Charlotte, North Carolina: American Nuclear Society.
This work evaluates a potential solution for two pressing matters in the viability of nuclear energy: spent fuel disposal and power plants that no longer operate. The potential benefits of siting a borehole repository at a shut down nuclear power plant facility are analyzed from the perspective of myriad stake- holders. This assessment indicates that integrated siting will make economic use of the shut down power plant, take advan- tage of spent fuel handling infrastructure at those sites, mini- mize transportation costs, expedite emptying the crowded spent fuel storage pools accross the country, and will do so at sites more likely to have consenting communities.
@inproceedings{bae_benefits_2017, address = {Charlotte, North Carolina}, title = {Benefits of {Siting} a {Borehole} {Repository} at a {Non}-operating {Nuclear} {Facility}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {International} {High} {Level} {Radioactive} {Waste} {Management} {Conference}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Bae, Jin Whan and Roy, William and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = apr, year = {2017}, pages = {876--883} }
- Rykhlevskii, Andrei, Alexander Lindsay, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2017. “Full-Core Analysis of Thorium-Fueled Molten Salt Breeder Reactor Using the SERPENT 2 Monte Carlo Code.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 117:1343–46. Reactor Physics. Washington, DC, United States: American Nuclear Society.
We used the continuous-energy Serpent 2 Monte Carlo particle transport code to calulate whole-core depletion in the thermal spectrum Molten Salt Breeder Reactor (MSBR) . We then compare these results with existing MCNP6 results with a more simplified geometric model. This neutronics model is of sufficient fidelity to inform optimization of fuel salt composition, fuel utilization, neutron fluxes, and spectrum evaluation. Moreover, this model will be employed for depeletion calculations, generation of problem-oriented homogenized nuclear data (multi-group cross sections and diffusion constants) for deterministic reactor codes, and multiphysics simulations.
@inproceedings{rykhlevskii_full-core_2017, address = {Washington, DC, United States}, series = {Reactor {Physics}}, title = {Full-core analysis of thorium-fueled {Molten} {Salt} {Breeder} {Reactor} using the {SERPENT} 2 {Monte} {Carlo} code}, volume = {117}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Rykhlevskii, Andrei and Lindsay, Alexander and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = nov, year = {2017}, pages = {1343--1346} }
- Bae, Jin Whan, Kathryn Huff, and Clifford Singer. 2017. “Synergistic Spent Nuclear Fuel Dynamics Within the European Union.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society Winter Conference, 117:261–65. Fuel Cycle and Waste Management. Washington, D.C.: American Nuclear Society.
The French strategy recommended by 2012-2015 Commission Nationale d’Evaluation reports [1] emphasizes preparation for a transition from Light Water Reactors (LWRs) to Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors (SFRs). This paper uses Cyclus to explore the feasibility of using Used Nuclear Fuel (UNF) from other EU nations for French transition into a SFR fleet without additional construction of LWRs. A Cyclus simulation is run from 1950 to 2160 for EU to track the UNF mass and to determine the necessary reprocessing and mixed oxide (MOX) fabrication capacity to support the transition into SFRs. The study concludes that France can avoid deployment of additional LWRs by accepting UNF from other EU nations.
@inproceedings{bae_synergistic_2017, address = {Washington, D.C.}, series = {Fuel {Cycle} and {Waste} {Management}}, title = {Synergistic {Spent} {Nuclear} {Fuel} {Dynamics} {Within} the {European} {Union}}, volume = {117}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society} {Winter} {Conference}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Bae, Jin Whan and Huff, Kathryn and Singer, Clifford}, month = oct, year = {2017}, pages = {261--265} }
- Smith, Arfon, Lorena A. Barba, George Githinji, Melissa Gymrek, Kathryn Huff, Daniel S. Katz, Christopher Madan, et al. 2017. “The Journal of Open Source Software.” In Poster. Vol. Computational Science and Engineering. Atlanta, GA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Poster presented at SIAM CSE17 PP108 Minisymposterium: Software Productivity and Sustainability for CSE and Data ScienceAbstract:This poster describes the motivation and progress of the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS), a free, open-access journal designed to publish brief papers about research software. The primary purpose of JOSS is to enable developers of research software to receive citation credit equivalent to typical archival publications. JOSS papers are deliberately extremely short, and are required to include a short abstract describing the purpose and functionality of the software, authors and their affiliations, and key references, as well as link to an archived version of the software (e.g., DOI obtained from Zenodo). Upon acceptance, papers receive a CrossRef DOI. Rather than a review of a lengthy software paper (including, e.g., methodology, validation, sample results), JOSS submissions undergo rigorous peer review of both the abstract and software itself, including documentation, tests, continuous integration, and licensing. The JOSS review process is modeled on the established approach of the rOpenSci collaboration. The entire submission and review process occurs openly on GitHub; papers not yet accepted remain visible and under review until the authors make appropriate changes for acceptance—unlike other journals, papers requiring major revision are not rejected. Since its public release in May 2016, JOSS has published 26 accepted papers as of September 2016, with an additional 20 submitted and under review.
@inproceedings{smith_journal_2017, address = {Atlanta, GA}, title = {The {Journal} of {Open} {Source} {Software}}, volume = {Computational Science and Engineering}, url = {}, doi = {10.6084/m9.figshare.4688911.v1}, urldate = {2018-07-22}, booktitle = {Poster}, publisher = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, author = {Smith, Arfon and Barba, Lorena A. and Githinji, George and Gymrek, Melissa and Huff, Kathryn and Katz, Daniel S. and Madan, Christopher and Mayes, Abigail Cabunoc and Moerman, Kevin M. and Niemeyer, Kyle and Prins, Pjotr and Ram, Karthik and Rokem, Ariel and Teal, Tracy and Vanderplas, Jake}, month = feb, year = {2017}, keywords = {Software citation, JOSS, Open research software, Open software, SIAM-CSE17-PP108} }
- Ridley, Gavin, and Ondrej Chvala. 2017. “Preliminary Results of Material Flow Controlled MSR Depletion Calculations.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. Vol. 116.
A versatile, parallelizable Python 2.7 library was developed in order to simulate once-through molten salt reactor depletion in a realistic manner via the coupled neutronics/depletion code Serpent 2. Realistic in this sense entails two aspects: reactivity of the core, and oxidation potential of the fuel. The core reactivity should be maintained near zero as with any nuclear reactor. Gross reactivity control is provided by variations of the refuel rate of the reactor. Fine reactivity adjustments are expected to be done with control mechanisms in real-life power operation. The Python library developed allows a user to set bounds on the desired ke f f value. Fuel oxidation potential must be controlled for any liquid fueled reactor. As a simple example, consider this fission where the fuel becomes more oxidizing: UF_4 → SrF_2 + Xe + 2F^- It can be shown using expected fission product oxidation state data that for these reactors, the fuel will become more oxidizing over time as a result of accumulation of excess fluoride ion. Addition of a reducing agent to reactor fuel will be necessary in the operation of molten salt reactors.
@inproceedings{ridley_preliminary_2017, title = {Preliminary {Results} of {Material} {Flow} {Controlled} {MSR} {Depletion} {Calculations}}, volume = {116}, url = {}, language = {English}, urldate = {2024-06-03}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, author = {Ridley, Gavin and Chvala, Ondrej}, month = jul, year = {2017} }
- Huff, Kathryn D., Morgan White, Fatma Deniz, Michael Frenklach, Seth Johnson, and Rachel N. Slaybaugh. 2017. “Current Issues in Computational Methods-Roundtable.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, 116:529. Mathematics and Computation. San Francisco, CA: Amer Nuclear Society.
But Can You Remake That Plot (and Can Anyone Else)? Reproducible, Transparent, and Open Computation in Nuclear Engineering How reproducible is the science involving data and computation? Is something science if it’s not reproducible? Nuclear, more than many fields, has a burden to do science responsibly. This includes setting up reproducible, transparent workflows for computation. This panel of experts will discuss associated strategies, motivations, best practices, and challenges. A challenge that is especially true for nuclear is the relationship between openness and reproducibility. Our software, data, and models often come with restrictions-making it difficult to share our work in a way that makes it verifiable by independent researchers. This panel will also investigate how to manage scientific integrity in conjunction with legal restrictions in nuclear computation.
@inproceedings{huff_current_2017-1, address = {San Francisco, CA}, series = {Mathematics and {Computation}}, title = {Current {Issues} in {Computational} {Methods}-{Roundtable}}, volume = {116}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society} {Annual} {Meeting}}, publisher = {Amer Nuclear Society}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D. and White, Morgan and Deniz, Fatma and Frenklach, Michael and Johnson, Seth and Slaybaugh, Rachel N.}, month = jun, year = {2017}, pages = {529} }
- Huff, Kathryn D., Jin Whan Bae, Kathryn A. Mummah, Robert R. Flanagan, and Anthony M. Scopatz. 2017. “Current Status of Predictive Transition Capability in Fuel Cycle Simulation.” In Proceedings of Global 2017. Seoul, South Korea: American Nuclear Society.
Nuclear fuel cycle simulation scenarios are most naturally described as constrained objective functions. The objectives are often systemic demands such as “achieve 1% growth for total electricity production and reach 10% uranium utilization”. The constraints take the form of nuclear fuel cycle technology availability (“reprocessing begins after 2025 and fast reactors first become available in 2050”). To match the natural constrained objective form of the scenario definition, NFC simulators must bring demand responsive deployment decisions into the dynamics of the simulation logic. In particular, a NFC simulator should have the capability to deploy supporting fuel cycle facilities to enable a demand to be met. Take, for instance, the standard once through fuel cycle. Reactors may be deployed to meet a objective power demand. However, new mines, mills, and enrichment facilities will also need to be deployed to ensure that reactors have sufficient fuel to produce power. In many simulators, the unrealistic solution to this problem is to simply have infinite capacity support facilities. Alternatively, detailing the deployment timeline of all facilities becomes the responsibility of the user. The authors seek to identify the most flexible, general, and performant algorithms applicable to this modeling challenge. Accordingly, a review was conducted of current NFC simulation tools to determine the current capabilites for demand-driven and transition scenarios. Additionally, the authors investigated promising algorithmic innovations that have been successful for similar applications in other domains such as economics and industrial engineering.
@inproceedings{huff_current_2017, address = {Seoul, South Korea}, title = {Current {Status} of {Predictive} {Transition} {Capability} in {Fuel} {Cycle} {Simulation}}, url = {}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {Global} 2017}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D. and Bae, Jin Whan and Mummah, Kathryn A. and Flanagan, Robert R. and Scopatz, Anthony M.}, month = sep, year = {2017} }
- Mummah, Kathryn A., Jin Whan Bae, Daniel O’Grady, and Alexander Lopez. 2017. “NuWWIS: An Interim Storage Solution for Spent Fuel.” In 2017 American Nuclear Society Student Conference.
@inproceedings{mummah_nuwwis_2017, title = {{NuWWIS}: {An} {Interim} {Storage} {Solution} for {Spent} {Fuel}}, booktitle = {2017 {American} {Nuclear} {Society} {Student} {Conference}}, author = {Mummah, Kathryn A. and Bae, Jin Whan and O'Grady, Daniel and Lopez, Alexander}, year = {2017} }
- Huff, Kathryn D, Jin Whan Bae, Robert R Flanagan, and Anthony M Scopatz. 2017. “Current Status of Predictive Transition Capability in Fuel Cycle Simulation.” In GLOBAL 2017. Seoul, South Korea.
This study has identified flexible, general, and performant algorithms available for application to simulating demand-driven deployment of nuclear fuel cycle facility capacity in a fuel cycle simulator. Accordingly, a review of current Nuclear Fuel Cycle (NFC) simulation tools was conducted to determine their current capabilities for demand-driven and transition scenarios. Additionally, the authors investigated promising algorithmic innovations that have been successful for similar applications in other domains such as economics and industrial engineering Finally, the applicability of such algorithms in the context of challenging nuclear fuel cycle simulation questions has been described.
@inproceedings{huff_current_2017-2, address = {Seoul, South Korea}, title = {Current {Status} of {Predictive} {Transition} {Capability} in {Fuel} {Cycle} {Simulation}}, url = {}, language = {en}, booktitle = {{GLOBAL} 2017}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D and Bae, Jin Whan and Flanagan, Robert R and Scopatz, Anthony M}, month = sep, year = {2017} }
- Smith, Arfon, Lorena A. Barba, George Githinji, Melissa Gymrek, Kathryn Huff, Daniel S. Katz, Christopher Madan, et al. 2017. “Introducing JOSS: The Journal of Open Source Software.” In Proceedings of SciPy. Austin, TX, United States: SciPy.
Talk presented at the 2017 Python in Science Conference (SciPy), on 13 July 2017 in Austin, TX.AbstractThis talk describes the motivation and progress of the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS), a free, open-access journal designed to publish brief articles about research software. The primary purpose of JOSS is to enable developers of research software to receive citation credit equivalent to typical archival publications. Rather than a review of a lengthy software paper (including, e.g., methodology, validation, sample results), JOSS submissions undergo rigorous peer review of both the abstract and software itself, including documentation, tests, continuous integration, and licensing. The JOSS review process is modeled on the established approach of the rOpenSci collaboration. The entire submission and review process occurs openly on GitHub; articles not yet accepted remain visible and under review until the authors make appropriate changes for acceptance—unlike other journals, articles requiring major revision are not rejected. JOSS published 111 articles in its first year (May 2016–2016), with \textgreater50 articles under review.
@inproceedings{smith_introducing_2017, address = {Austin, TX, United States}, title = {Introducing {JOSS}: {The} {Journal} of {Open} {Source} {Software}}, shorttitle = {Introducing {JOSS}}, doi = {10.6084/m9.figshare.5208151.v1}, language = {en}, urldate = {2020-11-12}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {SciPy}}, publisher = {SciPy}, author = {Smith, Arfon and Barba, Lorena A. and Githinji, George and Gymrek, Melissa and Huff, Kathryn and Katz, Daniel S. and Madan, Christopher and Mayes, Abigail Cabunoc and Moerman, Kevin M. and Niemeyer, Kyle and Prins, Pjotr and Ram, Karthik and Rokem, Ariel and Teal, Tracy and Valls Guimera, Roman and Vanderplas, Jacob T.}, month = jul, year = {2017}, note = {10.6084/m9.figshare.5208151.v1} }
- Wang, Xin, Kathryn D. Huff, Manuele Aufiero, Per F. Peterson, and Massimiliano Fratoni. 2016. “Coupled Reactor Kinetics and Heat Transfer Model for Fluoride Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactor Transient Analysis.” In Proceedings of ICONE 2016. Charlotte, North Carolina.
Coupled reactor kinetics and heat transfer models have been developed at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) to study Pebble-Bed, Fluoride-salt-cooled, High-temperature Reactors (PB-FHRs) transient behaviors. This paper discusses a coupled point kinetics model and a two-dimensional diffusion model. The former is based on the point kinetics equations with six groups of delayed neutrons and the lumped capacitance heat transfer equations. To account for the reflector effect on neutron lifetime, additional (fictional) groups of delayed neutrons are added in the point kinetics equations to represent the thermalized neutrons coming back from the reflectors. The latter is based on coupled multi-group neutron diffusion and finite element heat transfer model. Multi-group cross sections and diffusion coefficients are generated using the Monte Carlo code Serpent and defined as input in COMSOL 5.0.
@inproceedings{wang_coupled_2016, address = {Charlotte, North Carolina}, title = {Coupled {Reactor} {Kinetics} and {Heat} {Transfer} {Model} for {Fluoride} {Salt}-{Cooled} {High}-{Temperature} {Reactor} {Transient} {Analysis}}, url = {}, doi = {10.1115/ICONE24-60728}, urldate = {2016-11-17}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {ICONE} 2016}, author = {Wang, Xin and Huff, Kathryn D. and Aufiero, Manuele and Peterson, Per F. and Fratoni, Massimiliano}, month = jun, year = {2016}, note = {JC0003} }
- Huff, Kathryn D., Richard Martineau, Kathleen McDonald, and Kevin Clarno. 2016. “Current Issues in Computational Methods-Roundtable.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting, 115:487. Mathematics and Computation. Washington D.C.: Amer Nuclear Society.
But I just want to write software? The details can feel overwhelming and stifling in pursuit of writing high-impact, high-quality software: intellectual property, li- censing, copyright, export control, open source, access on clusters... All of this can deeply impact how accessible your work is. Our panel members will share lessons-learned and experiences in the legal realm, with an emphasis on highly collaborative software development involving multiple institutions. Panelists: Kevin Clarno (ORNL) Rich Martineau (INL) Kathryn Huff (Univ of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) Kathleen McDonald (LANL)
@inproceedings{huff_current_2016, address = {Washington D.C.}, series = {Mathematics and {Computation}}, title = {Current {Issues} in {Computational} {Methods}-{Roundtable}}, volume = {115}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society} {Winter} {Meeting}}, publisher = {Amer Nuclear Society}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D. and Martineau, Richard and McDonald, Kathleen and Clarno, Kevin}, collaborator = {Slaybaugh, Rachel N.}, month = nov, year = {2016}, pages = {487} }
- Wang, Xin, Kathryn D. Huff, Manuele Aufiero, Per F. Peterson, and Massimiliano Fratoni. 2016. “A Sensitivity Study of a Coupled Kinetics and Thermal-Hydraulics Model for Fluoride-Salt-Cooled, High-Temperature Reactor (FHR) Transient Analysis.” In Proceedings of ICAPP 2016, Paper 16555. San Francisco, CA: International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants.
@inproceedings{wang_sensitivity_2016, address = {San Francisco, CA}, title = {A {Sensitivity} {Study} of a {Coupled} {Kinetics} and {Thermal}-{Hydraulics} {Model} for {Fluoride}-{Salt}-{Cooled}, {High}-{Temperature} {Reactor} ({FHR}) {Transient} {Analysis}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {ICAPP} 2016}, publisher = {International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants}, author = {Wang, Xin and Huff, Kathryn D. and Aufiero, Manuele and Peterson, Per F. and Fratoni, Massimiliano}, month = apr, year = {2016}, pages = {Paper 16555} }
- Huff, Kathryn. 2015. “PyRK: A Python Package For Nuclear Reactor Kinetics.” In Proceedings of the 14th Python in Science Conference, 87–93. Austin, TX, United States: SciPy.
In this work, a new python package, PyRK (Python for Reactor Kinetics), is introduced. PyRK has been designed to simulate, in zero dimensions, the transient, coupled, thermal-hydraulics and neutronics of time-dependent behavior in nuclear reactors. PyRK is intended for analysis of many commonly studied transient scenarios including normal reactor startup and shutdown as well as abnormal scenarios including Beyond Design Basis Events (BDBEs) such as Accident Transients Without Scram (ATWS). For robustness, this package employs various tools within the scientific python ecosystem. For additional ease of use, it employs a reactor-agnostic, object-oriented data model, allowing nuclear engineers to rapidly prototype nuclear reactor control and safety systems in the context of their novel nuclear reactor designs.
@inproceedings{huff_pyrk_2015, address = {Austin, TX, United States}, title = {{PyRK}: {A} {Python} {Package} {For} {Nuclear} {Reactor} {Kinetics}}, shorttitle = {{PyRK}}, url = {}, doi = {10.25080/Majora-7b98e3ed-00d}, urldate = {2018-11-08}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th {Python} in {Science} {Conference}}, publisher = {SciPy}, author = {Huff, Kathryn}, year = {2015}, pages = {87--93} }
- Scopatz, Anthony M, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2015. “Modernizing Computational Nuclear Engineering Education in the Open.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 113:111–14. Education and Training: General—II. Washington, D.C.
@inproceedings{scopatz_modernizing_2015, address = {Washington, D.C.}, series = {Education and {Training}: {General}—{II}}, title = {Modernizing {Computational} {Nuclear} {Engineering} {Education} in the {Open}}, volume = {113}, url = {}, urldate = {2020-11-10}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, author = {Scopatz, Anthony M and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = nov, year = {2015}, pages = {111--114} }
- Djokic, Denia, Anthony M. Scopatz, Harris R. Greenberg, Kathryn D. Huff, Russell P. Nibbelink, and Massimiliano Fratoni. 2015. “The Application of CYCLUS to Fuel Cycle Transition Analysis.” In Proceedings of Global 2015. LLNL-CONF-669315. Paris, France.
@inproceedings{djokic_application_2015-1, address = {Paris, France}, series = {{LLNL}-{CONF}-669315}, title = {The {Application} of {CYCLUS} to {Fuel} {Cycle} {Transition} {Analysis}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {Global} 2015}, author = {Djokic, Denia and Scopatz, Anthony M. and Greenberg, Harris R. and Huff, Kathryn D. and Nibbelink, Russell P. and Fratoni, Massimiliano}, month = sep, year = {2015} }
- Krumwiede, David L., C. Andreades, J.K. Choi, A.T. Cisneros, Lakshana Huddar, Kathryn D. Huff, M.D. Laufer, et al. 2014. “Design of the Mark-1 Pebble-Bed, Fluoride-Salt-Cooled, High-Temperature Reactor Commercial Power Plant.” In Proceedings of ICAPP. Vol. 1. Charlotte, North Carolina: American Nuclear Society.
@inproceedings{krumwiede_design_2014, address = {Charlotte, North Carolina}, title = {Design of the {Mark}-1 {Pebble}-{Bed}, {Fluoride}-{Salt}-{Cooled}, {High}-{Temperature} {Reactor} {Commercial} {Power} {Plant}}, volume = {1}, shorttitle = {Paper 14231}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {ICAPP}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Krumwiede, David L. and Andreades, C. and Choi, J.K. and Cisneros, A.T. and Huddar, Lakshana and Huff, Kathryn D. and Laufer, M.D. and Munk, Madicken and Scarlat, Raluca O. and Seifried, Jeffrey E. and Zwiebaum, Nicolas and Greenspan, Ehud and Peterson, Per F.}, year = {2014} }
- Huff, Kathryn D., Massimiliano Fratoni, and Harris Greenberg. 2014. “Extensions to the Cyclus Ecosystem In Support of Market-Driven Transition Capability.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 245–48. Fuel Cycle Options Analysis – III. Anaheim, CA, United States: American Nuclear Society.
The C YCLUS Fuel Cycle Simulator [1] is a framework for assessment of nuclear fuel cycle options. While C Y - CLUS has previously been capable of system transitions from the current fuel cycle strategy to a future option, those transitions have never previously been driven by market forces in the simulation. This summary describes a set of libraries [2] that have been contibuted to the C YCLUS framework to enable a market-driven transition analysis. This simulation framework is incomplete without a suite of dynamically loadable libraries representing the process physics of the nuclear fuel cycle (i.e. mining, fuel fabri- cation, chemical processing, transmutation, reprocessing, etc.). Within Cycamore [3], the additional modules reposi- tory within the C YCLUS ecosystem, provides some basic li- braries to represent these processes. However, extension of C YCLUS with new capabilities is community-driven, rely- ing on contributions by user-developers. The libraries con- tributed in this work are examples of such contributions.
@inproceedings{huff_extensions_2014, address = {Anaheim, CA, United States}, series = {Fuel {Cycle} {Options} {Analysis} -- {III}}, title = {Extensions to the {Cyclus} {Ecosystem} {In} {Support} of {Market}-{Driven} {Transition} {Capability}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D. and Fratoni, Massimiliano and Greenberg, Harris}, month = nov, year = {2014}, note = {LLNL-PROC-656426}, pages = {245--248} }
- Bates, Cameron, Elliot D. Biondo, Kathryn D. Huff, Kalin Kiesling, and Anthony M. Scopatz. 2014. “PyNE Progress Report.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 111:1165–68. Anaheim, CA, United States: American Nuclear Society.
PyNE is a suite of free and open source (BSD licensed) tools to aid in computational nuclear science and engineer- ing. PyNE seeks to provide native implementations of com- mon nuclear algorithms, as well as an interface for the script- ing language Python and I/O support for industry standard nuclear codes and data formats. In the past year PyNE has added many features including a Rigorous 2-step Ac- tivation workflow (R2S) [1], Direct Accelerated Geometry Monte Carlo (DAGMC) ray tracing [2], Consistent Adjoint- Weighted Importance Sampling (CADIS) variance reduction [3], and expanded ENSDF parsing support. As a part of our ongoing efforts to implement a verification and validation framework we also added continuous integration using the Build and Test Lab [4] at the University of Wisconsin. The PyNE development team has also improved PyNE’s ease of use by making binaries available for Windows, Mac, and Linux through the conda package manager as well as adding Python 3 support.
@inproceedings{bates_pyne_2014, address = {Anaheim, CA, United States}, title = {{PyNE} {Progress} {Report}}, volume = {111}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Bates, Cameron and Biondo, Elliot D. and Huff, Kathryn D. and Kiesling, Kalin and Scopatz, Anthony M.}, month = nov, year = {2014}, note = {tex.ids: bates\_pyne\_2014}, pages = {1165--1168} }
- Briggs, Laural, Katy Huff, and Linda Hansen. 2013. “Experiences of Women in Nuclear-Panel.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Soceity Annual Meeting, 108:49. Professional Women in ANS. Atlanta, GA: American Nuclear Society.
The Professional Women in ANS proposes a panel session for all attendees of the 2013 ANS annual conference. For this panel, women in three varying stages of their careers will be invited to share their experiences with the gathering. A mature student, a mid-career individual, and an experi- enced professional will speak of their career choices, challenges encountered, and their roles in the nuclear field. This panel will help bring out the subtle differences in professional experiences for men and women in nuclear and will encourage all members of ANS to learn from and relate to them.
@inproceedings{taylor_experiences_2013, address = {Atlanta, GA}, series = {Professional {Women} in {ANS}}, title = {Experiences of {Women} in {Nuclear}-{Panel}}, volume = {108}, url = {}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Soceity} {Annual} {Meeting}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Briggs, Laural and Huff, Katy and Hansen, Linda}, collaborator = {Taylor, J'Tia}, month = jun, year = {2013}, pages = {49} }
- Huff, Kathryn D., and Alexander T. Bara. 2013. “Dynamic Determination of Thermal Repository Capacity For Fuel Cycle Analysis.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 108:123–26. Atlanta, GA, United States: American Nuclear Society.
An algorithm and supporting database for rapid thermal repository capacity calculation implemented in Cyder, a soft- ware library for coupled thermal and hydrologic repository per- formance analysis, is described. Integration of Cyder with the Cyclus fuel cycle simulator is also described. Finally, a proof of principle demonstration is presented in which the rapid cal- culation method described here is compared with results of a more detailed model.
@inproceedings{huff_dynamic_2013, address = {Atlanta, GA, United States}, title = {Dynamic {Determination} of {Thermal} {Repository} {Capacity} {For} {Fuel} {Cycle} {Analysis}}, volume = {108}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D. and Bara, Alexander T.}, month = jun, year = {2013}, pages = {123--126} }
- Gidden, Matthew, Paul Wilson, Kathryn D. Huff, and Robert W. Carlsen. 2013. “An Agent-Based Framework for Fuel Cycle Simulation with Recycling.” In Proceedings of GLOBAL. Vol. 45. Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Fuel Materials. Salt Lake City, UT, United States.
Simulation of the nuclear fuel cycle is an established field with multiple players. Prior development work has utilized tech- niques such as system dynamics to provide a solution structure for the matching of supply and demand in these simulations. In general, however, simulation infrastructure development has occured in relatively closed circles, each effort having unique considerations as to the cases which are desired to be modeled. Accordingly, individual simulators tend to have their design decisions driven by specific use cases. Presented in this work is a proposed supply and demand matching algorithm that lever- ages the techniques of the well-studied field of mathematical programming. A generic approach is achieved by treating fa- cilities as individual entities and actors in the supply-demand market which denote preferences amongst commodities. Using such a framework allows for varying levels of interaction fi- delity, ranging from low-fidelity, quick solutions to high-fidelity solutions that model individual transactions (e.g. at the fuel- assembly level). The power of the technique is that it allows such flexibility while still treating the problem in a generic man- ner, encapsulating simulation engine design decisions in such a way that future simulation requirements can be relatively easily added when needed.
@inproceedings{gidden_agent-based_2013, address = {Salt Lake City, UT, United States}, series = {Nuclear {Fuel} {Cycle} and {Fuel} {Materials}}, title = {An {Agent}-{Based} {Framework} for {Fuel} {Cycle} {Simulation} with {Recycling}}, volume = {45}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {GLOBAL}}, author = {Gidden, Matthew and Wilson, Paul and Huff, Kathryn D. and Carlsen, Robert W.}, month = sep, year = {2013} }
- Huff, Kathryn D. 2013. “Hydrologic Nuclide Transport Models in Cyder, a Geologic Disposal Software Library.” In WM2013. Phoenix, AZ: Waste Management Symposium.
@inproceedings{huff_hydrologic_2013, address = {Phoenix, AZ}, title = {Hydrologic {Nuclide} {Transport} {Models} in {Cyder}, a {Geologic} {Disposal} {Software} {Library}.}, shorttitle = {13328}, url = {}, booktitle = {{WM2013}}, publisher = {Waste Management Symposium}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = feb, year = {2013} }
- ———. 2013. “Cyclus Fuel Cycle Simulation Capabilities with the Cyder Disposal System Model.” In Proceedings of GLOBAL 2013: International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference-Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads. Vol. 45. Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Fuel Materials. Salt Lake City, UT, United States.
@inproceedings{huff_cyclus_2013, address = {Salt Lake City, UT, United States}, series = {Nuclear {Fuel} {Cycle} and {Fuel} {Materials}}, title = {Cyclus {Fuel} {Cycle} {Simulation} {Capabilities} with the {Cyder} {Disposal} {System} {Model}}, volume = {45}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {GLOBAL} 2013: {International} {Nuclear} {Fuel} {Cycle} {Conference}-{Nuclear} {Energy} at a {Crossroads}}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = oct, year = {2013} }
- Scopatz, Anthony, Paul K. Romano, Paul P. H. Wilson, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2012. “PyNE: Python for Nuclear Engineering.” In Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society Winter Conference, 107:985–87. Reactor Physics: General—I. San Diego, CA, USA: American Nuclear Society.
PyNE, or ’Python for Nuclear Engineering’ 1 , is a nascent free and open source C++/Cython/Python package for perform- ing common nuclear engineering tasks. This is intended as a base level tool kit - akin to SciPy or Biopython - for common algorithms in the nuclear science and engineering domain. The remainer of this paper is composed of a discussion of the difficulties which prevented PyNE from being written earlier, a listing of the first cut capabilities, and a description of why PyNE has thus far been successful and what future features are currently planned.
@inproceedings{scopatz_pyne_2012, address = {San Diego, CA, USA}, series = {Reactor {Physics}: {General}—{I}}, title = {{PyNE}: {Python} for {Nuclear} {Engineering}}, volume = {107}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society} {Winter} {Conference}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Scopatz, Anthony and Romano, Paul K. and Wilson, Paul P. H. and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = nov, year = {2012}, pages = {985--987} }
- Huff, Kathryn, and Theodore H. Bauer. 2012. “Numerical Calibration of an Analytical Generic Nuclear Repository Heat Transfer Model.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 106:260–63. Modeling and Simulation in the Fuel Cycle. Chicago, IL, United States: American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL 60526, United States.
This work describes a benchmarking effort conducted to de- termine the accuracy of a new generic geology thermal repos- itory model relative to more traditional techniques and pro- poses a physically plausible auxillary thermal resistance com- ponent to improve their agreement.
@inproceedings{huff_numerical_2012, address = {Chicago, IL, United States}, series = {Modeling and {Simulation} in the {Fuel} {Cycle}}, title = {Numerical {Calibration} of an {Analytical} {Generic} {Nuclear} {Repository} {Heat} {Transfer} {Model}}, volume = {106}, url = {}, language = {English}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL 60526, United States}, author = {Huff, Kathryn and Bauer, Theodore H.}, month = jun, year = {2012}, pages = {260--263} }
- Gidden, Matthew J., Paul P.H. Wilson, Kathryn D. Huff, and Robert W. Carlsen. 2012. “Once-Through Benchmarks with CYCLUS, a Modular, Open-Source Fuel Cycle Simulator.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 107:264–66. Nuclear Fuel Cycle Resources, Sustainability, Reuse, and Recycle. San Diego, CA: American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL 60526, United States.
The C YCLUS project, based at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, is an open source platform for exploring the long- term impact of alternative nuclear fuel cycles. The C YCLUS core provides the infrastructure for an agent-based approach, allowing user-provided modules to define the behavior of fuel cycle facilities as they interact to exchange materials. An im- portant consequence of this approach is that innovative facility and material exchange concepts can be introduced to a consis- tent framework allowing for more rigorous comparison. The C YCLUS team has recently grown and now incorporates a vari- ety of expertise: output visualization capability through collab- oration with the University of Utah, server-client communica- tion via the University of Idaho, input visualization and control with the University of Texas - Austin, and social communica- tion expertise through collaborators at UW-Madison to assist the mission-critical goal of relevancy vis-à-vis policy makers. Accordingly, the C YCLUS project is expanding efforts in the realms of both structural capability and benchmarking calcula- tions. A series of once-through fuel cycle scenarios are being con- ducted using the C YCLUS core and accompanying modules. Where needed, additional modules have been added, includ- ing a region model that intelligently makes building decisions given a demand function. The results of these scenarios are then compared with VISION [1] to provide a benchmark of the C YCLUS results.
@inproceedings{gidden_once-through_2012, address = {San Diego, CA}, series = {Nuclear {Fuel} {Cycle} {Resources}, {Sustainability}, {Reuse}, and {Recycle}}, title = {Once-{Through} {Benchmarks} with {CYCLUS}, a {Modular}, {Open}-{Source} {Fuel} {Cycle} {Simulator}}, volume = {107}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL 60526, United States}, author = {Gidden, Matthew J. and Wilson, Paul P.H. and Huff, Kathryn D. and Carlsen, Robert W.}, month = nov, year = {2012}, pages = {264--266} }
- Huff, Kathryn D., and W. Mark Nutt. 2012. “Key Processes and Parameters in a Generic Clay Disposal System Model.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 107:208–11. Environmental Sciences – General. San Diego, CA: American Nuclear Society.
Sensitivity analysis was performed with respect to various key processes and parameters affecting long-term post-closure performance of geologic repositories in clay media. Based on the detailed computational Clay Generic Disposal Sys- tem Model (GDSM) developed by the Used Fuel Disposition (UFD) campaign [1], these results provide an overview of the relative importance of processes that affect the repository per- formance of a generic clay disposal concept model. Further analysis supports a basis for development of rapid abstracted models in the context of system level fuel cycle simulation. Processes and parameters found to influence repository perfor- mance include the rate of waste form degradation, timing of waste package failure, and various coupled geochemical and hydrologic characteristics of the natural system including dif- fusion, solubility, and advection.
@inproceedings{huff_key_2012, address = {San Diego, CA}, series = {Environmental {Sciences} -- {General}}, title = {Key {Processes} and {Parameters} in a {Generic} {Clay} {Disposal} {System} {Model}}, volume = {107}, url = {}, language = {English}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D. and Nutt, W. Mark}, month = nov, year = {2012}, pages = {208--211} }
- Huff, Kathryn D., A.M. Scopatz, N.D. Preston, and P.P.H. Wilson. 2011. “Rapid Peer Education of a Computational Nuclear Engineering Skill Suite.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 104:103–4. Training, Human Performance, and Work Force Development. Hollywood, FL, United States: American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL 60526, United States.
Detailed reactor models, massively parallelized calculations, and enormously collaborative simulation projects are increas- ingly integral to nuclear engineering. However, the quality and caliber of this work is limited by a workforce lacking formal training in a software development skill suite that is becom- ing increasingly essential. To address this unmet need, The Hacker Within (THW), a student organization at the University of Wisconsin, has developed a series of short courses address- ing best practices such as version control and test driven code development, as well as basic skills such as UNIX mobility. These ’Boot Camps’ seek to provide time efficient introduc- tions to essential programming languages and tools without turning “biochemists and mechanical engineers into computer scientists.”[1][2]
@inproceedings{huff_rapid_2011, address = {Hollywood, FL, United States}, series = {Training, {Human} {Performance}, and {Work} {Force} {Development}}, title = {Rapid {Peer} {Education} of a {Computational} {Nuclear} {Engineering} {Skill} {Suite}}, volume = {104}, url = {}, language = {English}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL 60526, United States}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D. and Scopatz, A.M. and Preston, N.D. and Wilson, P.P.H.}, month = jun, year = {2011}, keywords = {Education, Software, Reactor, Computer Science, Models, The Hacker Within (THW)}, pages = {103--104} }
- Huff, Kathryn D. 2011. “Cyclus: An Open, Modular, Next Generation Fuel Cycle Simulator Platform (Poster).” In Proceedings of the Waste Management Symposium. Phoenix, AZ.
CYCLUS is a top-level, next generation, nuclear fuel cycle simulation framework designed with an open development process and modular platform. It employs lessons learned from previous efforts to pursue quantitative assessment of worldwide nuclear energy production, material flows, energy costs, environmental impact, proliferation resistance, and robustness against supply disruption.
@inproceedings{huff_cyclus_2011, address = {Phoenix, AZ}, title = {Cyclus: {An} {Open}, {Modular}, {Next} {Generation} {Fuel} {Cycle} {Simulator} {Platform} (poster)}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Waste} {Management} {Symposium}}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = mar, year = {2011} }
- Huff, Kathryn D., Paul PH Wilson, and Matthew J. Gidden. 2011. “Open Architecture and Modular Paradigm of Cyclus, a Fuel Cycle Simulation Code.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 104:183. Modeling and Simulation in Fuel Cycle Separations and Waste Form Development—II. Hollywood, Florida: American Nuclear Society.
The C YCLUS project at the University of Wisconsin - Madi- son is the result of lessons learned from experience with pre- vious nuclear fuel cycle simulation platforms. The modeling paradigm follows the transacation of discrete quanta of ma- terial among discrete facilities, arranged in a geographic and institutional framework, and trading in flexible markets. Key concepts in the design of C YCLUS include open access to the simulation engine, modularity with regard to functionality, and relevance to both scientific and policy analyses. The combina- tion of modular encapsulation within the software architec- ture and an open development paradigm allows for a bal- ance between collaboration at multiple levels of simulation detail and security of proprietary or sensitive data. When comparing different nuclear fuel cycle concepts, it can be a challenge to find any two systems analyses that com- pare across a common set of metrics with a similar set of un- derlying assumptions. Each analysis is likely to focus on a set of metrics that are of interest to the team performing the analy- sis and involve both implicit and explicit assumptions and con- straints about the behavior of the fuel cycle system. While a strict prescription of these metrics, assumptions and con- straints could be proposed for comparison purposes, another solution is to provide a systems analysis simulation tool that provides sufficient modularity, extensibility and open access, that it can be a basis for harmonzing to a common set. If it becomes easier to modify an existing simulation tool to sup- port the needs of a new analysis than it is to develop a new tool, then it is possible that such a tool will be adopted more universally for such analysis.
@inproceedings{huff_open_2011, address = {Hollywood, Florida}, series = {Modeling and {Simulation} in {Fuel} {Cycle} {Separations} and {Waste} {Form} {Development}—{II}}, title = {Open {Architecture} and {Modular} {Paradigm} of {Cyclus}, a {Fuel} {Cycle} {Simulation} {Code}}, volume = {104}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D. and Wilson, Paul PH and Gidden, Matthew J.}, month = jun, year = {2011}, pages = {183} }
- Huff, Kathryn D., Royal A. Elmore, Kyle M. Oliver, and Paul P.H. Wilson. 2010. “MOX Fuel Recipe Approximation Tests in GENIUSv2.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society Student Meeting. Ypsilanti, MI.
The GENIUS project (Global Evaluation of Nuclear Infrastructure Utilization Scenarios) was conceived as the top-level nuclear enterprise simulation tool in the Simulation Institute for Nuclear Enterprise Modelling and Analysis (SINEMA) framework1. The current version, GENIUSv2, is an object-oriented C++ application with Python-based pre- and post-processing. The GENIUSv2 tool proposes to inform nuclear fuel cycle technology and policy by providing a richly detailed, modular platform capable of dynamically modeling complexly integrated international fuel cycles such as those involving separations and reprocessing schemes. Here we present results of the GENIUSv2 testing suite which demonstrate neutronics weighting methods for approximating optimal mixed oxide fuel compositions. These weighting methods achieve various levels of success at assembling critical fuel recipes from separated spent fuel streams for fuel cycles incorporating mixed oxide reprocessing. Results of neutronics constraining and neutronics weighting methods are here compared and alternative linear programmatic formulations are proposed for determining mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel compositions from available material.
@inproceedings{huff_mox_2010, address = {Ypsilanti, MI}, title = {{MOX} {Fuel} {Recipe} {Approximation} {Tests} in {GENIUSv2}}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society} {Student} {Meeting}}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D. and Elmore, Royal A. and Oliver, Kyle M. and Wilson, Paul P.H.}, month = apr, year = {2010} }
- Oliver, Kyle M., Paul P.H. Wilson, Arnaud Reveillere, Tae Wook Ahn, Kerry Dunn, Kathryn D. Huff, and Royal A. Elmore. 2009. “Studying International Fuel Cycle Robustness with the GENIUSv2 Discrete Facilities/Materials Fuel Cycle Systems Analysis Tool.” In Proceedings of GLOBAL 2009. GLOBAL 2009: Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Systems. Paris, France.
@inproceedings{oliver_studying_2009, address = {Paris, France}, series = {{GLOBAL} 2009: {Advanced} {Nuclear} {Fuel} {Cycles} and {Systems}}, title = {Studying international fuel cycle robustness with the {GENIUSv2} discrete facilities/materials fuel cycle systems analysis tool}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {GLOBAL} 2009}, author = {Oliver, Kyle M. and Wilson, Paul P.H. and Reveillere, Arnaud and Ahn, Tae Wook and Dunn, Kerry and Huff, Kathryn D. and Elmore, Royal A.}, month = sep, year = {2009}, keywords = {Geniusv2, Capacity, Discrete Facility/ Discrete Model (DF/DM), Mass Flow Data, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Systems Analysis Tool} }
- Huff, Kathryn D., Paul P.H. Wilson, and Kyle M. Oliver. 2009. “GENIUS Version 2: Modeling the Worldwide Nuclear Fuel Cycle (Poster).” In Proceedings of the EHub Conference. University of Wisconsin, Madison.
@inproceedings{huff_genius_2009, address = {University of Wisconsin, Madison}, title = {{GENIUS} {Version} 2: {Modeling} the {Worldwide} {Nuclear} {Fuel} {Cycle} (poster)}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {eHub} {Conference}}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D. and Wilson, Paul P.H. and Oliver, Kyle M.}, month = nov, year = {2009} }
- Elmore, R. A, K. M Oliver, P. P.H Wilson, Tae Wook Ahn, Kerry L. Dunn, and Kathryn D. Huff. 2009. “GENIUSv2 Recipe Approximation Methodology for Mixed-Oxide Fuel.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 101:241–42. Nuclear Fuel Cycle Codes and Applications. Washington D.C., United States.
The Simulation Institute for Nuclear Enterprise Modeling and Analysis (SINEMA) developed the GENIUS (Global Evaluation of Nuclear Infrastructure Utilization Scenarios) project as the umbrella nuclear fuel cycle simulation package 1 . GENIUSv2 is the next iteration and is an object-oriented C++ program using Python pre- and post-processing wrappers. As a package, GENIUSv2 supports dynamic modeling of regional and institutional interactions of nuclear fuel cycle facilities, using a discrete material/discrete facility paradigm. The engineering calculations and analysis needed for each different facility and process are handled by separate modules within GENIUSv2. Results from the GENIUSv2 separations module are presented that detail the robust approximation methodology for creating mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel recipes from available separated material.
@inproceedings{elmore_geniusv2_2009, address = {Washington D.C., United States}, series = {Nuclear {Fuel} {Cycle} {Codes} and {Applications}}, title = {{GENIUSv2} {Recipe} {Approximation} {Methodology} for {Mixed}-{Oxide} {Fuel}}, volume = {101}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, author = {Elmore, R. A and Oliver, K. M and Wilson, P. P.H and Ahn, Tae Wook and Dunn, Kerry L. and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = nov, year = {2009}, keywords = {C++, Code, GENIUS (Global Evaluation of Nuclear Infrastrucutre Utilization Scenarios), Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities, Mixed-Oxide Fuel (MOX), Simulation Institute for Nuclear Enterprise Modeling and Analysis (SINEMA)}, pages = {241--242} }
- Huff, Kathryn D., K. M Oliver, P. P.H Wilson, Tae W. Ahn, K. Dunn, and R. Elmore. 2009. “GENIUSv2 Discrete Facilities/Materials Modeling of International Fuel Cycle Robustness.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 101:239–40. Nuclear Fuel Cycle Codes and Applications. Washington D.C., United States: American Nuclear Society.
The GENIUS project (Global Evaluation of Nuclear Infrastructure Utilization Scenarios) was conceived as the top-level nuclear enterprise simulation tool in the Simulation Institute for Nuclear Enterprise Modeling and Analysis (SINEMA) framework 1 . The current version, GENIUSv2, is an object-oriented C++ application with Python-based pre- and post-processing. The GENIUSv2 fuel cycle tool proposes to inform nuclear fuel cycle technology and policy by providing a richly detailed, modular platform capable of dynamically modeling inter-regional and inter-institutional relationships and incorporating user-defined, facility specific technologies. Here we present results from the GENIUSv2 testing suite demonstrating the detailed, robust and modular nature of its modeling capability and computational methodology.
@inproceedings{huff_geniusv2_2009, address = {Washington D.C., United States}, series = {Nuclear {Fuel} {Cycle} {Codes} and {Applications}}, title = {{GENIUSv2} {Discrete} {Facilities}/{Materials} {Modeling} of {International} {Fuel} {Cycle} {Robustness}}, volume = {101}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D. and Oliver, K. M and Wilson, P. P.H and Ahn, Tae W. and Dunn, K. and Elmore, R.}, month = nov, year = {2009}, keywords = {Fuel cycle, Simulation, Technology, C++, Code, Geniusv2, Global Evaluation of Nuclear Infrastructure Utilization Scenarios (GENIUS)}, pages = {239--240} }
- Mujica, Nicolas, Marcel Clerc, Patricio Cordero, Jocelyn Dunstan, Kathryn D. Huff, Loreto Oyarte, Rodrigo Soto, German Varas, and Dino Risso. 2008. “Solid-Liquid-like Transition in Vibrated Granular Monolayers.” In APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts.
The theory of non-ideal gases in thermodynamic equilibrium, for instance the van der Waals gas model, has played a central role in the understanding of coexisting phases. Here, we report a combined experimental, numerical and theoretical study of a liquid-solid-like phase transition which takes place in a vertically vibrated fluidized granular monolayer. The first experimental setup is a long, narrow channel, with a width of the order of a few particle diameters, hence the dynamics is quasi-one-dimensional. We have considered this configuration to characterize the dynamic behavior of the phase transition. The second setup is used to measure the pressure as function of particle density in order to clarify the physical mechanism behind this phase transition. We demonstrate that the transition is mediated by waves and that it is triggered by a negative compressibility as in van der Waals phase coexistence, although the system does not satisfy the hypotheses used to understand atomic systems. Finally, in order to further characterize this phase transition, we study static and dynamic correlation functions, and bond-orientational order parameters.
@inproceedings{mujica_solid-liquid-like_2008, title = {Solid-liquid-like transition in vibrated granular monolayers}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2014-10-10}, booktitle = {{APS} {Division} of {Fluid} {Dynamics} {Meeting} {Abstracts}}, author = {Mujica, Nicolas and Clerc, Marcel and Cordero, Patricio and Dunstan, Jocelyn and Huff, Kathryn D. and Oyarte, Loreto and Soto, Rodrigo and Varas, German and Risso, Dino}, month = nov, year = {2008}, keywords = {KHuff} }
- Rochman, D., R. C. Haight, S. A. Wender, J. M. O’Donnell, A. Michaudon, Kathryn D. Huff, D. J. Vieira, et al. 2005. “First Measurements with a Lead Slowing-Down Spectrometer at LANSCE.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, 769:736–39.
The characteristics of a Lead Slowing-Down Spectrometer (LSDS) installed at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) are presented in this paper. This instrument is designed to study neutron-induced fission on ultra small quantities of actinides, on the order of tens of nanograms or less. The measurements of the energy-time relation, energy resolution and neutron flux are compared to simulations performed with MCNPX. Results on neutron-induced fission of 235U and 239Pu with tens of micrograms and tens of nanograms, respectively, are presented. Finally, a digital filter designed to improve the detection of fission events at short time after the proton pulses is described.
@inproceedings{rochman_first_2005, title = {First {Measurements} with a {Lead} {Slowing}-{Down} {Spectrometer} at {LANSCE}}, volume = {769}, isbn = {0094-243X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1063/1.1945112}, urldate = {2014-10-10}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {International} {Conference} on {Nuclear} {Data} for {Science} and {Technology}}, author = {Rochman, D. and Haight, R. C. and Wender, S. A. and O'Donnell, J. M. and Michaudon, A. and Huff, Kathryn D. and Vieira, D. J. and Bond, E. and Rundberg, R. S. and Kronenberg, A. and Wilhelmy, J. and Bredeweg, T. A. and Schwantes, J. and Ethvignot, T. and Granier, T. and Petit, M. and Danon, Y.}, month = may, year = {2005}, keywords = {=A, 220{\textless}, Neutron-induced fission, Nucleon-induced reactions, Spectrometers and spectroscopic techniques}, pages = {736--739} }
In The News
- Shaw, Alfie. 2024. “US Ready to Replace Russian Uranium Imports, Official Says.” Power Technology.
Domestic capacity will be constructed and alternative supplies derived from allies.
@misc{shaw_us_2024, title = {{US} ready to replace {Russian} uranium imports, official says}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Power Technology}, author = {Shaw, Alfie}, month = may, year = {2024}, note = {media} }
- Huff, Kathryn. 2024. “Farewell Interview: Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Katy Huff.”
Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Dr. Kathryn Huff reflects on her time at the U.S. Department of Energy.
@misc{huff_farewell_2024, title = {Farewell {Interview}: {Assistant} {Secretary} for {Nuclear} {Energy} {Katy} {Huff}}, shorttitle = {Farewell {Interview}}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, author = {Huff, Kathryn}, month = may, year = {2024}, note = {media} }
- Portuondo, Nico. 2024. “Top DOE Nuclear Energy Official Heads for the Exit.” E&E News by POLITICO, April.
Kathryn Huff plans to leave in May after years of leading the federal government’s work on advanced reactors and nuclear waste.
@article{portuondo_top_2024, title = {Top {DOE} nuclear energy official heads for the exit}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {E\&E News by POLITICO}, author = {Portuondo, Nico}, month = apr, year = {2024}, note = {media} }
- Wolfe, Sean. 2024. “Top U.S. Nuclear Energy Official to Step Down.” Online Magazine. Power Engineering.
Huff began working for the DOE in 2021 as the principal deputy assistant secretary for Nuclear Energy, before performing her current role for one year.
@misc{wolfe_top_2024, type = {Online {Magazine}}, title = {Top {U}.{S}. nuclear energy official to step down}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Power Engineering}, author = {Wolfe, Sean}, month = apr, year = {2024}, note = {media} }
- Leone, Dan. 2024. “Huff to Leave Department of Energy May 3.” ExchangeMonitor: RadWaste Monitor 17 (16).
Kathryn Huff will leave the Department of Energy on May 3, only days before what would have concluded her third year at the top of the Office of Nuclear
@article{leone_huff_2024, title = {Huff to leave {Department} of {Energy} {May} 3}, volume = {17}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, number = {16}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {ExchangeMonitor: RadWaste Monitor}, author = {Leone, Dan}, month = apr, year = {2024}, note = {media} }
- Smith, Steph. 2024. “A Nuclear Comeback: Are New Reactors the Answer?” A16z. Washington D.C.: Andreesen Horowitz.
Nuclear energy accounts for 20% of the electricity in the United States, but remarkably, 2023 marked the commissioning of the U.S.’s first new nuclear reactor in over three decades. The past few years have been a story of changing public opinion, but equally, innovative startups crafting groundbreaking reactor designs and an ambitious announcement by the...
@misc{smith_nuclear_2024, address = {Washington D.C.}, title = {A {Nuclear} {Comeback}: {Are} {New} {Reactors} the {Answer}?}, shorttitle = {A {Nuclear} {Comeback}}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {A16z}, publisher = {Andreesen Horowitz}, author = {Smith, Steph}, collaborator = {Huff, Kathryn and Ulevitch, David and Bernauer, Doug}, month = mar, year = {2024}, note = {media} }
- Vakarelska, Rumyana. 2024. “US / Officials Say Government Needs To Take Heat Off First-Of-Kind SMR.” The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency.
We need first project to succeed, says DOE assistant secretary
@misc{vakarelska_us_2024, title = {{US} / {Officials} {Say} {Government} {Needs} {To} {Take} {Heat} {Off} {First}-{Of}-{Kind} {SMR}}, url = {}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency}, author = {Vakarelska, Rumyana}, month = feb, year = {2024}, note = {media} }
- TASS. 2024. “Russia Bans Entry to 227 US Citizens Involved in Washington’s Russophobic Agenda — MFA.” Russian News Agency. TASS.
The ministry specified that the entry ban applies to specific individuals in the executive branch, the business community, the media and academic circles, "who are regularly involved in hostile attacks or the spread of fabrications and outright slander about Russia’s foreign and domestic policies"
@misc{tass_russia_2024, type = {Russian {News} {Agency}}, title = {Russia bans entry to 227 {US} citizens involved in {Washington}'s {Russophobic} agenda — {MFA}}, url = {}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {TASS}, author = {{TASS}}, month = mar, year = {2024}, note = {media} }
- Abrams, Michael. 2024. “Does the S Still Stand for Small?” Mechanical Engineering 146 (1): 30–35.
Small modular reactors (SMRs), designed to be faster to build and easier to site, have long been touted as a replacement for conventional reactors. SMRs—the International Atomic Energy Agency classifies the technology as reactors generating less than 300 MW of electricity—are conceived as a means to make nuclear power simpler and less challenging to add to the grid. But questions remain as to just what size is optimal for SMRs.
@article{abrams_does_2024, title = {Does the {S} {Still} {Stand} for {Small}?}, volume = {146}, issn = {0025-6501}, url = {}, doi = {10.1115/1.2024-Jan4}, number = {1}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Mechanical Engineering}, author = {Abrams, Michael}, month = jan, year = {2024}, note = {media}, pages = {30--35} }
- Moore, Daniel. 2024. “Biden Official Presses Congress for Uranium Enrichment Funding.” Bloomberg Law Environment and Energy (January).
@article{moore_biden_2024, title = {Biden {Official} {Presses} {Congress} for {Uranium} {Enrichment} {Funding}}, volume = {Environment and Energy}, url = {}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Bloomberg Law}, author = {Moore, Daniel}, month = jan, year = {2024}, note = {media} }
- Brown, Alex. 2024. “Federal Money Could Supercharge State Efforts to Preserve Nuclear Power.” Stateline Energy and Environment.
A $1.5 billion federal loan could enable a privately owned Michigan nuclear plant to be the first to restart operations after shutting down.
@misc{brown_federal_2024, title = {Federal money could supercharge state efforts to preserve nuclear power}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Stateline Energy and Environment}, author = {Brown, Alex}, month = feb, year = {2024}, note = {media} }
- Nelson, Rett. 2023. “DOE Looking to Lease INL Land to Private Developers for Clean Energy Projects.” East Idaho News, October.
The U.S. Department of Energy is looking for companies to lease land at the Idaho National Laboratory for the development of clean energy.
@article{nelson_doe_2023, address = {Idaho Falls, ID}, title = {{DOE} looking to lease {INL} land to private developers for clean energy projects}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {East Idaho News}, author = {Nelson, Rett}, month = oct, year = {2023}, note = {media} }
- Dalton, David. 2023. “Cop28 / Sapporo 5 Leaders Announce $4.2 Billion Investment In Uranium Market ‘Free From Russian Influence.’” The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency.
Move follows pledge by 22 nations to triple nuclear energy capacity by 2050
@misc{dalton_cop28_2023, title = {Cop28 / {Sapporo} 5 {Leaders} {Announce} \$4.2 {Billion} {Investment} {In} {Uranium} {Market} ‘{Free} {From} {Russian} {Influence}’}, url = {}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency}, author = {Dalton, David}, month = dec, year = {2023}, note = {media} }
- Tinker, Scott. 2023. “Energy Switch \Textbar Nuclear Waste \Textbar Season 3 \Textbar Episode 1 \Textbar PBS.” Energy Switch. Austin, TX, United States: PBS.
What should we do about nuclear waste? Experts explore possible solutions.
@misc{tinker_energy_2023, address = {Austin, TX, United States}, title = {Energy {Switch} {\textbar} {Nuclear} {Waste} {\textbar} {Season} 3 {\textbar} {Episode} 1 {\textbar} {PBS}}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Energy Switch}, publisher = {PBS}, author = {Tinker, Scott}, month = oct, year = {2023}, note = {media} }
- Gearino, Dan. 2023. “Meet the Millennial Scientist Leading the Biden Administration’s Push for a Nuclear Power Revival.” Inside Climate News Inside Clean Energy (February 2023).
Kathryn Huff grew up in Bellville, Texas, a city of about 4,200 residents in the rural area west of Houston, and discovered at a young age that she had an aptitude for math. She remembers the moment that she toured the Texas A&M University nuclear research reactor and saw Cherenkov radiation, which gives off a […] (Republished at Fast Company as "This 36-year-old scientist is leading the Biden administration’s push for nuclear power")
@article{gearino_meet_2023, title = {Meet the {Millennial} {Scientist} {Leading} the {Biden} {Administration}’s {Push} for a {Nuclear} {Power} {Revival}}, volume = {Inside Clean Energy}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, number = {February 2023}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Inside Climate News}, author = {Gearino, Dan}, month = feb, year = {2023}, note = {media} }
- OECD-NEA. 2023. “Focusing on the Clean Energy Transition through a Youth Lens at CEM14.” Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA).
The NEA participated in the 14th Clean Energy Ministerial in Goa, India.
@misc{oecd-nea_focusing_2023, title = {Focusing on the clean energy transition through a youth lens at {CEM14}}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)}, author = {{OECD-NEA}}, month = jul, year = {2023}, note = {media} }
- Honney, Tracey. 2023. “Finland and US Increase Nuclear Co-Operation.” Nuclear Engineering International.
Finland’s Ministry of Economic Affairs & Employment and the US Department of Energy (DOE) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on nuclear energy and nuclear waste management. “Its purpose is to intensify cooperation between administrations, companies and research institutes in Finland and the US concerning the peaceful use of nuclear power,” the Finnish Ministry said. The MOU was signed by the Ministry’s Director General, Riku Huttunen, and Dr Kathryn Huff, Assistant Secretary at the DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy.
@misc{honney_finland_2023, title = {Finland and {US} increase nuclear co-operation}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Nuclear Engineering International}, author = {Honney, Tracey}, month = may, year = {2023}, note = {media} }
- Hsu, Derek. 2023. “Uncommon Interview: Assistant Secretary for the Office of Nuclear Energy Dr. Kathryn Huff.” Chicago Maroon, October.
With Hollywood blockbuster Oppenheimer reigniting fascination in all-things-nuclear, The Maroon sat down with Assistant Secretary of the Office of Nuclear Energy Dr. Kathryn Huff (A.B. ’08) to speak about her background, what she hopes to accomplish during her tenure in the Biden administration, and how the University helped shape who she is today. Huff currently serves...
@article{hsu_uncommon_2023, address = {Chicago, IL}, chapter = {Uncommon Interview}, title = {Uncommon {Interview}: {Assistant} {Secretary} for the {Office} of {Nuclear} {Energy} {Dr}. {Kathryn} {Huff}}, shorttitle = {Uncommon {Interview}}, url = {}, language = {en, sv}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Chicago Maroon}, author = {Hsu, Derek}, month = oct, year = {2023}, note = {media} }
- Bulowski, Natasha. 2023. “Canada and U.S. Team up to Tackle Nuclear Waste.” Canada’s National Observer, May.
The organization responsible for managing Canada’s nuclear waste and the U.S. Department of Energy have pledged to work together on the long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel.
@article{bulowski_canada_2023, address = {Vancouver, British Columbia}, chapter = {News, Politics}, edition = {May 17, 2023}, title = {Canada and {U}.{S}. team up to tackle nuclear waste}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Canada's National Observer}, author = {Bulowski, Natasha}, month = may, year = {2023}, note = {media} }
- Khatib, Hadi. 2023. “US Department of Energy Representative Visits Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant.” News Website. Economy Middle East.
Dr. Kathryn Huff, Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy at the U.S. Department of Energy, visited the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant
@misc{khatib_us_2023, type = {News {Website}}, title = {{US} {Department} of {Energy} representative visits {Barakah} {Nuclear} {Energy} {Plant}}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Economy Middle East}, author = {Khatib, Hadi}, month = may, year = {2023}, note = {media} }
- Dabbs, Brian, Heather Richards, and Miranda Willson. 2023. “People to Watch at DOE, Interior, FERC.” E&E News by POLITICO EnergyWire, February.
These officials will play critical roles in determining the direction of clean energy deployment, oil and gas leasing and interstate transmission in 2023.
@article{dabbs_people_2023, title = {People to watch at {DOE}, {Interior}, {FERC}}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {E\&E News by POLITICO EnergyWire}, author = {Dabbs, Brian and Richards, Heather and Willson, Miranda}, month = feb, year = {2023}, note = {media} }
- OECD-NEA. 2023. “Nuclear Energy Agency Welcomes Assistant Secretary Huff’s Announcement on the United States’ Decision to Join the NEA Data Bank.” Government. Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA).
Nuclear Energy Agency Welcomes Assistant Secretary Huff’s Announcement on the United States’ Decision to Join the NEA Data Bank
@misc{oecd-nea_nuclear_2023, type = {Government}, title = {Nuclear {Energy} {Agency} welcomes {Assistant} {Secretary} {Huff}’s announcement on the {United} {States}’ decision to join the {NEA} {Data} {Bank}}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)}, author = {{OECD-NEA}}, month = aug, year = {2023}, note = {media} }
- Rivers, Brendan. 2023. “Another Delay at Plant Vogtle; New Jacksonville History Podcast; Jax PBS Kids Writers Contest.” WJCT News.
A nuclear power plant in Georgia delays expansion; “Bygone Jax: Our Unsung History,” a new podcast from WJCT Public Media; and the Jax PBS Kids Writers Contest.
@misc{rivers_another_2023, title = {Another delay at plant {Vogtle}; {New} {Jacksonville} history podcast; {Jax} {PBS} {Kids} {Writers} {Contest}}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-03-06}, journal = {WJCT News}, author = {Rivers, Brendan}, month = feb, year = {2023}, note = {media} }
- Drelich, Kimberly. 2022. “Federal Energy Officials Visit Waterford to Discuss Nuclear Storage Efforts.” The Day, December.
@article{drelich_federal_2022, address = {New London, CT}, title = {Federal energy officials visit {Waterford} to discuss nuclear storage efforts}, journal = {The Day}, author = {Drelich, Kimberly}, month = dec, year = {2022}, note = {media} }
- Mahoney, Edmund H. 2022. “U.S. Nuclear Chief Details Plans to Find Disposal Site for Spent CT Nuclear Waste.” Hartford Courant, December.
@article{mahoney_us_2022, address = {Hartford, CT}, chapter = {Connecticut News}, edition = {Daily e-Edition}, title = {U.{S}. nuclear chief details plans to find disposal site for spent {CT} nuclear waste}, url = {}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Hartford Courant}, author = {Mahoney, Edmund H.}, month = dec, year = {2022}, note = {media} }
- ExchangeMonitor. 2022. “Biden Admin Sends NE-1 Nom Huff to Senate.” News Blog. ExchangeMonitor Morning Briefing.
The White House on Monday officially nominated Kathryn Huff to lead the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy, sending her nomination to the
@misc{exchangemonitor_biden_2022, type = {News {Blog}}, title = {Biden admin sends {NE}-1 nom {Huff} to {Senate}}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {ExchangeMonitor Morning Briefing}, author = {{ExchangeMonitor}}, month = feb, year = {2022}, note = {media} }
- Leila Fadel. 2022. “What Role Does Nuclear Power Play in the U.S. Effort to Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions?” Morning Edition (NPR). NPR.
NPR’s Leila Fadel speaks with Kathryn Huff, an official at the Department of Energy, about the future of nuclear energy in the United States.
@misc{leila_fadel_what_2022, title = {What role does nuclear power play in the {U}.{S}. effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions?}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Morning Edition (NPR)}, publisher = {NPR}, author = {{Leila Fadel}}, month = nov, year = {2022}, note = {media} }
- Weiss, Benjamin. 2022. “‘An Arrow in Our Quiver:’ 15 Minutes with Dr. Kathryn Huff, Assistant Secretary of Energy for Nuclear Energy.” ExchangeMonitor: RadWaste Monitor 15 (22).
Assistant Secretary of Energy for Nuclear Energy Kathryn Huff is optimistic about her opportunity to contribute to the federal government’s 30-year quest
@article{weiss_arrow_2022, title = {‘{An} arrow in our quiver:’ 15 minutes with {Dr}. {Kathryn} {Huff}, {Assistant} {Secretary} of {Energy} for {Nuclear} {Energy}}, volume = {15}, shorttitle = {‘{An} arrow in our quiver}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, number = {22}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {ExchangeMonitor: RadWaste Monitor}, author = {Weiss, Benjamin}, collaborator = {Huff, Kathryn}, month = jun, year = {2022}, note = {media} }
- Rapier, Robert. 2022. “The World Won’t Get To Net Zero Emissions Without Nuclear Power.” Forbes Energy, August.
If the world is going to achieve net zero emissions, we are going to need nuclear power to help us get there.
@article{rapier_world_2022, title = {The {World} {Won}’t {Get} {To} {Net} {Zero} {Emissions} {Without} {Nuclear} {Power}}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Forbes Energy}, author = {Rapier, Robert}, month = aug, year = {2022}, note = {media} }
- ———. 2022. “Nuclear Waste And The Path Forward.” Forbes Energy, September.
If nuclear power is to expand in the U.S., the problem of nuclear waste has to be addressed. I discuss potential solutions here.
@article{rapier_nuclear_2022, title = {Nuclear {Waste} {And} {The} {Path} {Forward}}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Forbes Energy}, author = {Rapier, Robert}, month = sep, year = {2022}, note = {media} }
- ———. 2022. “Ensuring A Safe Future For Nuclear Power.” Forbes Section: Energy (September).
The world needs nuclear power, but can’t afford serious nuclear accidents. Here are some of the innovations ensuring those accidents don’t happen.
@article{rapier_ensuring_2022, title = {Ensuring {A} {Safe} {Future} {For} {Nuclear} {Power}}, volume = {Section: Energy}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Forbes}, author = {Rapier, Robert}, month = sep, year = {2022}, note = {media} }
- Delbert, Caroline. 2021. “Tiny Nuclear Reactors Can Save American Energy.” Popular Mechanics 2021 (January/February).
They pack 10 percent of the power of a full-size nuclear plant in just 1 percent of the space.
@article{delbert_tiny_2021, title = {Tiny {Nuclear} {Reactors} {Can} {Save} {American} {Energy}}, volume = {2021}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, number = {January/February}, urldate = {2021-01-04}, journal = {Popular Mechanics}, author = {Delbert, Caroline}, collaborator = {Huff, Kathryn}, month = jan, year = {2021}, note = {media} }
- Zackowski, Jason. 2021. “Season 3 Episode 29: Bad Bites, Cat Personalities and Amanda Bachmann on Nuclear Science - The Science Pawdcast.”
This week on The Science Pawdcast we chat about a new study which discovered why small biting insects can use tiny mandibles to do serious damage. In Pet Science we chat about a study that concluded some new information about Cat Personalities! ...
@misc{zackowski_season_2021, title = {Season 3 {Episode} 29: {Bad} {Bites}, {Cat} {Personalities} and {Amanda} {Bachmann} on {Nuclear} {Science} - {The} {Science} {Pawdcast}}, shorttitle = {Season 3 {Episode} 29}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2021-10-07}, author = {Zackowski, Jason}, month = sep, year = {2021}, note = {media} }
- Romania, U. S. Mission. 2021. “Acting Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Huff’s Trip to Romania.” Government. U.S. Embassy in Romania.
On July 30, 2021, Acting Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy at the U.S. Department of Energy, Dr. Kathryn Huff and Chargé d’affaires David Muniz
@misc{romania_acting_2021, type = {Government}, title = {Acting {Assistant} {Secretary} for {Nuclear} {Energy} {Huff}’s {Trip} to {Romania}}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {U.S. Embassy in Romania}, author = {Romania, U. S. Mission}, month = jul, year = {2021}, note = {media} }
- Curtis, Abigail. 2021. “Maine’s Nuclear Waste Could Find a Home If Communities Volunteer to Take It.” Bangor Daily News, November.
Although it’s the federal government’s obligation to create a permanent facility for waste disposal, nuclear facilities across the country have been left to find solutions for temporary storage.
@article{curtis_maines_2021, address = {Bangor, Maine}, title = {Maine's nuclear waste could find a home if communities volunteer to take it}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Bangor Daily News}, author = {Curtis, Abigail}, month = nov, year = {2021}, note = {media} }
- D’Alessio, Jeff. 2021. “Photo Gallery: 143 Masked Illini Past and Present (Part 6).” The News-Gazette, March, 120.
As part of our weekly Insider page, Editor Jeff D’Alessio asked 600-plus Illini of today and yesteryear to send us a selfie of their face covering of choice. Here’s Part
@article{dalessio_photo_2021, address = {Urbana, IL}, chapter = {Photo 120 of 143: Katy Huff, Assistant Professor, Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering}, edition = {Editor's Pick}, title = {Photo {Gallery}: 143 masked {Illini} past and present ({Part} 6)}, shorttitle = {Photo {Gallery}}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2021-03-11}, journal = {The News-Gazette}, author = {D'Alessio, Jeff}, collaborator = {Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = mar, year = {2021}, note = {media}, pages = {120} }
- Taylor, Julian V. 2021. “The Clean Factor: Part One of a Tomorrow’s World Today Four Part Exploration.” TOMORROW’S WORLD TODAY®. Science Channel.
In part one of this four-part exploration, George sends Greg to the field to discover how Nuclear Energy is helping us reach our goal of a zero-carbon footprint by 2050.
@misc{taylor_clean_2021, title = {The {Clean} {Factor}: {Part} {One} of a {Tomorrow}'s {World} {Today} {Four} {Part} {Exploration}}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {TOMORROW’S WORLD TODAY®}, publisher = {Science Channel}, author = {Taylor, Julian V.}, collaborator = {Davison, George and Costatino, Greg}, month = oct, year = {2021}, note = {media} }
- Forrest, Sharita. 2021. “U Of I Engineering Professor Appointed to US Department of Energy Leadership Role.” University. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign News Bureau.
Kathryn Huff has accepted an appointment as principal deputy assistant secretary for nuclear energy in the U.S. Office of Nuclear Energy. Huff is a professor of nuclear, plasma and radiological engineering in the Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
@misc{forrest_u_2021, type = {University}, title = {U of {I} engineering professor appointed to {US} {Department} of {Energy} leadership role}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign News Bureau}, author = {Forrest, Sharita}, month = may, year = {2021}, note = {media} }
- DOE. 2021. “Q&A: Acting Assistant Secretary Dr. Kathryn Huff Shares Her Vision for the Future of Nuclear Energy.” Government.
Dr. Kathryn Huff is the new Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary and Acting Assistant Secretary in the Office of Nuclear Energy shares her vision for nuclear energy.
@misc{doe_q_2021, type = {Government}, title = {Q\&{A}: {Acting} {Assistant} {Secretary} {Dr}. {Kathryn} {Huff} {Shares} {Her} {Vision} for the {Future} of {Nuclear} {Energy}}, shorttitle = {Q\&{A}}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {}, author = {{DOE}}, collaborator = {Huff, Kathryn}, month = jun, year = {2021}, note = {media} }
- Clay, Elizabeth. 2021. “Four-Part Nuclear Energy Showcase on Tomorrow’s World Today Begins Saturday, October 23.” News Blog. Newswire.
Tune in to Tomorrow’s World Today as we speak with top experts to explore the past, present, and future of nuclear energy.
@misc{clay_four-part_2021, type = {News {Blog}}, title = {Four-{Part} {Nuclear} {Energy} {Showcase} on {Tomorrow}'s {World} {Today} {Begins} {Saturday}, {October} 23}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-05-23}, journal = {Newswire}, author = {Clay, Elizabeth}, month = oct, year = {2021}, note = {media} }
- Argonne Internal Channel. 2021. “Argonne 75th Anniversary Congratulatory Message from Kathryn Huff, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy, U.S. Department of Energy.” Congratulatory video.,
@misc{argonne_internal_channel_argonne_2021, type = {Congratulatory video}, title = {Argonne 75th {Anniversary} {Congratulatory} {Message} from {Kathryn} {Huff}, {Principal} {Deputy} {Assistant} {Secretary} for {Nuclear} {Energy}, {U}.{S}. {Department} of {Energy}}, url = {,}, urldate = {2021-10-20}, author = {{Argonne Internal Channel}}, month = jun, year = {2021}, note = {media} }
- Staff, News 12. 2021. “Science Community Comes to Defense of Student Who Brought Uranium Plate to School.” News 12 - New Jersey.
The science community is coming to the defense of a student who caused school to be evacuated after bringing a plate made with depleted uranium to school.
@misc{news_12_staff_science_2021, title = {Science community comes to defense of student who brought uranium plate to school}, url = {}, urldate = {2023-03-06}, journal = {News 12 - New Jersey}, author = {Staff, News 12}, month = jan, year = {2021}, note = {media} }
- La Follette School of Public Affairs. 2021. “Insightful Discussions Abound at Climate Policy Forum.” University News. La Follette School of Public Affairs.
Nearly 300 policymakers, practitioners, community leaders, and researchers attended the second annual La Follette Forum on October 6 in Madison.
@misc{la_follette_school_of_public_affairs_insightful_2021, type = {University {News}}, title = {Insightful discussions abound at {Climate} {Policy} {Forum}}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-05-29}, journal = {La Follette School of Public Affairs}, author = {{La Follette School of Public Affairs}}, month = oct, year = {2021}, note = {media} }
- Boyle, David. 2021. “Energy Fuels Has Big Plans for White Mesa Mill.” San Juan Record, September.
Energy Fuels Inc. announced the creation of a new foundation, along with highlighting new strategies for their company moving forward, at a two-day open house last week.
@article{boyle_energy_2021, address = {Monticello, UT}, chapter = {News}, edition = {September 21, 2021}, title = {Energy {Fuels} has big plans for {White} {Mesa} {Mill}}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-05-29}, journal = {San Juan Record}, author = {Boyle, David}, month = sep, year = {2021}, note = {media} }
- Huff, Kathryn D. 2021. “Demonstration AND Test Reactors: Both Are Necessary for Innovation.” U.S. Department of Energy Press Release.
DOE’s Dr. Kathryn Huff breaks down the importance of demonstrating new reactor technologies and expanding the Department’s R&D infrastructure.
@misc{huff_demonstration_2021, type = {U.{S}. {Department} of {Energy} {Press} {Release}}, title = {Demonstration {AND} {Test} {Reactors}: {Both} {Are} {Necessary} for {Innovation}}, shorttitle = {Demonstration {AND} {Test} {Reactors}}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-05-29}, journal = {}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = jul, year = {2021}, note = {media} }
- Bushak, Lecia. 2020. “University Of Illinois Proposes Micronuclear Reactor To Cut Carbon Emissions -.”
URBANA — University of Illinois researchers have proposed investing in a micronuclear reactor to help fight carbon emissions—and reach a goal of making the Urbana-Champaign campus carbon neutral by 2050. The proposed micronuclear reactor would contribute about 13% of campus energy and help reduce the university’s carbon footprint. The proposal is being submitted to the […]
@misc{bushak_university_2020, title = {University {Of} {Illinois} {Proposes} {Micronuclear} {Reactor} {To} {Cut} {Carbon} {Emissions} -}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2020-10-12}, author = {Bushak, Lecia}, month = sep, year = {2020}, note = {media} }
- ANS. 2020. “A Day in the Life of the Nuclear Community.” Nuclear News 63 (12): 23–37.
This issue of Nuclear News is focused on the individuals who make up our nuclear community. We invited a small group of those individuals to tell us about their day-to-day work in some of the many occupations and applications of nuclear science and technology, and they responded generously. They were ready to tell us about the part they play, togeth- er with colleagues and team members, in supplying clean energy, advancing technology, protecting safety and health, and exploring fundamental science. In these pages, we see a community that can cele- brate both those workdays that record progress mov- ing at a steady pace and the exceptional days when a goal is reached, a briefing is delivered, a contract goes through, a discovery is made, or an unforeseen chal- lenge is overcome. The Nuclear News staff hopes that you enjoy meet- ing these members of our community—or maybe get reacquainted with friends—through their words and photos.
@article{ans_day_2020, title = {A {Day} in the {Life} of the {Nuclear} {Community}}, volume = {63}, issn = {0029-5574}, shorttitle = {The {People} of {Nuclear}}, url = {}, language = {english}, number = {12}, urldate = {2020-11-06}, journal = {Nuclear News}, author = {{ANS}}, collaborator = {Huff, Kathryn}, month = nov, year = {2020}, note = {media}, pages = {23--37} }
- White, Elecia, and Christopher White. 2020. “331: Friendly Tea Kettle.” Embedded Podcast.
Dr. Katy Huff (@katyhuff) spoke with us about nuclear engineering, effective software development, and the apropos command. Katy wrote an O’Reilly book describing Python software development to scientists: Effective Computation in Physics: Field Guide to Research with Python . She has been invol
@misc{white_331_2020, address = {}, title = {331: {Friendly} {Tea} {Kettle}}, copyright = {License: CC-A-NC-ND}, shorttitle = {331}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2020-05-22}, journal = {Embedded Podcast}, publisher = {}, author = {White, Elecia and White, Christopher}, collaborator = {Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = may, year = {2020}, note = {media} }
- Robinson, Heather. 2020. “University Awaits Approval for on-Campus Micro-Nuclear Reactor.” The Daily Illini - The Independent Student Newspaper at the University of Illinois, September.
The University may soon be home to a new micro-nuclear reactor, which would provide campus with clean energy, as well as opportunities in research and education on campus. The project is pending approval and funding by the U.S. Department of Energy. If awarded, work will begin in 2021, with projected completion by 2026. The DOE...
@article{robinson_university_2020, address = {Urbana, IL}, chapter = {Around Campus}, edition = {September 14, 2020}, title = {University awaits approval for on-campus micro-nuclear reactor}, url = {}, language = {en, sv}, urldate = {2020-11-06}, journal = {The Daily Illini - The Independent Student Newspaper at the University of Illinois}, author = {Robinson, Heather}, collaborator = {Huff, Kathryn}, month = sep, year = {2020}, note = {media} }
- Adams, Rod. 2020. “Atomic Show #285 - MMR at Illinois - Atomic Insights.” Section: Advanced Atomic Technologies.
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has a stretch goal of completing its next research and test reactor by the end of 2025. It has assembled a team
@misc{adams_atomic_2020, address = {}, title = {Atomic {Show} \#285 - {MMR} at {Illinois} - {Atomic} {Insights}}, shorttitle = {{MMR} {At} {Illinois}}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, journal = {Section: Advanced Atomic Technologies}, author = {Adams, Rod}, collaborator = {Brooks, Caleb S. and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = nov, year = {2020}, note = {media} }
- Letzter, Rafi. 2019. “When Chernobyl Blew, They Dumped Boron and Sand into the Breach. What Would We Do Today?” Live Science, May.
In 1986, the Soviets dumped sand and boron from helicopters onto the exposed Chernobyl uranium core. How would we handle it today?
@article{letzter_when_2019, chapter = {Planet Earth}, title = {When {Chernobyl} {Blew}, {They} {Dumped} {Boron} and {Sand} into the {Breach}. {What} {Would} {We} {Do} {Today}?}, url = {}, urldate = {2019-05-22}, journal = {Live Science}, author = {Letzter, Rafi}, month = may, year = {2019}, note = {media} }
- Anghel, Diana. 2019. “Krannert Exhibit Raises Awareness of Nuclear Industry.” The Daily Illini - The Independent Student Newspaper at the University of Illinois, October.
The Krannert Art Museum opened the “Hot Spots: Radioactivity and the Landscape” exhibit on Thursday, taking on the role of bringing attention to the damage done by the nuclear industry on indigenous lands and posing questions of long-term plans for the future. First seen at the University at Buffalo, the exhibit was created for the...
@article{anghel_krannert_2019, address = {Urbana, IL}, chapter = {Around Campus}, title = {Krannert exhibit raises awareness of nuclear industry}, url = {}, language = {en, sv}, urldate = {2019-10-25}, journal = {The Daily Illini - The Independent Student Newspaper at the University of Illinois}, author = {Anghel, Diana}, collaborator = {Huff, Kathryn}, month = oct, year = {2019}, note = {media} }
- Kugelmass, Bret. 2019. “Katy Huff, University of Illinois on Apple Podcasts.” Titans Of Nuclear \Textbar Interviewing World Experts on Nuclear Energy. Urbana, IL: Apple Podcasts.
Show Titans Of Nuclear \textbar Interviewing World Experts on Nuclear Energy, Ep Ep. 145 - Katy Huff, University of Illinois - Apr 10, 2019
@misc{kugelmass_katy_2019, address = {Urbana, IL}, title = {Katy {Huff}, {University} of {Illinois} on {Apple} {Podcasts}}, shorttitle = {{Titans} {Of} {Nuclear} {\textbar} {Interviewing} {World} {Experts} on {Nuclear} {Energy}}, url = {}, language = {en-us}, urldate = {2019-04-12}, journal = {Titans Of Nuclear {\textbar} Interviewing World Experts on Nuclear Energy}, publisher = {Apple Podcasts}, author = {Kugelmass, Bret}, collaborator = {Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = apr, year = {2019}, note = {media} }
- Hu, Jane C. 2019. “Someday the U.S. Will Have to Actually Deal With Its Nuclear Waste Problem.” Slate Magazine Technology (June).
The lack of solution is not from lack of discussion. There have been all sorts of wacky ideas floated about where to store nuclear waste.
@article{hu_someday_2019, title = {Someday the {U}.{S}. {Will} {Have} to {Actually} {Deal} {With} {Its} {Nuclear} {Waste} {Problem}}, volume = {Technology}, shorttitle = {Someday the {U}.{S}. {Will} {Have} to {Actually} {Deal} {With} {Its} {Nuclear} {Waste} {Problem}. {The} {Department} of {Energy} has made a move in that direction.}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2019-06-09}, journal = {Slate Magazine}, author = {Hu, Jane C.}, month = jun, year = {2019}, note = {media} }
- Mumm, Susan. 2018. “NPRE Researchers to Investigate Load-Following Capabilities for Molten Salt Reactors \Textbar NPRE Illinois.” University. Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering News.
A team of researchers from Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are examining ways to enable this load-following capability. The scientists are conducting simulations to determine how to remove unwanted fission by-products that slow reaction rates and, thus, energy production.
@misc{mumm_npre_2018, type = {University}, title = {{NPRE} researchers to investigate load-following capabilities for molten salt reactors {\textbar} {NPRE} {Illinois}}, url = {}, urldate = {2018-10-30}, journal = {Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering News}, author = {Mumm, Susan}, month = jun, year = {2018}, note = {media} }
- Timmins, Mary. 2018. “Power Source: Nuclear Engineer Katy Huff on Teaching with IPython, Reactor Theory and the Future of Energy.” University of Illinois Alumni Magazine [InClass] Engineering (Summer 2018): 13.
Nuclear engineer Katy Huff on teaching with IPython, reactor theory and the future of energy.
@article{timmins_power_2018, title = {Power {Source}: {Nuclear} engineer {Katy} {Huff} on teaching with {IPython}, reactor theory and the future of energy}, volume = {[InClass] Engineering}, shorttitle = {Power {Source}}, url = {}, language = {Engilish}, number = {Summer 2018}, journal = {University of Illinois Alumni Magazine}, author = {Timmins, Mary}, collaborator = {Huff, Kathryn}, month = aug, year = {2018}, note = {media}, pages = {13} }
- Huff, Kathryn. 2018. “Creating a Carbon Free Future, Alumni Spotlight: Kathryn Huff, Ph.D.”
@misc{huff_creating_2018, title = {Creating a {Carbon} {Free} {Future}, {Alumni} {Spotlight}: {Kathryn} {Huff}, {Ph}.{D}.}, shorttitle = {Alumni {Spotlight}: {Kathryn} {Huff}, {Ph}.{D}.}, url = {}, language = {English}, urldate = {2018-09-04}, author = {Huff, Kathryn}, collaborator = {Holland, Miranda}, month = aug, year = {2018}, note = {media} }
- Hawksworth, Scott. 2018. “Nuclear Engineering Programs with Dr. Kathryn Huff.” Yes College Podcast. Chicago, IL, United States:
On this week’s show, we dive into the sciences and explore the exciting field of nuclear engineering! Scott was joined by Dr. Kathryn Huff, Assistant Professor in the Department of Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering and a Blue Waters Assistant Professor with the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. …
@misc{hawksworth_nuclear_2018, address = {Chicago, IL, United States}, title = {Nuclear {Engineering} {Programs} with {Dr}. {Kathryn} {Huff}}, copyright = {YesCollege}, shorttitle = {Ep 17}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2018-07-06}, journal = {Yes College Podcast}, publisher = {}, author = {Hawksworth, Scott}, collaborator = {Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = feb, year = {2018}, note = {media} }
- Silver, Andrew. 2018. “Microsoft’s Purchase of GitHub Leaves Some Scientists Uneasy.” Nature, In Focus, 558 (June): 353. 10.1038/d41586-018-05426-0.
They fear the data-sharing website will become less open, but other researchers say the buyout could make GitHub more useful.
@article{silver_microsofts_2018, series = {In {Focus}}, title = {Microsoft’s purchase of {GitHub} leaves some scientists uneasy}, volume = {558}, copyright = {2018 Nature}, shorttitle = {They fear the online platform will become less open, but other researchers say the buyout could make {GitHub} more useful.}, url = {}, doi = {doi: 10.1038/d41586-018-05426-0}, language = {EN}, urldate = {2018-07-06}, journal = {Nature}, author = {Silver, Andrew}, month = jun, year = {2018}, note = {media}, pages = {353} }
- Larsen, Holly. 2018. “California Faculty Field Day.” Sandia National Laboratory LabNews, July, 8.
@article{larsen_california_2018, title = {California {Faculty} {Field} {Day}}, url = {}, language = {en}, journal = {Sandia National Laboratory LabNews}, author = {Larsen, Holly}, month = jul, year = {2018}, note = {media}, pages = {8} }
- Mumm, Susan. 2018. “Professor Kathryn Huff on the Possibilities in NPRE.” Urbana, IL: Illinois Engineering.
Assistant Professor in Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering talks about students in NPRE and the opportunities that the major has to offer.
@misc{mumm_professor_2018, address = {Urbana, IL}, title = {Professor {Kathryn} {Huff} on the {Possibilities} in {NPRE}}, url = {}, urldate = {2018-07-06}, publisher = {Illinois Engineering}, author = {Mumm, Susan}, collaborator = {{Illinois Engineering} and Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = mar, year = {2018}, note = {media} }
- Bowne-Anderson, Hugo. 2018. “Data Science, Nuclear Engineering and the Open Source (with Katy Huff).” Data Framed. New York, NY, USA: Data Camp.
Nuclear engineering, data science and open source software development: where do these all intersect? To find out, join Hugo and Katy Huff, Assistant Professor in the Department of Nuclear, Plasma, an
@misc{bowne-anderson_data_2018, address = {New York, NY, USA}, title = {Data {Science}, {Nuclear} {Engineering} and the {Open} {Source} (with {Katy} {Huff})}, copyright = {DataCamp}, shorttitle = {Data science, nuclear engineering, the importance of interdisciplinary data science and the open source.}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2018-07-06}, journal = {Data Framed}, publisher = {Data Camp}, author = {Bowne-Anderson, Hugo}, collaborator = {Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = mar, year = {2018}, note = {media} }
- Schuler, Kaitlin. 2017. “ANS Annual Meeting: Education, Training, and Workforce Development: Transitioning to the Workforce.” Nuclear News 60 (9): 127–28.
ANS’s Young Members Group sponsored a session at which attendees had the opportunity to learn from the experiences of a panel of young professionals.
@article{schuler_ans_2017, title = {{ANS} {Annual} {Meeting}: {Education}, {Training}, and {Workforce} {Development}: {Transitioning} to the workforce}, volume = {60}, issn = {0029-5574)}, shorttitle = {Transitioning to the {Workforce}}, url = {}, language = {english}, number = {9}, urldate = {2020-11-06}, journal = {Nuclear News}, author = {Schuler, Kaitlin}, month = aug, year = {2017}, note = {media}, pages = {127--128} }
- Perkel, Jeffrey. 2016. “Democratic Databases: Science on GitHub.” Nature News, Toolbox, 538 (7623): 127.
Scientists are turning to a software–development site to share data and code.
@article{perkel_democratic_2016, series = {Toolbox}, title = {Democratic databases: science on {GitHub}}, volume = {538}, issn = {0028-0836}, shorttitle = {Democratic databases}, url = {}, doi = {10.1038/538127a}, language = {en}, number = {7623}, urldate = {2018-07-06}, journal = {Nature News}, author = {Perkel, Jeffrey}, month = oct, year = {2016}, note = {media}, pages = {127} }
- Bohannon, John. 2016. “Female Engineers Publish in Better Journals, but Receive Fewer Citations.” Science \Textbar AAAS Scientific Community (doi:10.1126/science.aae0191).
An analysis of co-authors on engineering papers finds that these differences are tiny
@article{bohannon_female_2016, title = {Female engineers publish in better journals, but receive fewer citations}, volume = {Scientific Community}, url = {}, language = {en}, number = {doi:10.1126/science.aae0191}, urldate = {2020-11-06}, journal = {Science {\textbar} AAAS}, author = {Bohannon, John}, month = jan, year = {2016}, note = {media} }
- Lowery, Jack. 2015. “Women in Data Science: Kathryn Huff.” NYU Center for Data Science.
As part of the Moore-Sloan Data Science Initiative’s ongoing commitment to promoting diversity, we are highlighting the work of 5 exceptional women in the field of data science. The first profile in our series is on Katy Huff, a Berkeley Institute for Data Science, Moore/Sloan fellow. Nuclear power is a highly controversial topic within the …
@misc{lowery_women_2015, title = {Women in {Data} {Science}: {Kathryn} {Huff}}, shorttitle = {Women in {Data} {Science}}, url = {}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2018-07-25}, journal = {NYU Center for Data Science}, author = {Lowery, Jack}, month = sep, year = {2015}, note = {media} }
- Tippmann, Sylvia. 2014. “My Digital Toolbox: Nuclear Engineer Katy Huff on Version-Control Systems.” Nature News, Toolbox: Q&A, , September.
Git and GitHub are the ’laboratory notebook of scientific computing’.
@article{tippmann_my_2014, series = {Toolbox: {Q}\&{A}}, title = {My digital toolbox: {Nuclear} engineer {Katy} {Huff} on version-control systems}, issn = {0028-0836}, shorttitle = {My digital toolbox}, url = {}, doi = {10.1038/nature.2014.16014}, language = {en}, urldate = {2018-07-06}, journal = {Nature News}, author = {Tippmann, Sylvia}, month = sep, year = {2014}, note = {media} }